Thursday, March 26, 2009

Holy Comic Fans Batman!

Sorry. couldn't resist using the Holy "insert line here" Batman! for the title, but that was the best I could come up with. Casey sent me this.

I'd rather have powers and fight super villains (of course I am a super villain, but that is beside the point. Maybe I want to be a Ozymandias type hero. wait, he was a hero that turned bad. Make that a Wolverine/Winter Soldier (current Captain America)/Savage Dragon/bunch of other guys I can't think of right now type hero.) but this is pretty cool

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ghost Hunters on Xbox Live!!!!

I was just scrolling through the different things on the 360 dashboard and in the Video Marketplace channel, I saw that every episode of Ghost Hunters is available!!!! I thought about downloading it, but stopped for 2 reasons. 1.) it costs 160 points (about $2) while on Youtube I can watch it for free, just have to wait for it to download each of the usually 4 or 5 parts. 2.) downloads right now are running slow (sue to the slow connection speed I am dealing with here) and apparently stalled as the demo for Halo Wars has been stuck at 79% for a while.

True 2$ isn't that much, and I could watch the episodes I download any time. Thinking about possibly getting a new hard Drive for the 360 just for stuff like that if I was to start buying movies and shows. And I might end up getting some classics like when they went to St Augustine light house regardless of whether or not I get a new drive. but with mu current connection speed, I think I''ll wait. would probably be faster just to get a torrent and download it onto my PC.