Friday, February 09, 2007

Who Cares!!!!!!!

This morning started like any other morning. I hit the snooze button a few times before finaly getting up, grumbling something about not wanting to go to work. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and returned to my bedroom to change into my work cloths. So far, pretty normal.

Then I turned on the T.V. I normaly watch CNN while getting ready for work, and today is no exception. I turn it on and what is the first thing I hear? Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday. No big deal. It is, after all, a news story.

But then they kept talking about it. And kept talking about it and kept talking about it. The did stop for a few minutes to do weather and sports, but then it was right back to talking about her death. When they did their top headlines, was the lead story the fact that Congress is investigating whether or not intelligance agancies manipulated data to show that Iraq was helping Al Quida? Nope. it was "Anna Nicole Smith dead at age 39."

So her death is more important then the war. Can someone explain that one to me? How is her death mor important then news about the war? Our men and women are over their fighting, and if need be dieing, to defend democaracy and bring freedom to a people who have never known freedom. Anna Nicole Smith on the other hand was a blond chick who posed in Playboy, was a jeans model, had big...tracts of land (wink wink nudge nudge) and married an 80 year old guy.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, apparently even the "most trusted name in news" thinks that a celebrity death is more important then accuall news.

Apparently the body count in Iraq wasn't high enough yesterday.

It gets better though. I was at work for about 7 1/2 hours, and when I got home, I changed into some bumming around cloths before turning on the T.V. to see....They are still talking about her! Not only that but they were "Eagerly awaiting the start of a press conferance along with the rest of us." I wasn't waiting for it. I could care less about it!

Finaly, around 3:45, they had some accuall news stories before going abck to talking about here. I changed the channel. Mythbusters is on.

The thing I want to know is why we are so obsessed by this, not just her death, but anything having to do with celebrities. They have become the new gods, worshiped by the vast majority of the country.

There are a few celebs who deserve to get a lot of attention in death. Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, or John Wayne. Ronald Regan, deserves attention because he was a president. Tupac deserves attention due to the way he died (murdered.)

Smith, on the other hand hasn't really done anything that deserves the attention she is getting

But then again, this is American, and we worship celebrities as gods.

Update (2/10/07): This story gets better still. Habbs and I were at Ranger John's last night. While flipping through the channels, we saw that CNN was still talking about here, at Midnight!


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