Thursday, May 17, 2012

Use your brains people! Part 556--FTC Accuses Sketchers Of Misleading Ads

Anyone who knows me has probably heard me say something like that a million times, because the stupidity of most people pisses me off.  and I know I have talked about it on here, but didn't want to dig through nearly a thousand posts to get the actual number.  so I picked a random one.  next time I post of this subject, it will be 567

Saw this article when I woke up this morning.  Nothing wrong with it really.  So why did it annoy me enough to make a post out of it?  Because it was stupid, that is why.  Check out this quote.
"The government wants you to know that simply sporting a pair of Skechers' fitness shoes is not going to get you Kim Kardashian's curves or Brooke Burke's toned tush."
Well DUH! Anyone with half a brain should be able to figure that one out!  but  in the sue happy world we live in apparently some people couldn't.  And then there is the FTC trying to make itself relevant.

If the FTC really cared about stuff like this, where are the lawsuits and refunds for people who drank milk because the ads said "it did a body good" and would turn a scrawny little kid into a Basketball star?  a plain looking little girl into a supermodel with big...tracts of land?  Or what about the toothpaste ads that said "4 out of 5 dentists recommend" even though there were competing companies saying it?

Because people used to use their brains for more then to keep their skulls from caving in on itself.  but now we file lawsuits or demand refunds or get on Twitter and Facebook and complain about it for the slightest reason!  And i know I'm as guilty as anyone about complaining.  This post right here could be seen as that.  But I am smart enough to know that drinking Gatorade won't make me as good a basketball player as Micheal Jordan, and wouldn't sue them or demand a refund when I can't dunk a ball after a few tries like most would today.
