Friday, August 28, 2009

A friend's status on Facebook from a few days ago. Had to share it

was driving yesterday when he saw what appeared to be a banana peel in the road. He instinctively swerved to avoid it...Thanks Mario Kart!
I got the Toasterbot!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Did you know that a moldy cantaloupe in a Peoria, Illinois market in 1941 was found to contain the best and highest quality penicillin after a worldwide search?

Now you know

And Knowing is half the battle


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Saw these, apparently stolen off Twitter, in the responses to a friends comment on Facebook about Brett Farve playing for the Vikings. Thought they were funny.
Vikings are expected to receive $4,500 from the Federal Gov't under the cash for clunkers quarterback program.

Even while tossing around the idea of staying retired, Brett Favre was intercepted 13 times.

U of M to open the Brett Favre Center For Decision Making. It might be in Minneapolis or Winona or Rochester. Who knows?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Does it make me evil that I want to know how this ended?

Oh wait. Forgot.

I'm already evil.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Found this while reading the archives for Real Life Comics (and I don' think I've posted this one before either :) ). It's not my favorite of the strips, but I can't help but laugh evily while reading it.

The benifits of being an adult :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I was just checking the hit counter on the comic and I saw something kind of interesting. I had 20 hits last months!!!!

Pretty impressive, especially since I haven't updated for a month.

(Just so anyone reading this knows, I have comics for the whole month, I just didn't get them uploaded. Opps. I'm working on getting them up now.)

The down side, 8 of them are me. Unfortunately my IP# changed and I didn't notice it. as a result, the IP# I told the tracker not to count wasn't any good, and so I was being counted again. That is why I like Site Meter (the one on here) and am glad I finally got it working on the comic. It blocks hits from a browser on a computer, not an IP address. right now, If I went on my parents computer, it wouldn't count, since they have the same IP address. likewise, if I show someone the site from the Fiend, it counts, because I don't want to block the Fiend's IP#. that could take away a lot of potential hits. with Site Meter on, I don't have to worry about that, since it only blocks hits from MY COMPUTER!

as for the comic, check it out sometime next week. I should have the missing ones up by them.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

I really wish that, to do the fun film making stuff, I didn't have to do the boring legal stuff before I start doing the fun film making stuff