Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sadam Hussein is dead. That isn;t news, I'm guessing most people know about that by now. What I find interesting is the MSMs coverage. Tehy talked about all the people who were celebrating his death, but the only ones they showed on CNN were here in the states. in Iraq, all they showed was the people who were angery about his death.

MSN wasn't too much better, posting pretty much the same thing as CNN said. They did talk to one of the soldiers based in Iraq, but all he said (or at least all they posted) was he wondered what story the government would come up with to keep tropps there now that Sadam is dead.

Even during the CNN report, they couldn't help questioning the war while talking top one of the people celebrating here in the states.

Seems like the MSM will take any oppertunity to tear apart the war.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Killing another human for revenge is wrong. This war is wrong. Shame on you Ryan.

1:48 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

Yeah. Beacuse I was praising them for exacuting Sadam. Shame on me.

I know it is hard to tell some times in text, but I was being sarcastic.

I personaly think that he should have been allowed to stand trial before any sentance was carried out.

More importantly read the post pall. I wasn't talking about his exacution. I was talking about the MSM's coverage of it.

If you can't comment on the subject of the post, either post it as off topic or don't post a comment at all.

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He did stand trial pal! And killing him will create more violence between the Sunnis and Shites which it has all ready and my boys will stuck in the middle. What the hell is MSM?

3:26 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

MSM is Main Stream Media. It's an abreviation I've seen used exstensivly on other blogs, as I've used it in the past as well.

As far as Sadam's trial, he was in the misddle of another one when they exacuted him, and there may have been other ones. Would he still have been exacuted in the end? maybe, but I still think he should have been allowed to stand trial for all charges.

As for the possibility of more violance, that is possible, but at the same time it is possible that his death will lead to a decrease in violance. Maybe in the first few weeks or so it will be worse, but there is the possibiblity that with him gone, it will get better over there.

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you not watched the news? They excuted him during Raj and holy week for muslims. Check out for the latest.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On NBC, reporter Richard Engle, who is actually in Iraq, provided a reality check. Engle noted that supporters of Hussein “are not the overwhelming majority of people in this country carrying out attacks against american soldiers or against iraqis themselves.” Moreover, because the execution was “tinged by…sectarian overtones” it could “fuel” the “civil war.”

3:46 PM  
Blogger R.C. said...

DId I say that I agree with the timing of his exicution? No. I said that he should have stood trial for all the crimes he had been accused of. I think it was stupid of whoever decided to have him exicuted during a islamic holiday.

At least you finally got to the point of this post and the other one you commented on. The media has been against the was almost since the start, although they didn't seem to have a problem when Clinton started bombing Iraq for the same reason we sent in troops in the first place (the search for WMDs) Of course they are going to say that it's going to get worse there, and they will ignore or twist the news if that doesn't happen.

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you high? The media was against the war from the beginning? No way! The media was a cheerleader for this war and anybody against this war was branded a traitor and anti American. Tell me what main stream media outlet was against this war? Tell me please I am dying to know?

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell that to 1/4 of the people of Iraq who are now getting dragged out of there houses and shot in the head. Calling people idiots is not going to help our troops who have to deal with a suppress majority the shia' talking their years of frustration out on innoncent sunnis. They are murdering women and children because they hate Saddam. And now that Al Sadr's henchmen taunting Saddam while his neck broke is not going to help the healing in Iraq thus putting our troops in danger. The Bush Administration's Iraqi government is pro Al-Sadr which is Pro-Iran which is not good news for our American soldiers. God Mr. President you have put my men and women of our armed services in a middle of an Iraqi civil war and possible a middle eastern regional war.

8:27 PM  

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