Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Theae are some pics I tried sending to a sales rep. Didnt go through, so i am posting them here and will send her to this post.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Welcome to Minnesota, home of Bipolar Weather

So...it is currently 52 degrees outside.  Beautiful weather for almost the middle of December here in Minnesota.  A year ago yesterday it was -30 degrees (with windchill.  forget what it was without) the high today was 54, with a low of 33 (BTW, the record highs and lows are 55 in 1998 and -17 in 1989.  usually it is closer to 31 and 12)

Fun and totally unrelated side note, that was my senior year in high school.  We would go on to have a cold, snowy winter and miss 19 band practices that year, something the band director pointed out at our last concert, before saying how well we all did in spite of missing so many practices.  Like perfect score at contests good.

Now I'm a little worried about what the rest of winter has in store for us.  On well.  Might have to post about it since if I am stuck at home and can't get to work, I might as well have something to do.

Back on subject, there is a reason I posted all that.  I just heard my phone sounds a weather alert.  feeling a bit lazy, I didn't feel like getting up and walking across the room to check it, and why would I when I have my tablet right next to me.  so I checked to see what it was on there, expecting freezing rain or fog or something.  So either a winter weather advisory (for the freezing rain) or a fog advisory.

Nope.  Winter Weather Warning.

Here is the official warning from Weather.com


We new in advance that it was supposed to snow tomorrow, but at most it was supposed to be 2 inches and most of it would be late Monday or early Tuesday.  Might make the Tuesday morning commute interesting, but that is it.   Now, starting with light rain at 3 am, turning to sleet around 6 and then snow around 9, we have a full blown winter storm on our hands!  Oh, and not just 4-6 inches of snow, but 23 MPH winds as well,

Why do I get the feeling it is a good thing I got a couple hours in at work today since I probably won't be going in tomorrow.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

First storm of the years, or why I hate Minnesota Winters

I love Minnesota. I don't think I would choose to live in any other state unless I had to. But there are somethings I don't like Like the fact that our sports teams (Except for in sports no one watches, like WNBA) tend to let us down year after year. But the one I think everyone will agree on is the weather. I like Winter, but there is something I hate about it. and that is the storms.We are in a Winter Storm Warning right now (not sure why since it isn't bad out, but I thought I would give a time line for the last few days.

 BTW, in case you don't live in the Midwest (and probably other parts of the country) here are the differences between a winter storm and a blizzard.


5:00 pm:  A customer at work tells us that we are in a warning now, not a watch, and have been for about an hour.

5:30 pm: Finally get a chance to check the Weather Channel app on my phone and as I do, it updates to say we are in a warning.  Thanks Weather Channel for keeping us up to date on this stuff.  The weather map says it is snowing right now, and has been for a while.  Not a drop of precipitation out there.

9:00 pm: Checked the weather map when I got home, this time using the weather app on my tablet.  Again, it says snowing.  Nothing out there.

11:00 pm: Finally seeing some snow.  Not much, more like the clouds have dandruff, but it is something.  At least the weather maps are finally telling the truth.


2:00 am:  Going to bed.  Checked the deck before I call it a night.  There is maybe enough snow on the deck to make an acceptable looking snow ball.  Maybe.

3:00 am:  Winter Storm warning begins and continues till Noon Tuesday.  Predicting 5-9 inches of wet, heavy snow and 15-25 MPH winds blowing it around.  Travel is not advised.

6:30 am:  Opps.  Forgot to change my alarm from yesterday.  Got up to use the bathroom and decided to check the weather.  According to the weather maps. we are in the middle of the storm, possibly the worse part of it even.  Looked outside.  Not a flake in the air.

Unknown time: Winter Storm Warning is downgraded to an advisory

9:30 am: Got up for the day.  and by got up, I mean stayed in bed and checked Facebook on my Surface.  My sister posted a pic of her kids playing in the snow.  Looks like they got a couple inches in the Cities.  Have fun guys.  A few schools are letting out early, but not many.  Looking outside, there is actually snow on the deck!  Enough for a few good snowballs this time!  Visibility is about a mile and it is windy, but not too bad.

11:00 am: Tune the radio app to the local AM station (because FM is useless unless they are in simulcast) News says there have been a bunch of accidents up north, and MNDOT has been out spreading salt for a while now.  Also it is apparently illegal to drive a front end loader on the high way because you are drunk and think it is snowing 24 hours before it is supposed to start, then explain it by paraphrasing the World's Most Interesting Man.  Most of the schools that were closing earlier have closed, and there are a bunch of stuff tonight that are canceled or postponed, but nothing too many.

11:30 am: Start writing this post after deciding "screw it.  I hate winter storms some times.  I'm going to work.  Reason I hate it is after this.

11:40 am: Made the call, Unless it gets a lot worse between now and when I leave, I'm going in to work.  Just checked, nothing in the air and I'm pretty sure there was some water dripping for the roof.  Now to see if I have to leave early.  Radio said they are expecting about 3-4 inchs at most, with some (looking outside, more like all) tonight.


