Thursday, June 02, 2005

Good viewing ahead.

I am really looking forward to this weekend. This time of year is a pain when you work in a bakery. Between making buns and cakes for graduations, there is little to no time for making stuff for the store. The graduation orders started today. I worked form 3 till a little after 12, with 1 break. ok, the one break thing is normal for us, but the fact that we werre working nonstop the whole time is not. We went through well over 200lbs of flour just making buns, and tomarrow it gets worse! I have to be there at 1, just so that we can get every thing done on time, and odds are that will happen on Saterday as well!

But I have something to look forward too. First, Reservoir Dogs is on IFC, which means uncut and no camercials :) And then on Sunday, Spike will be showing Pulp Fiction! But that's not all. Plus, IFC has another Blind Swordman movie on. I won't beable to watch any of these at the time they air, but you know I am taping them.

Add in the fact that I have 2 Blind Swordsman movies and the anime version of Metropolis on tape and 13 Ghosts and Wrestlemania 21 on DVD and you can understand why I am looking forward to this weekend. Lots of stuff to watch and nothing to do. It's a good thing.

On a related note, I just ordered Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrles and Snatch from DVD Planet (on a side note, I searched for Guy Ritchie folms and Swept Away, the one with Madonna, is in the discount bin while the other movies, which are older, full price) And I plan on ordering Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs next. I got my movie goodness calender booked :)
