Thursday, August 21, 2008

I hate my cell phone company. I have a prepaid cell phone, which basically means that I buy card which I can use to pay for the features, or I can use my credit card. The cost depends on the features I choose (in my case $0.75 a day) and calls cost so much a minute, an amount taken from the amount in my account. About 10 days or so, I put $10 on my phone and I'm good for a while.

So here's why I hate them. First, they send text messages (if you have that feature) to notify you when your account is getting low. makes sense and is nice of them if they sent it at around $3 or $4, but they sent one when my account had $11 on it once so it was basically useless. The worse part is they send these at 3 in the morning. For some people, like me, this isn't a problem because I'm usually up or just went to bed at that time. but for other people like Rae, this is bad because it wakes them up. why can't they send them at a time that makes sense, like noon?

Here is the really stupid one. Below is the exact text I got at 3 this morning.

You do not have enough funds for ur daily fee. Add $ today to restart ur service. Dial #pay, visit or buy a refill card.

First, you have to love the their attempt at being cool by using stuff like "ur" instead of your or the $ instead of saying money. but here is the fun stuff. Since there wasn't enough on my phone since I forgot to add some, I couldn't actually call the stupid number (even though calls to Alltel aren't supposed to cost anything, so it would be a free call) And since I was able to call it before I even added any money to it, I should be able to now.

So I had to add it on the website, which was just kind of annoying. But at least my account is active again. this isn't the only stupid thing Alltel had done since they bought Midwest Wireless a year ago. and I'm sure it won't be the last.


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