10:00 pm: Wondering where the rest of the updates are?  I decided not to post anymore because it was stupid.  Roads were a bit slick the last couple days, but total there was maybe enough snow to make a small snow man.  and that is if you have a big yard.

The reason I hate storms some times is because they rarely seem to get bad until the last minute.  Not for most people.  It gets bad early for people with normal schedules, so they can call in or close or whatever applies, but then it tends to let up, so by the time I get up, there is the constant "do I or don't I" debate about calling in.  I tend to call in if the local school is closed, but that isn't always a good indicator.  And then there is the issue with the fact that half the time it is supposed to get bad again later, so then the question is do I go in and leave early, pack a bag in case I get stuck in town, or just stay home.Don't like having to wait till the last minute to decide that.  And then there are days like the last few where the big storm that everyone is all worked up about results in nothing.

One of the joys of living in the great state of Minnesota.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Bil Maher and Minnesota Politics

I know I said in the last post that I didn't like posting rants, but I felt I need to post about this.  (I also said I would start posting stuff more often.  So believe what you will about that post.)

Bill Maher spoke last night at an event basically trying to get Jim Kline out of office.  This is part of his Flip A District campaign/publicity stunt.  while the goal is admirable, the execution is not.  For example, not surprisingly, all 16 people they targeted for this (of which they will be going to speak in 4 of their districts right before mid term elections next month) are republicans.  One, Renee Ellmers from North Carolina, is apparently on the list simply because she is running against Clay Aiken!  (when she was added to the Final Four, they did mention some actual political reasons as well.)

What I find interesting is the reasons for them being on the list.  They say that the people were chosen due to fans of his show voting, and that may be true.  But if your fans all agree with you, of course they are going to chose people who don't agree with you.  and that seems to be the reason most of these people are on here.  In the video revealing the "Winner," Maher spends most of the 5 minute segment mentioning the reasons Jim Kline was chosen.  Every single reason basically boils down to "I disagree with him on this subject."

So if I disagree with Bill Maher, I am must be wrong.  How stupid of me to think I had the freedom to chose who and what I believe in and support.  For example, Apparently Bill Maher is still funny.  After all, he seems to laugh at all his own jokes, so he must be funny.

In the interest of honesty, I would like to point out that I was a fan of his show Politically Incorrect.  While I didn't find his comedy to be fall-out-of-my-seat-laughing funny (that would be the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson) I did get at least a chuckle out of most of it and found the rest of the show to usually be a good, balanced debate about whatever subjects they happened to be discussing that night.  From what I've seen and heard of his current show, it is mostly people who agree with him on everything.  I will admit I haven't watched a whole episode (don't have HBO) but the clips I have seen online certainly give that impression and if they are officially released videos, would be a good indicator of whether you should watch the show or not.

Back on subject, why is he doing this in the first place?  He freely admits that they wanted to meddle in local politics and that they are doing it to be negative about everything.  But why?  What does he have to gain by targeting these people?  He isn't affected by Minnesota Politics.  If it was Prince or Joe Mauer, it would make sense.  Both are from Minnesota, live here, and are affected by Minnesota politics.  Even someone celeb like Andrew Zimmern would make sense, because even though he isn't from here (he is from New York) he lives here and the politics affect him.  But Maher doesn't.

And if he is being negative about everything, why not target both people in the race.  There might be more to use against one person VS another, but that makes sense.  After all, Kline has been in office fore a long time.  There is obviously going to be more that can be used against him.  But there is going to be stuff on the other guy too.  There is always stuff that can be used against people.

I think the most telling part of this is that Mehar didn't know the name of Kline's opponent, Mike Obermueller.  The reason?  because I'm guessing the Democrats are doing the same thing they did in the last two presidential elections; using celebrities and the talking box in the living room to get people to vote for them.  By targeting specific people (in this case Kline) they are basically giving their opponent free advertising and helping them with their campaigns.  And since it is a celebrity doing it, the good little sheep in this country will listen.  After all, we do worship celebrities here, and will do whatever they say

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not Dead Yet!!!

In case anyone was wondering, no this blog is not dead. I just haven't been posting.  And it's not because I haven't had anything to post.  I have.  it's just that most of the posts I have come up with over the last several months have been rants, complaining about one thing or another. I know it is Blogosphere Law to make the vast majority of my posts rants(or memes, mostly involving cute animals) I can't do it. I don't like being negative all the time. So I haven't posted

So hopefully I will be posting more.  Some might be rants. Some might not be. but I hope to start posting more often.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How To Mess Up A Great Match

I just finished watching the John Cena VS Ryback match at Extreme Rules 2013.  And I have to say it was a lot better then I thought it would be.  Granted my expectations for the match, and they show as a whole, were rather low so it wouldn't take much, but it is a good show.  One a scale of 1-10, I would give it probably a 6.5-7.0.  I haven't seen the main event yet, so I'm not sure.  will probably update this after watching that.

