Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Got some good news when I got to work today. my current nemesis, The Moron, quit!!!! someone more powerful, The Power Hungary Idiot, has already taken her place as my main nemesis at work, but like everyone else who I have fought against, I will defeat her too.

Needless to say, with her gone, everyone was more relaxed and happy. It was busty since we have Chicken on sale, but it was a good night. In fact, only one thing really was bad about it. We got a late start cleaning so we got done later then normal. Between a busy day and something that left me exhausted mentally (more on that after I eat. The McRib I got is calling me and saying "EAT ME!!!!") I got McDonalds (Mmmm. McRib) When I got to the pay window I realized that they messed up and charged me for a medium instead of the large meal I wanted. Easy enough to fix. They had already poured my med drink, so when I got to the pick up window, they asked if I wanted the med soda too, since they couldn't use it this late at night. I said ok.

Unfortunately they had hit the wrong button again and given me Coke. I asked for Powerade. Not complaining, because I got free Coke, which was good since I was tired, but I wanted Powerade. Oh well.

With only a few more hours before I go to bed, if that is the worse that happens today, I'm not complaining to bad. ad after what happened yesterday (more on that later probably) it was a nice change of pace.


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