Saturday, June 02, 2007

I just thought this was kind of funny. I was checking my MySpace account and I saw that I had some new Friends Requsts. So I checked them and saw that they were mostly spam. I looked through them anyways, because if it was obviously spam, I delete them. if it isn't that obvious I check them out, in case they are a real person, in which case I either accept them or denie them and send a message saying why.

After a few names, I had to stop and laugh. Aparently either Stacy Kiebler changed her name, or someone decided to use her pic for her MySpace page. probably works for non-wrestling fans, but for those uf us who are (or fans of her's from Dances With The Stars) Here are a coouple of pics, courtasy of Online World Of Wrestling. As you can see, it would be hard not to recognize her.


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