Friday, March 25, 2005

Contemplations of a Freak Vol 1

Why do drinks like Pepsi Edge exist? is it merely to make idiots like me ask stupid questions? For those of you who don't know what Pepsi Edge is, it is Pepsi with 1/2 the sugar. Does it taste like Pepsi? Couldn't tell you. Not a big fan of colas, and I prefere Coke.

So why do they exsist? I think it is Pepsi's way to get to all those lo carb fanatics out there. Pepsi 1 (as well as Cokes version, which I don't remember the name of) bragged about the fact that it had only 1 gram of carbs. This was stupid because Diet Pepsi has 0 grams of carbs. Why make something with 1, when you already have something with 0? Now they are doing the same thing with Pepsi Edge! Diet Pepsi has 0 grams of sugar. That is better the whatever 1/2 the sugar is.

I'm starting to see a trend here. First there was New Coke. Then Crystal Clear Pepsi (which I like) Then the Lo Carb drinks, and now this. If any one from Coke or Pepsireads this (like thats gonna happen) do your self a favor. Instead of wasting millions of dolors developing and marketing a new drink (plus the time and space to store it) Just give it to me! I promise to put the money in my World Domination fund. Ok, that's not entirely true. I'll buy the Vikings, then I'll put the rest int he fund. And I promise that Pepsi or Coke will become the official drink of the plant once I take it over (depending on which company gives me more money. :))

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

The American Communist Lawyers Union is at it again.

Saw this on the ACLU's website. Why was I there? simple. I like to check up on the enemy every once in a while. Why do I consider them the enemy? simple. because they push their agenda on others. This might seem a bit hypocritical, seeing as how I consider myself to be an Evangelical Born-Again Christian, but it's not. While some of my spiritual brethren might push God on others, I don't, nor do I agree with their way of doing things. When I'm out doing the whole Spreading The Word thing, I try not to be pushy. If I come across that way, it's not my attention. The ACLU (which stands for American Civil Liberties Union by the way. I just think my name for them is more accurate) thinks differently. If you don't agree with them, you are wrong and they will sue you if the can. Don't believe me? Check this out.

There is no law saying that you can't teach Creation, nor is there a law that says you have to teach Evolution.To the best of my knowledge the only law on this subject is in Louisiana (I might be wrong, but I think that's where it is) but that just states that you can not teach just Creation. you have to give equal time to both theories. But the ACLU supports Evolution and if they find out that your teaching Creation, they will sue you. They can't win, but school are forced to spend so much on the lawsuit that they encourage they teachers not to teach Creation. Not because they will get in trouble, but because they will have to spend too much money.

The ACLU has struck again, this time pushing their agenda on the Terrie Schivo case. Not only are they helping her husband and possibly ignoring her civil liberties, they are also trying to get "Terri's Law 1" over turned on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. Here's a link to the Constitution. Near as I can tell, there nothing in the Constitution one way or another regarding this case, so how can it be unconstitutional. In fact, the only thing in that article that I agree with is the fact that you should let lots of people know and have a living will if you don't want to be kept alive in situations such as this.

One mistake they make is, from the sound of the article, they assume that she said she didn't want to live. Since there is no documented evidence to support this, and the only one she "told" is her husband, they relly have no ground to stand on. She very well may want to live, but she is not dieing a slow death.

I don't want to start a debate about this. If you think she should die, that's your opinion. Personally I think she should live, but in the end our opinions don't matter. As long as groups like the ACLU are around, we either agree with them, or we are wrong. There is no middle ground.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

First Post

YEAH! The first post ever in the history of this post!

Ok, that's about it.

Seriously folks. There's nothing to see here. Please continue surfing.

Ok folks. If your that desperate to read a Blog, check out Kim Du Toit's excellent Blog.

Ok, you done reading all of Kim Du Toit's posts. Check this one out. Armed and Gregarious, an excellent blog by my good friend Habbs.

Ok folks. I'm not going to post anything else tonight. It's late (for most people. 11:30 is early for me since I go to bed around 2, but for most people it's late.) If your that desperate to read the next post (possible titled "Second Post") Keep clicking Reload or hitting F5. Or better yet, get one of those drinking bird things and use it to keep clicking F5, like Homer did. That way you'll be one of the first people in the entire universe to read my next post. Good for you.

BTW. if using the bird leads to something bad involving a nuclear reactor, you never read this.

Talk To Ya Later

