Sunday, January 28, 2007

Royal Rumble

Tonight is the 20th Annual Royal Rumble. If you don't know what the Rumble is, basicly it's 30 guys in a match, with the goal being to throw your opponants over the top rope. The winner will get a shot ant any (wwe) World Title at Wrestlemania (WWE, World, or ECW.)

The cool thing about this years Rumble is the fact that there is no clear winner. For the past several years, there has been a clear winner, someone who it was ovbious; they were going to win. This year there isn't one.

The Parkers are predicting either Shawn Micheals or The Undertaker, but I think Booker T will win. His current "King" gimmick makes him the perfect choice to wint the Rumble, plus he never got his rematch against Batista after losing the title. Why not have it at Mania.

As an outside pick, I have to go with RVD. Not only would it help ECW big time, but also it would be a great way to finish Lashley VS RVD. They've faced each other twice now, but neither match had a winner. Why not have them settle their differances at the Granddaddy Of Them All.

This of course assumes that Batista and Lashley retain their titles, which thye will. Test has no purpose competing for a world title, and while Mr. Kennedy is good, he's not quite there yet. I could easily see him fueding with with someone over the title after Mania though.


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