Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Saw this in the Letters section of today's Star Tribune. There are a few other letters that I may comment on (the full letter section for today's edition can be found here, but the main letter I wanted to comment on is below.
Rep. Michele Bachmann said that the 9/11 attacks and the need to prevent future attacks are two of the reasons that we need to continue our policy in Iraq.

Is she kidding? Anyone knowledgeable would never have linked the tragic events of 9/11 to the current situation in Iraq. Al-Qaida, which was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, operates out of Pakistan, not Iraq.

Few problems here, mainly the part about Al-Qaida being based in Pakistan. They aren't, because they have no actual base. They have clls all over the place, but no actual base of operations.

That aside, this person needs to stop drinking the anti-war kool aid and think for a moment. If we pull the troops out of Iraq before the job is done there, it will set a dangerous precident for the future, and will in fact put us at risk for future terrorist attacks.

Think about it. we leave Iraq, it will send a message to terrorists. if they hold out long enough, or kill enough of our soldiers, then we will back off. If we stay there until we finish everything we set out to do in Iraq, it will send a different message to terrorists. We will not back down. We will not leave until we accomplish our mission. and we will not allow terrorists to to attack our country.

While Iraq may not have had a connections to Al-Qaida, the war is just as important as the battle against terrorists.


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