Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Saw this on Will Wheaton's blog (playing catch up. haven't read it in a while) and had to post about it. First because it is pure awesomeness and second because of how the guy described his kid being born as coming out of Beta in 3 months. that level of nerdiness is something I can appreciate.

Also, I want this one if I ever have kids.

25 Nerd points if you can guess what game is being referanced from.

Update: Looks like the guy that did those has more on Flickr.

Update 2: Was just talking to my dad and mentioned these. Even though he isn't a gamer, he saw the awesomeness of them

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm watching an episode of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. I don't remember where he was, but one of the montage shots showed what looked like a beef commercial. A fan of commercials (and partially responsible for the fact that Thursdays are Commercial day at work) I decided to look up the origins of this great dish...only to find nothing.

That's not entirely true. I did find a thread on the Snopes message board. After I added the word Hot to my searches, I found a bunch of recipes and blog posts...all from Minnesota. Near as I can tell, everywhere else it is just a Hot Beef Sandwich (or turkey or whatever type of meat is used)

So is this just a Minnesota thing to call it a Commercial? Is it kind of like our naming everything Hotdish when most people call it Casserole? Is this in fact a Minnesotaism?

Maybe it is. After all, we are an odd bunch. I am a bit disappointed that Andrew Zimmerin (a New Yorker who moved here after marrying a Minnesotan) didn't mention commercials when he did the Minnesota episode of Bizarre Foods (he did do Lutefisk at least) Maybe it's time to spread the word about Commercials, or even create/modify/reinvent them. (the Commercial Dog I make in the deli is gaining in popularity) Regardless, come to the Deli on Thursdays, or go to your local diner and order a Commercial. You won't be disappointed.

Unless you are a vegetarian, in which case you are screwed. But I'm working on a Veggie alternative. Just taking a bit.

Update: Apparently someone else had the same idea of trying to figure out the origins of the beef commercial

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lol. Didn't have this problem at my reunion, but then again it was a 10 year reunion. And there were a feir number of changes (including one classmate who shaved his head rather then go bald.) Get the feeling that is going to change as I get older though

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

When reading through the archives of a webcomic, I usually don't like to post two comics that I like back to back, but I didn't have anything I wanted to post between them, and as a Green Lantern fan I couldn't resist this one

Sad but true

Thursday, September 09, 2010

So the new team in G.I. Joe: Renegades is the A-Team?

Branded as renegades for crimes they did not commit, a heroic group of young G.I.s is forced to "turn fugitive" as they battle to clear their names, and expose the evil that is Cobra Industries -- a seemingly benevolent mega-corporation covertly controlled by a rogues gallery intent on creating a New World Order.
Someone knows their role (Sorry. Couldn't resist)

The Rock will be playing the voice of Cliffjumper in Transformers: Prime. Steve Blum (Spike from Cowboy Bebop, as well as half a bazillion other voices in cartoons, anime, and videogames) may have played him in the DS version of War For Cybertron, but hearing that The Great One is playing Cliffjumper just sounds right.

Wish they would announce when it is starting. Can't wait to see it

Friday, September 03, 2010

Well that was fast. I didn't get a story finished yesterday!

In my defense, there were a few things working against me. First, I woke up late and Bible Study went until a little after 1. I got it started, but there were a few problems even with the writing process.

First, the story I was working on was one I came up with an hour or so after I made the post about my writing challenge. Not much time, although that never stopped me before. I've done lots of good stories that I came up with only a few hours before.

Second, I felt that the story needed to be an epic poem sort of thing, like Beowulf (only lots shorter) Unfortunately I'm not that good with poetry, proven by the fact that I have only done 2 stories that are some sort of poetry. Not a big fan of it, but some times it just feels right to write a poem instead of prose.

Third, and related to the second reason, is the fact that because I'm writing it as an poem, I ran into some difficulty with the writing. The first third was fine, the last third was fine. It was the middle third I had problems with. If I were doing prose, no problem. Poetry, problem. So I will keep working on it and try to get it up tomorrow. In the mean time I got today's story started and will post it either tonight or tomorrow (I said I would write one a day, not post one a day) Should be good. It's a screenplay for a video I want to do some time before it starts snowing. Should be good.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

I realized the other day that I had forgotten that it was August, and August is supposed to be a writing month.

To make matters worse, except for last November for NaNoWriMo, I haven't done much writing period, let alone much writing during a designated "Writing Month." so I decided that for the month of September I will be challenging myself to write a new story everyday.

No, that does not mean I will write 30 stories in 30 days. I took today off (it's my birthday) and I probably will be taking weekends off. If I write on weekends, it will be to finish something I didn't finish during the week or as a make up day. For example, if I wake up late tomorrow and don't get anything written before work, I probably won't get anything written since I have Bible Study/game time after work, which usually goes till after Midnight.

And remember, this is according to my sleep schedule. I usually go to bed around 2 in the morning and try not to write after 1 (or an hour before I go to bed, when ever that might be) so basically I will be writing (or could be) between 8-9 in the morning (when I usually try to get up) till 1 the next morning.

I'm not sure how long any of these stories will be. Days like tomorrow, where I have a rather limited amount of time (4 hours, assuming I wake up at 9) it will probably be some flash story or something I can crank out quickly. Other days, like next Monday and Tuesday (YAY 3 Day weekend due to Labor Day) I will probably write longer stuff, and maybe more then 1 story.

Not sure what exactly I will be writing all the time. Some of it might be new stuff, some might be finishing older stuff. I'll keep of track of what (and when) I post anything and on October 1 I will post links and a word/story count for the month. I hope to get the sequel to Pine Creak Murders, "Final Level" done, maybe some more Fantasy stories. I hope to finish The Sacrifice, a sequel to The Siege as well as a sequel to Battle At Sea. I hopefully will get more of the Wrestleverse reboot done and maybe try to get a screen play I have been working on in my head for a while. I'm also going to submit one to a magazine I found looking for horror stories. They are looking for space stories, so I think I might do some sort of "Davey Jones in Space" sort of thing with a ghost ship.

It should be interesting to see if I pull this off, and interesting to see how long I can go before I give up.