Friday, June 01, 2007

I read this a couple of days ago, but for one reason or another (in other words I got lazy and/or distracted) I didn't post about it, a trend that may be mentioned in the next few posts.

The author is right when he says
"The carnage at Virginia Tech was predictable. What's also predictable is that something like it will happen again."
Ok, maybe not right about the predictable part. trying to predict when and where a shooting like this is going to happen next is next to impossible. I don't think they make a haystack big enough to hide that particular needle. But the part about it happening again is right. It will happen again. And again. And again.

The solution, more gun control! Wait, that can't be right. The way to stop gun men on shooting spree is to take guns away from their target? Take away some chance that some one could defend themselves and maybe even stop the shooter before he or she gets very far? That doesn't sound right.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Tighter gun control laws would not have prevented Virginia Tech, or Columbine, or any of the other shootings that have taken place over the last several years. But someone on site, who had a gun, could have stopped them before they could kill as many as they did, reducing the number of deaths to maybe one or two.

He states that at least 107 people have died in similar attacks since 1996, but just imagine if teachers had been packing, or if a janitor had been allowed to carry a gun while at work. There would have still been some fatalities, but the number would be far less then it is.

Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. As soon as anyone hints at loosening gun control laws, liberals will start whining, parents groups will complain that they don't want their kids attending schools that might allow guns on the premises, ect.

Long story short, if people like this guy get their way, we can kiss the second amendment good by.


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