Saturday, May 21, 2011

so today is supposed to be the end of the world. At 6 pm to be exact. not sure how that was decided on. Have yet to find anything explaining that. Also, what time zone? Since the guy that figured this all out lives in California, I'm guessing it would be Pacific Time, so the end of the world would be at 8 PM here in Minnesota. Of course if it is 6 PM in Israel (not sure which time zone that is) then it would be noon here.

I've read the reasoning for all of this. Got to say, it was an interesting read. First time I've heard of Day Age Theory being applied to the end of the world. For those that don't know, Day Age is a theory used to try to match up Creation Theory with Evolution Theory. The theory, usually used by Theistic Evolutionists, says that each day in the creation story was actually 1000 years. the reasoning behind this is the verse in the Bible (2 Peter 3:8) that says "...With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." (NIV)

The thinking behind the world ending today is because 2011 is 7000 years after the Flood (Using the times given in the Bible. not sure if this is accurate or not) This is actually year 7001, but since there was no year 0, that apparently makes this year 7000 after the flood. That part I understand. The reason it is supposed to be 7000 years after The Flood is because God said to Noah that he would destroy the world in 7 days (well, 7 days from when He told Noah that) and so some people figure that means 7000 years later.

Next part is the date. Apparently today lines up on the Hebrew calender with the day that God sealed the door on the Ark. It is also apparently the day before the day of Pentecost (When the Disciples received the Holy Spirit) We know this because apparently Jesus was crucified on April 1st. Or at least that is what the guy that came up with all of this thinks.

That's right folks. The first part is based on some form of science. Whether the science is right or not, it is still science. IF The Ark happened in 4990 BC, then this would be 7000 years later. IF the Hebrew Calender is right, then this would line up with when the Ark was sealed. But then it leaves the realm of Science. While we know that Jesus died during Passover, there is know way of really knowing exactly when. and even if we could figure out what date the Last Supper was, there is some debate about what day he was actually crucified. the Church says on Friday (Good Friday) but I've read research that might indicate that it was on Tuesday or Wednesday. If that part is true, then the would should have ended a few days ago. And since we don't know what day He was crucified on, there is no way of accurately knowing what date Pentecost occurred on.

They might be right. I don't know. If you are reading this, might not be a bad idea to go to confession or something. Do what ever your faith says is needed to get into Heaven. Just in case. But personally, I don't think it will happen. Not today at least. the Bible says in 2 Peter 3: 10 "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief..." (NIV) There are other verses about this, but I don't remember them. The point of them though is that no one but God (and obviously Jesus) knows when the end will come, so we need to be ready at all times.

So may be this guy is right. Maybe he isn't. Here and Here are a couple of good articles I found. Read them and decide for yourself. Personally I say the Bible is right an all these people that predict the end of the world on specific dates is wrong (He already said it would all end in 1994 and was wrong.) but just like you would want to be ready to prevent a thief from entering your home, I think any one reading this should be ready for the end to come. However your faith dictates.


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