Friday, February 02, 2007

Proof That Global Warming Is Man Made?

Apparently there has been a report presented to the UN that says that Global Warming is indeed Man-Made stating that scienetist are 90 percent certain.

And while their statistics do seem bad, I still ask, why can't this be a warm cycle in the planet's history?

No matter who you ask, most will agree that the planet is at least 5000 years old. we have only been collecting data on high and low temps, rain fall, stuff like that for the last 100-150 years. That is like being alive for about 3.5 days (slightly mroe then 5000 minutes) and only being awake for 2 1/2 hours.Lots can happen in 3.5 days, and you would miss it all.

Is the planet getting warmer, yes. are ociean levels rising, apparently so (being in the center of the continent, I have no first hand knowledge of this, so I have to rely of reports from others.) But why can't this be natural

In the end, there isn't enough data to confirm that Global warming is man-made, and and anyone who says that it is, does so with only partial knowledge


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