Friday, October 31, 2008




Then again why should you believe me, I’m the one in the asylum. But that doesn’t mean I’m crazy. It just means that the judge thought I was crazy, but I’m not! I heard them. I heard the voices telling me what to do, telling me what was going to happen, but they didn’t believe me. They didn’t believe me and they locked me in this padded prison.

But I was right. The voices were right. The voices said that men from the east were going to steal jets and kill people, but they didn’t believe me. Even now, all these years later, they don’t believe me. Even after the death of over three thousand people, they don’t believe me.

But that’s ok, because I’m not crazy.

I wasn’t crazy when I saw it either. Paulie told me what he saw. He told me about the creature, but I had to see it for myself. I had to see it. I had to see it with my own eyes. Maybe then. Maybe then they will believe us. Maybe then they will agree that we aren’t crazy and let us out of here.

Maybe I am crazy. Crazy people see things, see things all the time. Crazy people see monsters all the time. I saw a monster. Yeah, defiantly a monster. Had to be a monster. Saw a monster. Saw Dr Sheffield...


Defiantly crazy. Have to be crazy. How else do you explain it. How else do you explain what I saw. Have to be crazy. It's the only explanation. Dr Sheffield didn't change. Couldn't have. People don't change into monsters. That's crazy talk. Only crazy people say stuff like that.

Get a grip on yourself Dave. Get a grip. Come on. You know what you saw.


He didn't change. Didn't change. Can't change.

But he did. Changed into a monster. Long nose, sharp teeth, sharp claws. Saw him change. Saw him change. Grew wings; red eyes. Turned into a monster. Yeah, saw Dr Sheffield turn into a monster. An ugly, scary, nightmare monster.
Dr Sheffield is a monster. Big monster. Big green monster. Big green monster with long claws and sharp teeth.

Saw him use them too. Yeah. Saw him pick up Paulie. Saw him grab Paulie by the throat and pick him off the ground. Yeah. Saw him tear Paulie apart. Saw him tear Paulie limb from limb and slash his throat. Saw him drink Paulie's blood. Saw him gnaw on Paulie's bones.

But they don't believe me. Why would they? Why would the believe the crazy guy? I'm the one who hears voices. Why would they believe me? No reason to believe me. I'm just a crazy guy.

But I saw it. Saw it with my eyes. Saw it with my own two eyes. Yeah. Monster killing Paulie. Monster tearing apart Paulie. Nothing left of Paulie but a pool of blood.

Dr Sheffield believes me. He has to believe me.


Sheffield's the monster. The monster believes me.

I have to get out of here. Have to get out before the monster tries shutting me up. Have to get out. Have too escape.

No one escapes Darkmoore. No one.

That's not true. Remember what the orderlies said. Marko escaped. Marko escaped and no ones found him. He's out there. Hiding from the monster. Yeah. Marko made it out. Marko made it out and he's a lunatic. Marko made it out and he's crazy, but I'm not crazy. If crazy Marko can make it out so can I.

Someone coming. Is it Sheffield? Can't be Sheffield Why would it be Sheffield?
Because Sheffield is a monsters and monsters don't have to have a reason.
Can't be Sheffield Must be an orderly. Has to be an orderly. Orderly's been checking up on us lots since Marko got out. Can't have too many of us crazies escaping into the Barrens. Be embarrassing, especially since they won't find us easy.

Yeah, has to be an orderly.

Orderly's coming in. Better pretend to sleep. Don't want him to see me awake. Poke me with needles. Don't like the needles. Needles make me go sleep. Needles are for the crazies, and I'm not crazy.

Wait. That's no orderly.




Dr. Sheffield walked out of the room and locked it. No one was around. He smiled as he walked down the hall, licking something red from his lips, his eyes glowing red as blood.

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Just wanted to wish all the ghosts and ghouls out there a happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rae and I posted this after watching the craptacular new episode of Paranormal State (It's not good enough for a link. you want one, look it up yourself) after seeing the mindless sheep (probably all paid by the show) who were praising it on the site. should be interesting to see if it's still there at noon.

Are all of you paid by these idiots?

surprisingly, i found tonights episode to be a yawner. they didn't even bother to do an EMF sweep! did ya'll forget about that very important step? it's ok. i can understand. i'd forget it too while editing the many takes it took during the "exorcism" when Laura first went from a shot of a yellow tank top, to then having a white shirt over it, then back to just the tank top, and yet once more to the white shirt. all the scene cuts nearly gave me whiplash. oh well. perhaps the next episode you'll remember to cover your bases and SHOW you doing the sweeps. if not next episode, perhaps next season (as a "how NOT to investigate" show.) or atleast hopefully you will do a better job catching errors like the shirt.

Also, does anyone else think it's strange that, if she was in fact possesed, that she allowed all that reliigous stuff to stay around all the time? Kind of thinking that she would have tried taking it down or something.

just some food for non-sheep-like thought.

toodaloo newbs

Friday, October 24, 2008

ok, this is just ridiculous. They just showed not 1, not 2, but 5 campaign ads in a row! And 3 in a row for Al Frankin!

I can't wait till the election is over.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I dropped Arron Rodgers because they didn't know if he would play on Sunday, and then he did! And he went up in price enough that I'm not sure if I can get him back!

Oh well. The guy I got, Kyle Orton (Qb for the Bears) scored only 2 points less last week.

And the most important part is not only am I still in first by 35 point (making Casey close enough that he could take first at any time) and 116 points above Eric. Sorry pal, you ain't beating me this season :P