Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I saw this on The Other Side Of Kim and got a bit worried.

“To most women, a writer is a self-absorbed misfit with poor personal hygiene and lamentable earning potential—we’re only a whisker above drummers in the future husband-material stakes.”

Then I remembered that 1.) I'm not relying on my writing (yet) for survival, seeing it as a hobby with the goal of making it into a career, and 2.) My personal hygiene might not be "Shower 3 times a day" good, but by no means would I say I have poor personal hygiene

And as far as I know I am not a self-absorbed misfit, but if I were, I would possibly say something like that, not realizing that I am a self absorbed misfit. So I will leave that up to the Non-Existent Readers who know me to answer.

With that being said, I don't think the quote would apply to me, but then again, you never know.

Some of the early comments (here) gave me confidence though. Although I'm still not going to start writing full time. I'm not confidant enough in my skills to rely on them for survival.

Not yet anyways :)


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