Saturday, June 02, 2007

in what seems to be a trend today, I saw this and just had to laugh. (the laughing part is the trend, in case you were wondering.

So Arnold Schwarzenegger may have smoked a Cuban Cigar while in Canada, and it was important enough to earn the number 3 spot on the Star Trib's national news section (as of this writing anyways.)

I'm not sure which is funnier, the placement of the story, or the fact that the Ap is making a big deal out of it.

I understand that it is illegal for a US Citizen to buy Cubans anywhere in the world, but this is stupid. First, as they say in the article, there is no way of knowing if that is what he bought anymore, because he smoked it already. Two, Cigars are like wine; they get better with age. The tobacco shop my bro goes to (or use to go to. His wife is trying to stop smoking, so I don't know if he has bought any for a while) sells Pre-Embargo Cubans, and he once said that he might pick some up an bring them down to smoke around the camp fire. If he can afford some, I am sure Arnold could, and he could have bought one of them. Pre-embargo cigars are perfectly legal.

If it had been me who did it, no big deal. If Arnold had done it ten years ago, no big deal, but since he is the Govenator, all of a sudden the possibility that he may have broken a law is a big deal.


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