Friday, February 25, 2011

Pop Tarts Week

You can blame Geoff Johns for this. Here it is, all 58 tweets of Pop Tarts Week!

Feb 5--12
How come I'm just finding out about this?
And thanks to @GeoffJohns0 for having it as your profile pic so I could find out about it
Why is it they always discontinue awesome stuff like that?
Going to have to get some Pop Tarts, break them up in a bowl and add milk.
WTF!?! Why did they discontinue Apple Cinnamon Pop tarts!
MMmmmmm. Broken-up-spoon-sized Pop Tarts in milk. MMmmmmm
YAY!!!! Guitar Hero and home made Pop Tarts cereal like food!
I'm bored. Lets see if I can get Pop Tarts trending
All 2 real people following me, Lets get Pop Tarts trending! Because Pop Tarts are awesome!
Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart Pop Tart
Why does new Twitter hate all browsers but Chrome? also, Pop Tarts
Opps. my time has been set to Mountain all this time and not Central. Where we eat Pop Tarts

Feb 6--6
Damn my leg is hurting today. And the only thing that takes away the pain? POP TARTS!!!! and aspirin. but mostly pop tarts
Man I just did horrible playing Hotel California in GH: World Tour. Should probably not play while eating Pop Tarts
I have spent the last 3 hours and 14 posts tweeting about Pop Tarts!
Damn It! now it's 15 post about Pop Tarts!
CRAP! That was 16 about Pop Tarts!
ok, I think I'm just go to bed. probably dream about Pop Tarts. or tweets about Pop Tarts. Of fish. but probably Pop Tarts

Feb 7--3
Seems my attempt to get Pop Tarts trending failed. Stupid Super Bowl. Clearly the that is the reason it didn't Trend
lol. YAY!!!! My nephew is apparently getting on the Pop Tart band wagon on Facebook!!! or it will be another inside joke
YAY!!! Top Gear Premier tonight! Boo!!! So Is Raw. Fortunately I have Pop Tarts to comfort me

Feb 8--7
YA!!! looks like I might be able to get to work today!!!! That means I can get more Pop Tarts!!!!
Lol. I want a chicken that lays bacon. Or pop tarts----Get Fuzzy: 2011-02-06:
My hair is really staticy today. Think I need more Pop Tarts in my diet.
Tell him there are Pop Tarts waiting for him Pig!----Pearls Before Swine: 2011-02-05:
Wish me luck. i'm off on an epic quest to get to work. and buy Pop Tarts.
YAY!!! I have returned safely from work. AND I HAVE POP TARTS!!!!
I bought 3 cases of Pop Tarts. Wonder if that will be enough to last till this weekend.
While watching Top Chef, I discovered a way to win every challenge. Bet you cant guess what it is........Just give the judges Pop Tarts!!!!

Feb 9--25
ARGH!!! the store I work at is on Facebook and Twitter for no reason!!!! *facepalm* AND NO PICS OF THE POP TARTS SECTION OF THE STORE!!!!
Some good pics of my department, but none of the Pop Tarts. Again I say *Facepalm*
ARGH!!!! Old Twitter is acting stupid and New Twitter doesn't work period! The only thing that is preventing mass damage is Pop Tarts
@simonpegg Try not to anger The Stig. I hear he likes Pop Tarts
Holy Crap! I've posted over 500 Tweets! This is #504. #500? a Retweet to @simonpegg. and nothing about Pop Tarts
I thought at that milestone I would have something important to say. Oh well. POP TARTS!!!!
Hm. Seems pointing out to @simonpegg that The Stig likes Pop Tarts has drawn the interest of a bunch of Spam accounts. who like Pop tarts
YAY!!!! 7 new followers (and maybe more to come) ALL FAKE!!!! Must be the Pop Tarts
Holy Crap!!!! New Twitter is working with Chrome! Must have been due to the bribes
And by bribes I of course mean POP TARTS!!!!
Time for bed and dreams of Pop Tarts. Or orbital weapons platforms. But probably Pop Tarts. although I do like orbital weapons Platforms
bet you can't guess what I'm having for Breakfast
Everyone who said I was having Pop Tarts for Breakfast are wrong. Why would I have Pop Tarts?
What, you think I'm obsessed with them or something? That's crazy talk!
Crazy people!
It's a Sam's Choice Blueberry Toaster Pastry. There's a difference.
They aren't as good, but they were out of actual Pop Tarts when I was there last week and didn't want to go back to the grocery store.
Got to finish them before I open the ones I got yesterday
Singed myself while throwing wood into the fireplace. :( must eat Pop Tarts to make the ouchie stop hurting :)
Of to work, the place that gives me the ability to buy, as well as the place that sells Pop Tarts
So Activision may have killed off Guitar Hero. Surprised it took this long. How long til they kill Call Of Duty? and can Pop Tarts save them
Hopefully Guitar Hero and the Tony Hawk games' demise hare just well deserved breaks. I'll eat Pop Tarts in their honor
Geometry Wars and Pop Tarts!
Achievements Unlocked: Eating Pop Tarts while gaming. 1 million tastiness points

Feb 10--1
How is Card Captors Sakura trending but Pop Tarts didn't?

Feb 13--4
Hope everyone enjoyed the waste of time that was Pop Tarts week. wanted to do this wrap up on Fri, but didn't have time.
Too many Pop Tarts to eat :)
Might have to do it again some time
In all, counting this one and the next post, 132 words involving Pop Tarts in some way
Totals counting these last few posts--7 days (counting today) and, counting this one, 58 posts about Pop Tarts in some way


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