Monday, January 30, 2006

The Royal Rumble

Last night was the Royal Rumble, one of the most exciting PPV's of the year. Sometimes, like last year, the winner of the Rumble match i spredictable, but this year I must admit, I was very suprised.

Some matchs, like Angle VS Henery, JBL VS The Boogyman, or Cena VS Edge, weren't that suprising, but Greegory Helms, from Raw, winning the Cruiserweight Title, which is on Smackdown, was. and the fact that Rey Mysterio won the Rumble match to earn a shot at the title of his choice in the main event at Wrestlemania, was. I expected Rob Van Dam, who was making his return after a year away, to win. Now the question is will he go after the World or WWE title?

The only bad thing from the show was the fact that it looks like it will be Undertaker VS Angle at No Way Out, and probobly Angle VS Mysterio at Wrestlemania. So why is this bad? They will be good matchs, but it also means that Angle will be turning Heel (bad) again. I like him when he is a face (good guy) He's still one of my favorite wrestlers, but it is nice to see him as a face right now.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Mozart!

Today is Mozart's 250th birthday, and to celebrate public radio stations al over the country played his music. So tune into some good music, eat some brats or other German foods, and enjoy.

P.S. I think he was born in Austria, but I don't know any Austrian foods.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Want More Enders!

So I just finished Zone Of The Enders for PS2. I mean I literaly just finished it. The credits just finished and I am looking at the ending screen now. And I have to admit that I am a little dissappointed. Not because of the the game it self. It's a great game and I would recomend it to anyone looking for a good game. I am dissappointed because it ended to quickly. It took me just over 4 hours to beat on Easy. From what I understand the number of survivors affects the ending, but still, at 4 hours it is too short. The only game that I have beatedn that was shorter then this is Deadlock for the PC. And that was the Demo version. The full version too longer. (I have beaten some that were shorter, but they were for the NES or were adventure games, which usualy arn't that long.)

The way it ended didn't help any either. You finaly beat your main enamy, Viola, only to be attacked by an ultra powerfull enamy suit. You get your butt kicked, yoour allies cover your retreat, and you find out that your suit's next mission is a suicide mission. That's it. That is where it ends.

Fortunatly there is another game for PS2, one for the Game Boy Advance, and some anime out there, but I don't own them. Yet.

And in case HIdeo Kojima stumbles across this, please make more Z.O.E. games (or more games in general. That would be nice too.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Classic Nintendo Test

Game Over! You scored 91%!
Your legend was a success! You defeated Ganon and rescued the princess... now for another quest.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 84% on health
Link: The Classic Nintendo Test written by sadpunk on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

One Of Life's Great Questions

Today we made Peanut Butter Cookies at work. As I was making the fork marks that make Peanut Butter Cookies recognizable the world over, I got to thinking. Who was the first person to put the fork marks on Peanut Butter Cookies? And why did they do it?

This kind of thing keeps me up at night. ok, so it doesn't but it sounded good. But I have wondered about this before. I even checked online, but not even Google could answer my question. 335,000 recipies for Peanut Butter Cookies, and not one of them (ok, not one of the first 20) could explain this.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Which Pro Wrestler Are You?

Shawn Michaels
You are 32 Heel, 80 Baby Face, and 4 Enigma

Are you a good guy or a bad guy? The better question is what day of theweek is it. Your allegiance lies with yourself and whoever you decide to work with. After all, there are no wrestlers as handsome as you, so everyone else is obviously inferior. Your self-interest keeps things interesting as the line between friend and opponent is consistently blurred.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 45% on Heel
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You scored higher than 90% on Baby Face
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You scored higher than 1% on Enigma
Link: The Which Pro-wrestler Are You Test written by acp_xxii22 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Wal-Mart Poll Finds More Favorable Attitudes

The above head line caught my eye when I saw it on MSN, so I had to click on the link. , just to see what kind of messed up poll this was. The first red flag was this;

Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, was among the financial backers of Working Families for Wal-Mart

Working Families For Wal-Mart is the group that did the poll. That and the fact that Wal-Mart is one of their backers tells me the this poll was just a tiny bit biased. Accualy, scratch that. This tells me that this poll is more biased then the mass media.

Lets move on to the next part that caught my attention.

The retailer has stepped up efforts to counter criticism from unions and other groups who say the retailer pays poverty- level wages, discriminates against women and drives competitors out of business.

I don't know about discrimination, and while I have heard about the low wages, I can not confirm it because I don't work at Wal-Mart, something I thank God for. I can confirm that last part. Wal-Mart moved into town about 12 years ago. The towns economy is just now beginign to recover. If you are lucky enough to live in a town with a Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, ect, good for you. If all you have is a Wal-Mart, you know what I mean.

I shop at Wal-Mart. I have no problem admitting to that simply because there is no other option. When they started selling groceries, I refused to get stuff there that I could get at one of the grocery stores in town. With a few exceptions, I still follow that rule. If I had an option, I would probobly only shop there if i had to. Wal-Mart is not good. Any one who says otherwise is either ignorant to the truth or are choosing to ignore it.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Evil E-Mail Services

Kim Du Toit posted this on his siteand hoped that word would spread, so I am doing my part. He got it from here.

There is an e-mail program called Goowy which is one of a species of software I call ‘landmine-ware’, which is to say during the sign up process, on one of those bits no one actually reads, there is a yes-by-default opt-in box that allows the software to do something very few people would agree to if they actually noticed what they were being asked to agree to.

A friend of mine just signed up for Goowy and as a result Goowy just imported her entire contacts list from Gmail and spammed them all (including me) with invitations to sign up for Goowy.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Job Interview

Thanks to a friend, I have a job interview in about an hour. The Interview is at 3:30, but they want me there 15 minutes early for a tour. I am taking the fact that they want to give me a tour as a good sign. I mean why give a tour if they don't plan to hire you. So in about an hour I may have a new job. Until then, to calm my nerves, I plan to play some Smackdown. Kicking some Jabroni's butt is always relaxing :)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Resolutions.

I got so caught up in the count down with Dick Clark (I wouldn't be New Years with out Dick Clark) that I for got to post my resolutions. I normaly don't make any, but I decided to this year.

1.)Hit the trails more. I rode my roady plenty last year, but since my riding buddies abandoned mountain biking last year, I had no one to ride with. Now that I have a cell phone again, I will be hitting the trails as soon as I can.

2.)Finish a writing project. I have a lot of stories started, but very little finished, none of which are very big. Just some short stories. Hopefuly I will have a big project done. maybe even the one I mentioned in the last post.

3.)Not end 06 alone. I'm not talking about being with friends, although that would be good to. No, I am talking about relationship wise. Hopefully this will be the year I meet Misses Right.

I think I can pull most of these off. Riding, no problem. Writing, no problem assuming I don't spend too much time being lazy (which is why I have so much started, but nothing finished.) The only one that might be hard is the dating one, since that isn't entirely in my controll. Hopefuly God will give me an assist on that one, because the way things are looking right now, I'm gonna need it.