Wednesday, August 30, 2006

When Nerds Get Bored

Check this out.

Seems some nerd got bored and made a crop circle in the shape of the Firefox logo. Check it out.

Accualy if you want to see how they did it check it out. Here is the final product.

Friday, August 25, 2006

SG-1 Cancelled?

After getting some good news earlier today (Doctor Who is coming back to Sci Fi, with the new season starting sometime next month and I will get the days I wanted of next week. 4 day weekend!!!!) I got some bad news. According to Gateworld Stargate SG-1 will be cancelled at the end of the season (Here is the official story from Sci-Fi)

While it is great that Atlantis has been renewed, and that characters from SG-1 will probobly appear on Atlantis next season, it is still sad to see the series end.

There is hope though.

First, there is a possibility that a movie or two will follow. There has been talk of a SG-1 movie since season 7, they have just been waiting for the series to end. Now we might finaly see the big screen adventures of SG-1.

Second, there is this.

If you don't feel like following the link, there are two very important things mentioned in it. 1.) Executive producer Robert C. Cooper has said that SG-1 will live on in some form (they just arn't ready to reveal anything yet) and 2.) Sci-fi does not own Stargat, MGM/Sony does. Sci-Fi has just been ordering episodes form them. Since it was MGM's idea to start the series in the first place, they may just move SG-1 to another channel, possibly even competing with Atlantis until they can move Atlantis as well.

In the end, we will just have to see how this plays out. The show has been threatened (and cancelled) several times over the years, but it keeps coming back. A week or two from now it may be announced that Sci-Fi has picked it up for another season.

If this is the end, it has been a good run. The little show that would not die is now the longest running Science Fiction show in the US, and some have speculated that it's over all popularity might soon surpase even Star Trek! as I said, if this is the end, it has been a good run.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

SummerSlam Predictions

I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I never did. The original plan was to post my predictions for Wrestlemania, but I kept putting it off until finally I just forgot about it. Since SummerSlam is the next of the Big 4 in WWE, I decided to start there.

Fast forward a few months and we are there. Tonight is SummerSlam. As one of the Big 4, it features matches from Raw and Smackdown. Tonight is also a special night, because it is the first time ECW has been included. With (theoretically) three different styles of shows represented, it could be an interesting night.

These predictions are based on the events that have taken place on the shows, as well as (to a much lesser extent) my personal opinion and information form "news" sites. I don't like going to news sites to find info, but some times you have to and you might stumble across some info. When making predictions with info from news sites, I will indicate that I got the info from a news site, and I will still give my prediction if it contradicts the news site.

Check back tomorrow afternoon to see how I did. (Update) After posting this, a friend called and asked if I would be willing to order Sumemrslam if they payed for it. Since the show will be done by 10, and they are paying for it, it was a no brainer, so if they show up, I might post the results as it happenes.

To help people tell which show the matches are from, I will write the names of the matches in different colors: Raw, Smackdown, and ECW. Note that I don't know the order of the matchs, I am just doing these based on the order on the website starting at the bottom of the list.

Big Show (C) VS Sabu--ECW World Heavyweight Title Match--Sabu
While it looked like they were setting up Kurt Angle VS Bigshow on ECW on SciFi this past tuesday, I think Sabu will win. The ECW Faithful don't like the fact that Show is the champion, and while they respect Angle, I don't think they are ready to accept him as their champion. Sabu is an ECW Original, and him VS RVD some time in the future would be an amazing match, even if it is on the weekly show (just as long as they are given plenty of time)

Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero--Rey Mysterio
This match has gotten personal (at least in the storyline.) With Vickie, the widow of Eddie Guerrero involved, the match could go one of several ways. Either it will be a regular match with a clean finish, or Vickie will get involved. If she gets involved int he amtch, my prediction is that she will side with Chavo and that Rey will win by DQ.

Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair --"I Quit" Match--Mick Foley
Based just on personal preferance, I would choose Flair. The hardcore style that Foley helped make famous is what got me back into pro wrestling, and I still love it, but I like Flair better. Correction, I like the legendary Ric Flair better. In the past several years, Flair has done well, but it has been painful watching him. Hopefully Foley beating Flair will help the Nature Boy realize that it is time for him to hang up his boots and start managing the next generation of Superstar.

Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton--Hulk Hogan
Anyone who thinks that Orton stands a chance in this one is fooling themselves.

D-Generation X vs. The McMahons--DX
Same as the last one. Much like Vince's music says, with out outside interferance the MacMahons stand No Chance In Hell.

King Booker (C) vs. Batista--World Heavyweight Title Match--Batista
In yet another predictible outcome, Batista will reclaim his title. The only reason he didn't win it at the Great American Bash is because Rey Mysterio held the title and because Batista had to have his revenge against Mark Henry. Now that Henry has been delt with (on Saterday Night's Main Event, two weeks before GAB. Mr Kennedy took his place in the match at GAB.) it is time for Batista to regaint he title that he never lost.

Edge (C) vs. John Cena--WWE Heavyweight Title Match--Cena
Both men are on a roll, but for their fued to continue Cena has to win. Ad in the fact that I saw on a news site that promotional material for the next PPV has Cena defending the title seals it.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sword Ban In Scotland?

