Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Idiots Gather In D.C.

Saw something interesting over at Kim DuToit's site. Seems that a bunch of people, lead by some of the more outspoken, anti-war celebrities, gathered at the Capital over the weekend. From them, we got some fun sound bites, such as this one from Jane Fonda.
(to the protesters) “Your ongoing commitment to ending this war allows people in other parts of the world to remain hopeful that America has the stuff to become again a country that they can love and respect.”

Yeah, because so many people love and respect us. That's why terrorist hijacked four airliners and flew them into a bunch of buildings one September morning, killing 3000+ people. Because they love and respect us.

As I've said before, we need to stay in Iraq until this is over and we have finished the job. If we leave now, we will lose the respect Fonda mentioned. If the most powerful country in the world can't defeat a militia in some small backwater country, why should countries such as Iran or North Korea fear us. Why should the Russians have shown any fear during the Cold War. Running away with our tail between our legs is the worst thing we could do.

Here's another one, from Ilonka Wloch, an editor from Ithaca, N.Y.
I believe that at heart we as humans all want the same things—safety, love and cooperation

So that explains why radical Muslims want to kill anyone who doesn't follow their particular interpretation of the Qur'an. That explains why we have people killing, stealing, and beating others. Because we all want safety, love, and cooperation.

I have no problem with her claim, but I think it's time to take off the rose colored glasses. The world we live in is a dangerous place, with plenty of people who want nothing more then to cause us harm. To believe anything else is just ignorant.

Then there is This little tidbit I found in the comments for Mr. DuToit's post. Seems that the police officials at the Capital told the cops guarding the capital to fall back and allow the protesters to spray paint stuff on the steps of the Capital! The people in charge of security allowed the protesters to deface the Capital! Someone needs to be fired, and those who did the tagging need to be arrested, but for some reason I have a feeling that nothing will happen.


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