Thursday, February 26, 2009

it was weird but I couldn't sleep last night.

ok, that isn't so weird since I have been known to go through bouts of Insomnia, but those usually are because I was writing right up until I went to bed and can't get my brain out of Writing mode. This was different; I just couldn't sleep.

It gets weirder though, because when I did sleep, all of my dreams were done entirely in Lego form I know that I've had Lego Indy and Star Wars on the brain as of late, but didn't think it was that bad. It's almost like someone is trying to tell me something.

oh well. time to play some Lego Indiana Jones :)

When I got up to go to the bathroom, there were a few flurries in the air. That was about 15-20 minutes ago. Now I can't see my grandparent's place! That's only about 100 yards away!

At least this time they were accurate about the time (morning) Last time it was supposed to start in the morning and it started in mid afternoon. wonder if they will be rignt about the amount too, unlike the 4-6 inches we got last time (Actual amount on the deck: 1 1/2 inches)

If this keeps up I'm going to have to spend all day playing Lego Indiana Jones, Left 4 Dead, and writing since I won't be able to make it to work.


Please let stay bad.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Truer words have never been spoken.

Well, typed

Because, lets face it, it's true. Maybe who ever takes over when he does join Obi Wan, Anikin and Yoda as a force ghost will realize that special effects do not always a good movie make.

Brainwashing Of The Masses

I've been playing catch up after not reading some of the comics listed in the side bar since November, and some even further back then that, and I found this one in PVP's archive

Here is the thing, they don't need to do what Cole or Jade tell them to do (BTW, I haven't read any further yet, so I don't know if it ever reveals who they did end up voting for) (And don't tell me if you know or I will hunt you down and kill you.) (ok, maybe not kill, maybe just seriously injure) (ok, maybe not seriously injure, but I will give you a mean look, that much I can promise)

All they needed to do is the same as most good sheep did on election day and vote for who ever the talking box in the living room told them to vote for.

Before I go any further, let me just say that if you voted for Obama because, after looking at all the candidates and where they stand on the issues, you thought he was the best person for the job, then I am not talking about you. If you voted for him because you are a Democrat or Liberal and chose him as a way of towing the company line, then I am also no talking about you.

I'm talking about all the people that voted for him because of the popularity contest that was being run all day and all night since last December by the news media.

Starting back in December, or maybe it was January, don't remember, all you heard about was Obama VS Clinton. And some times there was some mentions of the Republican candidates, but it was almost an after thought. (BTW, in a somewhat unrelated note but related because it deals with the manipulation of the masses be the Powers That Be through the news media, they deliberately didn't give any news and ignored Ron Paul during the campaign coverage)

Then, when Clinton backed out race and it was clear that McCain would be the Re publican's candidate, it became the McCain Bad, Obama Good show. I don't remember a single time that I heard or read a bad thing about Obama or a good thing about McCain (or later Palin) during the race. At least not by domestic news media. BBC was more even in their coverage, both good and bad. If I had been more interested, I probably would have just watched BBC news instead of CNN.

If I recall correctly the even admitted at one point to giving more air time to Obama stories. Between that that the fact that the time that they did give to McCain was mostly of the McCain Bad sort, it's no wonder Obama won!

Between this post and another one that I will probably do after this, I have a feeling that I can expect a fair amount of angry comments and/or e-mails should anyone actually read this, so let me state that, for the record, I have nothing against Obama. as I said on election day, I voted for McCain based on comedy potential because I don't like either guy and a vote for a third party candidate or even a write in would have been a waste. I hope he does well. not too impressed so far (future post about that) But with under 2 moths under his belt, it is hard to say how he will do and I wish him the best of luck. I just wish he had been elected based on the informed decision of the voters and not the brainwashing of the masses.

Update: doesn't say who the kids voted for, but Brent had the right idea

Thursday, February 19, 2009


To steal a line from The Rock; "Finally The Iceman Has Come Back To The Internet!"

For those that might not know, I have been with out net access at home since I moved back in with my parents a few months ago. It was supposed to be only for a month or so, then a 6 foot drift formed in front of the building where all my crap is being stored. So it looks like I'm here to stay. At least until the drift melts and the ground is no longer a muddy swamp. In other words, sometime in June.

you know, when you practically live online, you don't realize how much you miss it till it's gone. Between being net less and having to move back home, I've actually been a bit depressed over the last few months. Fortunately that is over, with no annoying Insomnia, which usually follows any periods of depression for me :)

And don't worry my faithful Non-Existent Readers, I haven't been idle. While I didn't get much written during the time offline, I did get some posts written for both the Freak Show and the Game Journal and some stuff written for SPW, as well as some that I haven't written yet but will (and a few I forgot to date, so I will just put a "Sorry don't know when I wrote this" not at the top of those) and I will be posting those over the next week or so, retrodating them when I can.

All in all it's good to be back.