Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Rider In White

This story is the final part of The Siege, a 5 part series that started in Enemies At The Gates

The Rider In White

The Black Knight bore down upon me and I am not ashamed to say O cowered in fear before him. All around me lay the wounded, the dieing, the dead. Some were from the initial battle, but the vast majority were the result of this monster’s attack. He struck without rest, his hammer indiscriminate as to whom it struck down.

My life flashed before my eyes as he raised his hammer. My final regretful thought was that I had failed my king. I braced myself against the killing blow, praying to any deity that would listen for the king’s safety. Even if the caer falls, our people would survive, but only if he survives.

My eyes were opened by a clang. I looked up and saw, a hair’s width away, the Knight’s hammer. And behind the head was a sword, holding it back. The Golden Blade was instantly recognizable.

Fer Croo had arrived.

The Knight looked at him, a hate filled growl emanating from his throat. He stepped back and threw his hammer aside, causing the earth to shake where it landed. He drew his sword, similar to that used by his comrades, and prepared for battle.

Fer Croo stood there, his long white hair flowing majestically past his shoulders. His cloak was pulled back, revealing armor whiter then the fresh fallen snow. Light seemed to shine from him as he stood there, the Golden Blade, Trinaid Noo, in his hand.

They charged towards each other, the sound of their swords clashing like that of thunder. A storm arose in the courtyard. They fought ferociously, neither gaining the advantage for long. Soldiers from both sides watched in awe as these two warriors battles; the fate of an entire people hanging in the balance.

The Knight stumbled over the body of a fallen comrade. He fell to his knees, dropping his sword and prepared for the killing blow, but the King stepped back, allowing his foe to rise. The Knight took advantage of his foe’s kindness.

The Knight drew his knife and lunged towards the King, aiming for his heart. Fer Croo raised his sword as he dodged, bringing it down on the base of his foe’s neck. Black Blood sprayed from the wound as he brought it down again, separating his head from his shoulders

Silence fell upon the courtyard as the Black Knight’s body collapsed to the ground, his head rolling to a stop. The silence was broken as a mighty yell arose from our warriors, shaking the night sky.

We turned on our enemies and returned to fighting. Disheartened by the death of their champion, they easily fell before our blades. What had once been a seemingly unstoppable force had become and easily defeated foe.

A smile crept across my face as I plunged my sword into my enemy. Everywhere I looked, only my men stood. The few enemies that survived were quickly put out of their misery.

We had won.

Caer Flaunys had survived.

The siege was over.


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