Sunday, November 30, 2008


While cleaning the bedroom closet of my apartment in preparation of moving tomorrow (or more accurately finishing moving) I found my sandals!

And more importantly


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm watching the premiere of Chase and I thought the deflectors the runners can use to send the hinters in the opposite direction looked familiar, but I couldn't get a good look at them. I just did and my suspicion was confirmed. They're Wiimotes!!!! They have the jackets on and are painted gold, but they are in fact Wiimotes!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Today's One Minute Writer topic is

If you were on the game show Jeopardy!, what interesting story would you tell to introduce yourself?

I would write about how one time I was at this one site and I was asked to write about what story I would tell when I was introduced and that I typed about how I would write about how one time I was at this one site and I was asked to write about what story I would tell when I was introduced and that I typed about how I would write about how one time I was at this one site and I was asked to write about what story I would tell when I was introduced and that I typed about how...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Today's One Minute Writing topic is
Write about the something nice a stranger did for you

Can't think of anything a stranger has done for me that was nice. There have been some people that where nearly strangers that have helped me out from time to time, but other then a ride when having car troubles, I can't think of anything that a stranger has done that has been nice. oh well.
It's official, Obama won and will be our next president.

I better not hear any liberals whining and complaining in the next 4 years.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Their doing a live action episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!!!!

It will be interesting to see how they do the Aqua Teens. Master Shake shouldn't be hard. They already had someone dressing up as him for commercials. But Frylock floats and Meatwad rolls and is small. Should be interesting.
CNN apparently forgot the lessons of the 2000 election. They have declared Obama the winner and next president. With only 57% (as of this writing) of all precincts nation wide reporting in, this is based entirely on exit polling, the same method that was used to declare Al Gore the president before the realised that a bunch of votes hadn't been counted yet.

Obama might win. Then again he might not. California was given to him, even though 0% of precincts have reported in. Florida is his by about 100,000 votes, but there are still 15% of the precincts to be counted. Ohio, another battle ground state, is just as close with only 52% reporting in.

like I said, he might win, but CNN, and most likely the rest of the news media, might be jumping the gun once again in declaring him the winner all ready.
Here is something kind of funny. At the moment, on CNN's website, they have called Minnesota for Obama, declaring him the winner before any results were officially in. Here's the funny part. With only 7 or 8 counties reporting (again, at the moment) McCain is winning 2001 to 1110. So how come Minnesota is currently listed as having been won by Obama?

(Ok, I know that the projected winner is based on exit polling, but they should really wait until A.) there is a clear winner or B.) all the results are in.)
I've been reading through scans of the Secret Origins story line of Green Lanter, Retelling GL's origin. Why scans? Because then any pages I like I can save and use as a slide show screen saver. But I have one problem. As good as they look, there have been several pages I can't bring myself to save. There is one reason and one reason only.

They have Sinestro wearing his Green Lantern uniform.

I know that he use to be a member of the Corps. I know he was, at one time, considered the Corps' greatest member. I know that he trained Hal Jordan (In this continuity at least) But there is just something wrong with Sinestro wearing the Green and Black.
The current Blogger Blog of Note is One Minute Writer. With a name like that I had to check it out and it is an interesting idea. You get a topic and spend one minute writing about it. so I think I'm going to start doing it, starting with today's topic.

What would you tell an 18-year-old American to encourage them to vote today?

you should vote because it is the right thing to do. and if you don't, then you have no right to complain about the government. We have been given the opportunity to chose who will lead us,m whether you like the president or not, if you don't, vote for someone else. if you do, vote for someone like him.
I just got back from voting. Literally. I am kicking off my shoes as I type this.

So who did I vote for? Normally I would say it's none of your business.But because I want to be open and honest with my Non-Existent readers, I voted for McCain.

I didn't really want to. i don't really like either McCain or Obama, but I figured I needed to vote for one of them. I was going to vote for Ric Flair (Ted Nuegent for VP) until I learned that Chuck Baldwin had made it onto the ballet. of all of the candidates, I agreed with that he stood for (or at least said he did) the most. But at the end of the day I felt I needed to vote for one of the two main guys.

