Sunday, September 28, 2008

I have conflicting emotions right now. Just checked to see how the Vikings are doing and they are losing 20-10 with 7:30 left in the third quarter. Obviously I want the Vikings to win, but at the same time I have a few players from the Titans, including their defensive line, on my fantasy football team, so I want them to do good.

Of course if it was a close, high scoring game with great defense, that would solve both problems because the Vikings could win and I would still get lots of points :)

Update: The Vikings ended up losing 30-17. I was kind of embarrassed for our QB. Some of those plays in the fourth quarter (the only one I watched in full) looked more like he was a rookie.

few other things excited about and a bit disappointed as far as Fantasy Football goes, A bit disappointed that I didn't have Farve. 6 Touchdowns means a lot of points, but at the same time, there is kind of an unwritten unspoken rule in my group that we don't take Farve. all other packers are ok, but not Farve. We're all Vikings fans. 'Nuff said.

I am glad for the changes I mad to my team just before making this post. ESPN Gridiron Challenge lets you change players right up until the game starts, so when I saw that one of my Wide receivers had a bye, I dropped him for Santana Moss, who had a great game. Yeah for me :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

there is something that is kind of annoying me. No, annoying isn't the right word. What is....Oh yeah, that's it. I'm pissed about something.

First a little background. Late Sunday night/early Monday morning, a kid at the local school committed suicide. Obviously it was a sad day at the school. My bro and sister in law were there, doing their jobs as youth pastors to help the kids, as were Pastor Ron and several other local pastors. One student, who I know well, was anger. he didn't know why but he was. Another, again who I know well, was just numb. he didn't feel anything yet. It was too soon for him to feel anything when they talked to him. I didn't hear about it until I went over to Jerm and Jaquie's place last night to talk to them about something completely different, but that's not saying much since I was sleeping most of the day. In addition to those and probably other kids that weren't named while we were talking, a friend of mine was hit hard by this as well, and Rae and I spent a fair amount of time talking to him.

Needless to say, when something like this happens in a small town, everyone is affected. You might not know the kid, but odds are you know someone who did or is affected by it. And after 2 or 3 suicides this year, it's something that gets worse every time, because as soon as the wounds from the last one start healing, they are torn open.

So why am I pissed? Because I went to the site for the local paper, the Redwood Gazette to see what they had about it. Not surprisingly there was nothing on there. The site is rarely updated with breaking news. Usually it's a minor miracle that it is even up to date with the most recent edition. After that I went to the local radio station's sire, KLGR. KLGR has always been the place to go when you want breaking news. In fact we learned more about what was going on at the old store from there then we did from the owner. If anyplace would have something, even just a headline that a kid killed himself, they would have it. But it was as if it never happened.

I can understand if there was no news a few hours after both places opened for business, or even not until late afternoon. But I went there right before I started typing this, so around 2:30 Am the next day. 48+ hours after he was found (not sure when it was) there is still no news on the towns main new sites.

Why is that? I have no idea. Is it because we have become numbed, desensitized to it to the point where it isn't even worth reporting anymore? I hope not. And yet the lack of news on those sites tells me that this may be the case, at least in the eyes of the press. and that is what is pissing me off.

I can only hope that the news items were removed on the request of the family, or they were told not to post anything until the police have finished an investigation. But until then we are left to wonder not just why he did it, but also why it isn't mentioned anywhere other then the local news broadcasts on the radio.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I'm doing some research for an article I'm writing for various sites, which means I won't get much, if any money for it, but I will get my name out there and that is just as important. During the research I learned some interesting stuff.

First is the fact that there were rumors that The Riddler was going to be in Dark Knight. Those turned out to be false, i knew that, but the rumors continue for the next Batman movie.

Second is one of the people who has expressed interest in playing Mr. E Nygma; David Tennet! That's right, the 10th Doctor wants to play The Riddler! I don't think i can think of a better person to play him, This is like Jack Nickleson playing Joker, there would be none better.

Think about it. The Doctor is a very intellectual character, as is Riddler. And David Tennet is one of the best to step out of the TARDIS (with Tom Baker being the only one who is as good or better, depending on who you ask)

Like I said, who better to play the Riddler.

Monday, September 08, 2008

How cool is this. I picked up some DumDums this morning for my Sunday School students. if they do their memory work, they get a DumDum. Not only that, but these are filled DumDums, which means that some are chocolate filled, some are gum filled, and some are sour filled (think Tootsie Roll Pops, Blow Pops, and Sweet Tarts) But since it was the first week of Sunday School, they didn't have any memory work done so I gave them some as a welcome back to Sunday School.

I got these last year for Halloween, although I didn't have many trick-or-treaters other then Cam, who's mom lives above me and is a friend. Probably would have had more, but i was at Kidsfest, as always. Probably had a bunch of kids that were there because they went to my apartment and saw the sing I had up, which is good. I don't know how many people we had last year, because the counter broke, but if I remember right it broke at 550 (the number of kids at 2006's Kids Fest) and there were at least 25 that came in after that.

Anyways, back on subject, the ones I got last year were a little disappointing. They tasted fine, but they had a plastic stick. DumDums can't have a plastic stick! They have to have the rolled paper sticks! It's like Safe-T Pops with out the curved rolled paper sticks. It's just wrong!

So imagine my surprise today when i had a DumDum with the kids and found the rolled paper sticks! I was so excited that when Marilyn, the children's pastor, walked in, I asked if she wanted on "with the old school paper sticks" She of course said yes, because who can turn down a DumDum, especially with the rolled paper stick?