Friday, May 25, 2007

I found Micheal Shanks' blog earlier today. for those who don't know, Shanks plays Danial Jackson on Stargate SG-1. I decided to read the archives. there are only 3 posts so far, so it didn't take to long.

Correction. it shouldn't take long for a normal computer. Mine is a pile of crap, so it too about 30 minutes, but that is a rant for another post.

Anyways I was reading his second post and I saw this, possibly the greatest line I have read in any blog in a long time.

(Suppose I should mention that he is talking about Paris Hilton)
Honestly, if I hear one more thing about this chick, I'm gonna commit hari-kari with a spatula in front of my children. Why a spatula? "Because it will hurt more, you idiot!!!" Think Alan Rickman in Robin Hood, and you'll get the gist.

The rest of the blog is good too, and there are a few other celebs who's blogs I might check out later. If you want to read Shank's, check the side bar. it's in the general blogs section (at the end)

ok, this line was pretty good too, mainly because I completely understand. after all, I am an Evil Geniuse.

(talking about a new project he is working on)
promises to blow the doors off of any evil character I've played before now. Sorry, not evil. Just misunderstood. You get my gist.

And before anyone comments on it, I spelt Genius wrong on purpose.


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