Insomnia VS Mr Unisom
So, last night (or more accurately this morning)I was lying in bed awake yet again. Insomnia had reared it's ugly head once again. But this time I could fight back! I didn't have to work today! So that means I can sleep as long as I need/want!! So I took some Unisom. Or more accurately the Walmart Store Brand version of Unisom. And before I passed out (I actually did mid post) I went on Twitter while I waited for it to kick in and posted the following.
Wtf am I doing on twitter at 4am?!
Better question. Wtf am I doing awake at 4 am!?
Oh yeah. Insomnia. Stupid insomnia :(
Insomnia, meet mr. Unisom. "Hello mr unisom. What do you do for a living?"
"I go Chuck Norris kick the crap out of stuff that kerps RC awake!"
"I don't see any rain, so why are you standing in a puddle insomnia?"
5 seconds later insomnia crapped its pants and ran home crying like a little girl.
Roommate just woke up to get ready for work *criky dingo* insomnia. Kick his ass Unisom!!!
"The winner still champion...UNISOM!!!"
8 or so hours later Ah. 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Thank you Mr Unisom!
"No need to thank me. Thank the fine folks at *whatever company makes Unisom*"