Let me go on record as saying I don't like either of them.

So why did I vote for McCain? Simple. If he wins we get four more years of Tina Fey pretending to be Sarah Palin (or is it the other way around.) Really that is the main reason. Also because, being someone with a tendency to analyze a situation and figure out possible outcomes, there were some possible futures that scared me if Obama won. And if he does emerge victorious, I might elaborate on on that.

I struggled with this choice right up to the time I walked into the community center to vote, because I didn't want to vote for him, but in the end, a vote for anyone else would have help Obama, and I had to vote for the one that I felt would 1.) win the election and 2.) would do a better job.

10 years ago I doubt I would have cared. After all, if you live in out state Minnesota, as I do, your vote doesn't really matter. Land wise, the majority of Minnesota votes Republican. Unfortunately the majority of the population is in the Twin Cities-Metro area and votes Democrat, which is why a Republican candidate can't with the president here even if they are from the state.

So if it doesn't matter, why worry about it? Because 10 years ago, the election would have gone to the person who won the electoral election and there wouldn't have been much fuss regardless of whether the new president won the popular election or not (if I remember right there have been 3 presidents in our history that lost the popular election but won the electoral College election)

That was before the advent of the Blogosphere.

Now there is really no way that could happen, and as a result I figured I should vote for one of them. you never know. My vote might just make the difference.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

I've been reading over the past few days some stuff about the current financial crisis we find ourselves in as a country. And while I haven't read the whole articles (because they were extremely boring, like reading Leviticus and Numbers in the bible. you know you need to read them to get the info, but you don't want to because it's boring, so you just skim through it and read the parts that sound most important. While doing just that I found out some interesting stuff that kind of proves some stuff I've been thinking for a while.

The Financial Crisis is not President Bush's Fault.

Not entirely anyways

I think the first thing people need to realize is that Bush is not to blame, regardless of what he has or hasn't done. He is actually the third most powerful part of the government, with the Supreme Cort and Congress as #1 and 2 respectively. I'll get into that in a different post.

So anyone who wants to get mad about the bail out plan, place the blame where it belongs. Congress was responsible for that. Bush may have signed it, but they are the ones who came up with it.

Now to the causes. Since he has been president for the past 8 years, Bush must be to blame right? Wrong. some of the causes can be linked back to the Clinton Administration. For example Clinton started the push, which Bush has continued, for people to own homes, which resulted in banks giving more and bigger loans to people that wouldn't have gotten them before, including Illegal Immigrants! And two of the biggest groups issuing loans such as this were Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac. As a result Sub prime Mortgage loans rose by about 25% a year between 1994 and 2003 and set the stage for the current crisis (all these mentions of Crisis makes me feel like I am writing a post about the history of the DC Universe)

Thought this was kind of interesting. Ron Paul predicted this would happen when he addressed Congress in 2003 (A link to the speech can be found heretoo bad no one in the republican party wanted him to be president. Could have been him on the ballot and not McCain. I would have known who I wanted to vote for then. As it is I'm voting for Ric Flair.

All of this has effectively been brewing since the early 80s with the Savings And Loan crisis. To resolve the crisis, the Government bailed out the S&Ls. This lead to the creation of groups such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, as well as a feeling in the banking world of "Who cares what will happen, the Government will bail us out if we run into trouble." With no reason to fear failure due to that safety net, they were free to do what they wanted, much like the rich kid who doesn't fear getting in trouble because "My dad's a lawyer" or the high school athlete in a small town who doesn't have to worry because he is the star quarterback.

So to say this is all Bush's fault is misleading. I'm not to say he isn't to be held faultless, I'm just saying spread the blame around. Don't like the bail out plan, yell at Congress. Don't like the banking institutions, yell at the people that bailed out the S&Ls.

And ultimately, don't like the way things are being run, vote for candidates that will do things the way you think they should be run. whether republican or Democrat or third party.