But I wanted to post this for a specific reason.  The ending sucked.  I understand why they went with a non-finish to the match.  That way Ryback doesn't lose for about the 9 millionth time on PPV and Cena doesn't lose the title one month after he won it.  I understand that.  But they went about it wrong.

For those who haven't seen it, allow me to explain.  The match was going good.  They were fighting all over the arena.  Eventually the fight moved to the stage.  Cena tried to send Ryback to the floor from the stage with the AA but he escaped, picked up Cena, and went charging through the set.  Then the ref stood there like an idiot, ran down the ramp and around the stage to the back.  In back a bunch of refs and agents were checking on Ryback and Cena and calling for medics and that was it.  I do't think they even officially ended the match.

Quick side note, why did the ref run down the ramp to get back stage?  I understand not following them through, that could be dangerous.  But couldn't he have just jumped off it (it was only a couple feet high) and ran to the back?  Or better yet run a couple feet to his left and go through the entrance tunnel which would have taken him right to where they went through?

Back on subject, this was a bad way to end a great match.  Don't get me wrong, Non-finishes can work in this situation, but not this way.  The best Last Man Standing match I have ever seen, one of my favorite matches ever, the one I measure all other Last Man Standing Matches against, is Triple H VS Shawn Micheals at the 2004 Royal Rumble.  In that match, both men fought for about 40 minutes, beating the hell out of each other (And they are best friends in real life too.) but in the end neither man could answer the 10 count.  Watching it live I'm sure I would have felt cheated, and the fans seemed to agree, but watching it back since, it worked really well.  it allowed them to continue the feud and both men looked strong.  Best of all, there was an actual finish!  sure both had to be helped to the back by medics, but the match had an ending.

Here they just ended the match and called the medics.  No Double Count Out, nothing.  It was as if they just decided "No one cares how the matches end anyways, so lets go for drama."  But as the fan's chants of "Bull $#!T" will tell you, they wanted an ending, especially after a great match like that.

Vince, if you or someone else at WWE stumble across my little corner of the sphere, please listen.  First, restarting matches after a heel loses, then the face winning a minute or so later was ok at Royal Rumble, but a second time so soon is stupid (Nothing to do with this match, that was another match, but it annoyed me.) and 2, this is the 3rd time in the last 12 months that I remember a bad ending to a PPV Main Event (Survivor Series, Hell In A Cell being the other two, although Survivor Series gave us The Shield, so I could maybe let that one slide.) and the fans want to see matches end!  They want to cheer after the face wins or boo after the heel does (or the opposite reaction when Cena is involved) at least the ref should have done a 10 count.


Wednesday, April 03, 2013

TNA Stuff!

Man, it's been about a year since I posted something.  Might have to work on that.

A couple weeks ago I ordered 3 of TNA's Brown Bag Specials.  What they are is they grab a brown drawstring backpack pack thing bag, and then they throw a bunch of stuff into it.  The current version is 4 DVDs, an action figure, a t-shirt, and a banner (basically a flag) all for $25.  And they were on sale for $20 last month.  AND they guarantee that if you order 3, there will be no duplicates.  So I ordered 3.  In addition to the 3 bags, I got...


Action Figures

Rob Van Dam--Whole F'n Show
Rob Van Dam--Ying Yang
Motor City Machine Guns--Where Muscle Is Built

Bound For Glory 2007
Destination X 2009
Against All Odds 2009
Hard Justice 2009
Twin Pack--Victory Road 2010/No Surrender 2010
Genesis 2011
Best of 2007
Best Of The X Division Vol 1 & 2
Mick Foley--Hardcore Legend
Kurt Angle--Champion
Jeff Jarrett--King Of The Mountain

Over all, not a bad haul.  I hoped for the Impact, Angle, Hogan, or Styles banners, so 1 of those isn't bad.  the figures I didn't care what I got, but I like the ones I did.  Dan and Jason might be a bit jealous of the Sting one.  for the shirts, I hoped for Angle, Styles, Daniels, or Anderson, but I've always liked RVD and the Machine Guns, so I have no problem with those.  Ok, one problem.  Can't really wear them to church.  Something about Ying Yang symbols, the phrase "Whole F'n Show" and a winged skull.  oh well.

The part I was most excited about, and the main reason I ordered these, is the DVDs.  I was going to order some, but decided to wait till these arrived, and I am glad I did.  From Best Of The X-Division down, those are all ones I was going to get.  In fact the only one I was going to order that I didn't get was Samoa Joe--Unstoppable.  And already have a bunch of the PPVs from 2007, so those help my collection.  Unfortunately now I need to get them all from 2009-2011.  oh well.  Over all, well worth the price and I might just order another one in the near future.
