Saturday, March 26, 2011

6 Years!!!!


While doing some updating on the Game Journal, I realized that Thursday was the 6th anniversary of me starting The Freak Show!

Maybe I will remember and do a proper write up for #7

Friday, March 25, 2011

On a related note to the last post (mostly because it involves Twitter) I am apparently begin followed by the Power Rangers! Not someone posing as a Ranger, but the actual, official twitter account of the TV show Power Rangers. And the best part is, I have no idea why! It's not some follow back thing (which is why Gamepro magazine is also following me) because I'm not following Power Rangers. And I've tried, but I don't remember any tweets I've written in the last few weeks (or ever) that involved Power Rangers. i thought maybe it was because I follow Dave Willis, who's web comic Dumbing Of Age recently did a strip involving Power Rangers (and my have been linked to a poll the Ranger's twitter account was running about who the best Blue Ranger is and why) but that was 3 or 4 days before they started following me.

The only reason I can think if is because I'm awesome. Either that or they followed the link on my account back here, read about Power Force (Which I have as one of my goals for the year to start) or some of my other stuff and realized "Hey. This guy is better at writing the most of the people who write the show. We should hire him."

I'm thinking it's just that I'm awesome.
Someone I follow on Twitter posted earlier today that, while on a flight, she saw Glee for the first time and didn't like it. Her words were more colorful (it was ODB so that should give you an idea of what she said)

I'm not going to say it is my favorite sow, but I do enjoy watching it from time to time. but after I read her tweet, it got me thinking about why people like the show.

I realized that, while there are some exceptions, most of the people I know who like Glee were in band or Choir in high school. They play instruments or sing now. They have always loved music. Like I said, there are some exceptions. but for the most part, music has been a major part of the lives of people I know who like the show.

Wonder if that is why so many people like the show.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Lol. Bucky has a good point.
Get Fuzzy