Saw this earlier. Take a moment to read the article. This post isn't going anywhere.

You done? Good. Now onto my comments.

First England bans guns (and we have seen how effective that has been in reducing the number of gun crimes) and now Scotland wants to band swords and knives! Makes me glad I don't live in the UK.

I wonder if the people pushing for this ban really thought it out. Does this ban include Swiss Army Knives? Multi-Tools? Chef's knifes (A staple of slasher films and horror movies?) Steak knives? What about knife and sword like weapons that don't have blades like Sais?

The really sad thing is the timing. Just days after a plot to blow up planes was discovered, Scotland wants to ban a weapon that can defend people!

Check the stats people. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the murders and assorted other crimes commited where knives were involved were not commited by people who collect blades or are law abiding citizens. they are being commited by the same people who are commiting the gun related crimes in England; people who don't obey the law in the first place. The only difference is if this law passes, the average, law abiding citizen will not be able to defend themselves.

First Game Of The Season

Tonight is the first game of the Viking's season. True it is a pre-season game, but that's ok. It will the first time since the end of last season that we get to see the Purple People Easters in action, and that is all that matters.

It should be interesting. In addition to new players and new uniforms (not a big fan of the new uniforms, but I'll get use to them) they also have a new head coach (who has gotten comparisions to legendary head coach Bud Grant,) a new coaching staff, and a new style of play. Can't wait to see how it works out.

It should also be intersting because of who we are playing. The Oakland Raiders. The same team that took Randy Moss off of our hands. This will be the first time Moss played in the dome since being traded to the Raiders, and while he got a good reaction when he walked out to the field for practice, it should be interesting what kind of reaction he gets once the game starts. On thing's for sure. He needs to get a new hair stylist. He looks like Chewbacca's evil twin. He looks like an extra from Planet Of The Apes. I wish I could find a pic, but if I see him with that hair style after this, I think he might just dethrone Jan Ulrich as having the stupidest hair style I have ever seen.

Saddly I won't beable to watch the whole game, partly because I have to work tomarrow and partly because the guys are coming over at 8 to watch Raw, but you better believe that I will be reading about the game as I get ready for work tomarrow.

Too Much Violence in Video Games?

Originaly posted on the Game Journal

Last Thursday, Attack Of The Show did a segment with Jack Thompson. here is the segment.

In the end, Mark and Kevin made the most sense when they said that it is up to the parents to watch what their kids play. It is not up to me. It is not up to Jack Thompson. It is up to the parents. If the parents want their kids to plat games like San Andreas, then it is up to them and they need to take resonsibility for thier actions.

One thing that is interesting to note is the fact that Thompson says that kids trained to kill while playing Doom. Last time he said something like that (and got into a fight with Penny Arcade starting here.) he said the it was Grand Theft Auto that was training kids to kill. Dude needs to make up his mind.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Landis' B Sample tests Positive

Floyd Landis, the winner of the 2006 Tour De France, was accused of doping, and now his B sample, has tested positive as well. As a result his has been fired from Team Phonak, could face a four year ban from pro cycling, and might loose his Tour victory.

His lawyer has said the investgation is ongoing and asked that the UCI refrain from revealing any more info untill all evidance is in.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More Like Guide Lines

I'm thinking about printing this up and posting it in my living room. That way when Me and the Toonami Trio get into Nerf fights, we will know the rules.

Training Day 29

Today was a decent day. Not a great day, but a decent day.

I didn't ride too much, but I was able to push myself to go as fast as I could the whole time. I haven't been able to do this for the past couple of weeks due to heat and humidity. In the end, I was able to main tain between 15-18 MPH. Infact the only time I dropped below 13 MPH was for a couple of climbs, a turn (at the top of a climb) and once when I was getting a drink while going into the wind. If I can keep that up, I should be doing good.

My knees held up good despite not having ridden much in a couple of weeks, again because of the heat. I taped the up and they felt fine when I got home. I also tried taping my wrist and the palm of my hand. I biffed a couple of weeks back, took a turn into the parking lot at work too fast. I think I might have cracked some bones in my hand, right where the handle bar rests when I ride, so I figured I would give it a try. Worked pretty good, and once I got use to it, I didn;t even notice it.

I will try for a full length ride Friday (tomarrow is the Community ride.) On a side note, tomarrow it will have been one month since I started training. I haven't realy noticed any change physically, but my mom said I looked like I had lost some weight the other day, and I am doing better. It takes longer for me to get tired, and I am able to go faster for longer periods of time.

I keep this up, I should be ready to race in no time :)

Bionicles: Inika

Just saw a commercial for the new Bionicle set, Inika. It would be a pretty cool commercial if there were only two things different.

1.) It tells us nothing about the story like they did with the past sets.
2.) They choose "Move Along" by the All American Rejects, which is also the theme song for WWE's 2006 Diva Search Contest, which is a waste of time and pretty much ruined a half way decent sounding song for me.

Accualy the start of the commercial is good, it's not until they get to the chorus what it doesn't realy fit.