Saturday, February 05, 2011

Stan Lee posted this on Twitter (BTW, you can follow him at TheRealStanLee

Within thy ranks, my brave Brigadiers, are many comicbook fans, for which I praise thee. But a problem doth lurk beneath the surface—
Thy curiosity doth impel thee to continually ask “Who would win in a fight between this superhero or that?” Here now my official reply—
Whene’er two superheroes engage in battle, only the writer knoweth whom would be victorious, because only the writer can so determine!
All-powerful is the writer! If I create a battle between Godzilla and Mickey Mouse, Mickey might win-- if it pleaseth me!
Yea, no matter how mighty a fictional foe may be, the all-powerful writer can vanquish him with a stroke! Excelsior!



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