Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Thanks to a link on Shortpacked, I found this.

In case anyone is wondering, the blog belongs to the guy who does the Sally Forth comic strip. He also has a pretty good Pre-Flight Checklist for Santa

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saw this and had to post it. They really need to make this movie before they make the Justice Leaguemovie.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I was just watching Mail Call and they went into Cheyenne Mountain, the home of NORAD (and Stargate Command, but they didn't say anything about that.)

Obviously there was heavy security on the way in, as it should be. After all this is where the leaders of the country go in case of an emergency.on 9/11 it was pretty much the most important location in the US, not only because the President was there, but also because they were the ones trying to figure out what was going on.

Given the importance of NORAD, I am a bit concerned about the fact that the buildings inside Cheyenne Mountain are locked by simple 4 button locks. a 2-4 digit code is needed, made up of four buttons, is required to get into most of the facilities inside NORAD. Am I the only one concerned that this place is less secure then the nursing home I worked at when I started this blog? We had 5 button locks. Why is one of the most important places in the free world less secure then a nursing home?

Granted you had to get pass the main security, and the locks are mainly there so that people who don't have security clearance to certain areas can't get it, but this still concerns me.

It gets better though. right after that (which I am currently watching) was Our Generation, where they are talking about the toys of baby boomers. At one point they were at a toy museum and went down to the "Vault" where they keep the toys that they don't have on display for various reasons. It seemed to have just as much security as the buildings inside Cheyenne Mountain! Have to have heavy security to protect that original Etch A Sketch mint in sealed box.

On an unrelated note, through out Our Generation, the host was searching for one of his favorite toys from his youth, a Rock'em Sock'em Robots. He found the box, which was selling for $100 (I think) He finally found one but it wasn't for sail since it was in mint condition. I should see what kind of shape the one my Grandparents have is in. it's from that time and probably worth quite a bit, even in the bad shape I know it's in.

Of course I wouldn't sell it. I had too much fun playing with it when I was younger :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This is cool. It's a custom made Warpath that can transform.

I've heard that we are going to get a Classics version of him when (if) they bring the series back, just hope they don't take the easy route and just repaint Ultimate Battle Megatron. Hopefully they will atleast redo the head and gave him 2 arms,w ith the cannon becoming part of the chest.

Monday, December 17, 2007

This is the Shortpacked strip that was posted over the weekend on Toy News International. The scary thing is this is how my mind works too. I'll think of something that reminds me of something else and I'll go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with what ever I was talking about in the first place, or I'll bring up some obscure fact that will get me side tracked for a bit before returning to the original subject.

Annoying some times, but usually king of fun to see the look of confusion on peoples faces when they wonder where I'm going with this info.

On a side note, and completely unrelated to any of this (which in turn makes it related to the subject of this post) These were the top news posts when I when to the main page today

Green Lantern VS Sinestro Book Ends
Green Lanterns Poster

Might have to try to get that poster. If nothing else it's going up on my desktop next month :)

Speaking of Wallpapers, I just checked my Wallpaper folder, and Green Lantern and Optimus Prime are tied for most wallpapers for a single subject at 3 each. might have to scour the interweb to see if I can't find a winner for most pics.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sailors Take Warning

This story is part 4 of Battle At Sea, a 4 part series that started in Red Sky In Morning

Sailors Take Warning

The arrival of the Ridar a Deo turned the tide of battle, and as we fought I couldn’t help but think back. Back to a time when, sitting at my father’s feet, he would tell me tales of brave men who would lead their people to victory. He told me that he was telling me the stories of our ancestors and that some day I would be like them. I didn’t believe him then, but at that moment I began to believe.

As we fought, I saw a pirate leaving the captain’s quarters. I didn’t know what he had taken, but knew he couldn’t leave the ship with it. I ran towards him, only to be stopped by two of his allies. They swung their swords together, but I was able to block them. I kicked one in the stomach and punched the other before spinning my sword around and driving it into the first’s back.

I pulled my blade free and slashed the second pirate across the chest in time to see the runner return to his ship. He handed something to Corazón Negro before the pirate captain sounded the call to retreat. I drove my sword into the second pirate, killing him as I stared at the disappearing ship, knowing that this battle was far from over.
I just checked my Christmas lights and it looks like I'm going to have to replace almost all of them. The white ones work, but a third of them are out due to a missing bulb. Unfortunately the plug for the bulb is missing too, and it required a different plug when what I have spares of. The color lights aren't working either, and I think that is something wrong with the wires, because the bulbs seem to all be there and the fuses are all of.

At least they won't go to waste. I'm going to take all the bulbs off, check them, and keep the ones that work.

And most importantly, it means I get new Christmas Tree lights :)
I saw this while reading through the archives for Adventurers, which will be added to the Comics list when I am done.

