Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cry Havok! And Let Slip The Dogs Of War!

For the last few days, a person named Dustin Clark has been posting comments to some of my post, in some cases ignoring the topic of the post and using it for his own personal forum, in an attempt to get into an arguement with me. I didn't mind, thinking here was an oppertunity for an intelligent debate on the subjects I posted about. I did wonder why he refered to my by name, and seemed to know me in some of the posts, but I just ignored it, figuring he got my name from the link on my Myspace page. After all, the first hit came from there. (Before any one calls me a hypocrite after all the times I have expressed my dislike for Myspace, I joined so that I could read Eric's blog, and I figured it would be a good way to get hits here. so far there have been 3 or 4 unique hits, including Dustin's.)

But as time went by, I started to see something familiar about some of his comments. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew I had encountered him some where before.

Then, Monday night, For some reason I was bothering to think about him, and the comments he had made, I an realized I knew where I had encountered him before. But that wasn't enough. I needed to know confirm my suspisions. I needed to make sure he was who I thought he was.

So after discussing it with Eric and comparing notes, I layed my trap, in the form of the previous post, and sure enough he took the bait, responding exactly as I thoguht he would, and as only somewhone who had been in WCWF when he was there could. The only obstical was the fact that he posted anonymously, but a quick check of the counter confirmed his identity, showing his IP#, ISP, The town he was in, and even the location of his ISP.Checking the times, there is little doubt that the mysterious poster is non other then our good friend Dustin Clark

Or should I say Goldust.

Dustin, we kicked your arse out of WCWF 4 years ago, and to see you continuing to torment Eric and I is, to say the least, pathetic. Get a life. Not only was it a game, it wasn't even an original character that you were using. Plus, you were the one that got yourself fired, due to continued violations of the WCWF rules and regulations, as well as a blantant disregard to orders from Eric, who had final say on everything since he was in charge. We gave you more then enough time and warnings, and you failed to change your ways. We gave you plenty of oppertunities, and in the end, we had no choice but to fire you!

As I said, this is pathetic. Do you really have nothing better to do then hold onto 4 year old gruges? Get a life man. Find a girl (or guy if that is your preferance) and find something more important to do then torment us.

As for the Freak Show, you are no longer welcome here. Do not darken my corner of the sphere with your presence again. I have no problem with intellegent discussion of the stuff I post, and I am more then willing to defend what I have said in each post. You proved 4 years ago that you arn't cappable of an intelligent discussion, and it seems that nothing has changed.

It's over Goldy. I'm done dealing with you. I have more important things to do then deal with you. Such as picking lint from my belly button.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debate me then. You have not rebutted my statements about the war in Iraq, racial bias towards immigration and Barry Bonds being a better baseball player than Babe Ruth. I never hid my identity. My name is Dustin Clark, an ex marine, and a gay black man. Debate me, don't insult my sexuality or race. Jesus won't do that.

1:36 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

When have I ever insulted your race or sexuality. Never. Nor has Jesus ever come up in our conversations.

If I remember right, I never did anything like that in WCWF either.

9:42 AM  
Blogger R.C. said...

And you did hid your identity by posting to the last post anonymously. If I had to rely on Bravenet's counter, then I might have fallen for it, but Sitemeter records everything, and the info from when that comment was posted is the same info from when you posted this comment.

Could be a coincidance. Could be that the other poster just happens to use the same ISP and be from the same town.

Of course to believe that, I would have to ignore the fact that each computer on the internet has it's own unique IP#, and your's matchs the anonymous poster's

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or it could have been that I forgot to click on other and publish my comment before I realize that I clicked on anonymous. Again your ignore the you have not rebutted my arguements about the Iraq war, immigration and Barry Bonds.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed all the fun. Don't worry though, everyone gets a troll from time to time.

Delete 'n' ban. Don't feed the trolls.

If people want a forum, they can get their own site. Blogs are free.


3:03 PM  
Blogger R.C. said...

Feel free to join in Habbs. If you want to comment on the other posts made, let me know, I'll send you the links.

Sorry I accused you of hidding your identity, but the fact remains, I have never intentionally said anyting insulting to your race or sexuality, yet you have implied several times that I was raciest and homophobic. Same as you did back in WCWF, with even less evidance.

As for "your" blog, which you mentioned in another comment, but I thought I would address here since Habbs mentioned it. If you do have a blog, why have you linked to 3 different sites? and why, after going through 5 days worth of posts, have I not seen anything by you?

6:21 PM  
Blogger R.C. said...

And I have responded to each of your comments (or most. I might have forgotten some.)

And just so you know, I'm going to give you one last chance to defend yourself Goldy. then, when I get home from work tomarrow, you'll be banned.

See ya

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you banning me? People can't reply to your blog and give another opinion? I am contributor for, and I support those other sites.,, and

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And I have responded to each of your comments (or most. I might have forgotten some.)"

I just checked and you have not rebutted any of my arguements. Iraq war is lost, Hussein execution was mishandled and probably should not have been occured, Barry Bonds is a better baseball player than Babe Ruth and latinos have the righ to work in the United States.

8:41 PM  
Blogger R.C. said...

If you are a contrinutor, then why didn't I see any posts by you? or do you hide behind a screen name there?

As for what you said, I have responded to each of those. I stand by my opinion that Ruth was better then Bonds, and I agreed that they could have done better with Saddam's exicution. And he still would have been exicuted. The man is responible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of Iraqi citizens! their only choices were exicution or lock him in jail, where someone would have killed him sooner or later anyways. At least this way the state was responsible.

As for your claim that the war is lost, that is like saying a wrestling match is lost before it is accually done. Until the bell rings, it's not over.

And I believe that I said I have no problem with people coming to this country to work, as long as they come here legaly.

You want to know why I'm going to ban you? because you have accused me of racism and homophobia, with no reason , and for the most part you have chosen not to discuss the subject of the posts you have commented on. If I wanted to discuss the war, I would have posted about the war. But I didn't. I posted about the Media's coverage of the war.

Just like in WCWF, I have given you plenty of chances to get back on subject, but you continue to use my blog for your own personal forum. If you want to rant about the war, then do so on your own blog. I look forward to seeing it, since I didn't see anything writen by you when I checked.

9:23 PM  

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