Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The CDC recently reported that in 2004, the number of suicides rose 8 percent in people ages 10-24. That might not seem like much, but considering the ages and amount of increase in 1 year, I would say that is quite an increase, and I doubt that it has changed much over the past couple of years.

The reason given is connected to antidepressants, which is possible, but this doesn't explain all of them, nor does it include the ones before antidepressant use became wide spread.

Personally I think it is all linked to the removal of prayer from schools.

I know what some people might be saying. "If course Mr. Born Again" is going to day that." but look at what is obvious to anyone who takes the time to think about it. it is an undeniable fact that crime, drug use, violance, suicides and several otehr things that most people would consider negative has been on the rise in the last forty years or so. Ever since prayer was removed from schools.

Maybe it's a coicidance, maybe not, but the statistics are there. fopr better or for worse (depending on the opinions and views of the individual reader) this county has been in something of a decline since that daily morality reminder was removed. as I said, may be a coicidance.

I had a dream about this once. a what if scenario. I turned it into a story. Might have to post it later.


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