This comic is so very true and perfectly illustrates the difficulties of being a megalomaniac. Most just assume that they can take over the world easily, at any time the want, but the truth is it takes planning, and some times you have to take it over a piece at a time. There are times you can take it over all at once, but those are rare.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Justice At Dusk

This story is part 6 of The Pine Creek Murders, a 6 part series that started in The Girl In The House

Justice At Dusk

Peter Davidson and Helen Parker walked nervously down the road. Not because the dieing light of the setting sun was made darker by the overcast sky. Not because of the numerous murders that had occurred over the past year. Because of the house in front of them.

The Ullrich house.

Like everyone else in Pine Creek, they knew the history of this house. They knew about the murders that Erik Ullrich had committed fifty years ago. They knew about how Lance Landis had died here two years ago. And of course they knew about the curse of Lyne Ullrich. Which is why they were there tonight.

The night before they had been at a party with some friends, and after a large amount of drinking, they had accepted a dare. Since Landis had died a year ago, then maybe tonight was the anniversary of Lyne’s death, and they were going to find out. To try to see if the house was really haunted, or at least if the curse was real.

So as the sun set in the west, they walked towards the house, the long shadows making it look even eerier. Both slowed their pace, slowly walking towards the house. When they were with in a hundred feet, they stopped. Someone, or something, was kneeling in the doorway.

Peter motioned that they should turn around, that they should leave, but before they could Helen sneezed. The black mass in the doorway turned, stood, and began to walk towards them.

It was a humanoid figure. In the dieing light, they couldn’t tell if the face was hidden some how, or if it had no face. It reminded Helen of the Nazgul from Lord Of The Rings, and she stood motionless with fright.

The figure walked closer. In the distance he could hear Peter yelling for her to run, but she couldn’t. All that ran through her mind was the thought that this was Lyne Ullrich, and that she was going to die. She was so terrified that she didn’t even cry out as she felt the cold metal of a knife blade plunge into her stomach.
She fell as the figure pulled its knife free. Her hands moved to the wound and she saw blood on them. As she stared at her hand, Peter ran towards her, tackling the figure, knocking the knife from its hand. They wrestled on the ground, trying to gain an advantage, trying to get their hands n the knife to end the battle. As they fought the figure’s hood fell back, and long red hair poured out as Peter found himself looking into the crazed face of Wendy Landis.

They stared at each other for several moments. After a moment she stood, stating that she knew him, her voice deeper then normal and distant sounding, almost like it wasn’t her’s. As Peter move towards the knife, she turned and looked towards the door, calling Lance’s name. As Peter watched, she moved towards the door and he appeared in the doorway, walking onto the porch.

Wendy walked towards him, crying, saying that she had done it all for him. And as she walked onto the porch, he stepped aside. Behind him was a young woman wearing a red dress in an older style. Wendy looked at her in shock as the woman grabbed her, pulling her into the house, the door closing behind them. Peter could hear her screaming in terror from inside the house as he took out his cell phone and dialed 911.

Three years later

A black 1972 ford Mustang pulled to a stop and Alex Jager stepped out, looking up at the house. Who knew five years ago the terror, the bloodshed, the sadness this place would cause. At first it was all blamed on Wendy Landis, who’s broken body was found near where her husbands had been found a year earlier. The cause of death was the same; internal injuries sustained by falling down the steps.

Why she had killed seven people, no one knew. Psychologists said that it was out of grief over her husband’s death, and pointed to the fact that all but one of her victims had been couples in love.

But Alex knew better. He knew that there was more to why she had killed, and he had spent the last three years trying to stop it. But at last it was over.

He got into his car and drove away. If he had looked into the rearview mirror, he would have seen a woman screaming for help. Beside him was a man, smiling, and behind them both, was a woman in a red dress.

Friday, December 07, 2007

NaNoWriMo Is Over

This is a bit late, but national Novel Writing Month is over, and man did I do bad. Don't have an exact word count, since I forgot to write down how many words some of the stuff had, but I'm willing to bet that I only wrote about 5000 words last month. Compared to last month, that is horrible.

Hopefully I'll do better next year. Can't do much worse.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Next week WWE celebrates the 15th anniversary of Raw's debut. During the commercial for it tonight, they showed several past superstars who might be there, but there is a problem with at least four of them. There may be more, but that is all I noticed.

Problem number 1. The list includes Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall. All three of these men are currently working for TNA, so it might be a bit hard for them to be there. Especially Angle, who is the current TNA Heavyweight Champion. (although it was kind of funny when Mr Kennedy called out several people, including someone dressed as Hall. He thanked "Hall" for showing up, after he no showed TNA's Turning Point PPV last night.)

Problem number 2. One of the people shown was Eddie Guerrero. Might be kind of hard for him to show up since he's been dead for a couple of years.

It would be one thing if this was a list of superstars that have appeared on Raw, but no. It was implied that this was some of the people who might show up. And to list these four, especially Eddie, is just stupid on WWE's part.

Should still be a good show. Sounds like there will be an Evolution Reunion, Trish Stratus, Lita, and Hulk Hogan will be there, and Jeff Hardy will be defending the Intercontinental Championship against Carlito in a Ladder Match. Assuming Carlito decided to actually wrestle, it could be a good match.