Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Thank the Matrix it doesn't suck

Finally saw Star Wars Episode 3 the other day and it was worth sitting through Episodes 1 and 2. It was worth only getting 2 hours of sleep (surprisingly I wasn't too tired at work.) I'm not going to tell you too much about it, because I don't want to spoil it for any one (don't want to give away info like the fact that Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Opps. Sorry. :))

One thing that was nice is the fact that Jar-Jar only had 1 line and it was easy to miss. All he said was sorry. In the movie it was because he ran into someone, but we all know that it was Lucas apologizing to fans for creating the Gungans. Also, the dialog between Anakin and Padme was better.

I'm sure that there was a bunch of stuff wrong, but the only one I caught was the mention of the midichloreans. Fortunately it was mentioned in passing.

Over all, it was a good movie. While it might not be up to par with the original trilogy, it is far better then the Episodes 1 and 2. If nothing else, it is an excellent Sci-Fi movie. Lots of set up for the original trilogy, great battle scenes (Anakin VS Obi-Wan has got to be the best Saber battle ever.) and a story rather then a reliance on special effects make this one a Gotta Buy movie on my list.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Greed Sucks

Looks like I won't bee seeing Star Wars Episode 3 on opening day. Why? because the owners of the theater are greedy. When they retired, they leased the theater out to some other people who were doing a great job. They dumped a lot of money into the building to fix stuff that the owners didn't care about (like a leaking roof!) Putting new sound systems in, and getting movies sooner, often times on opening day. They even installed a digital sound system just so they could get episode 3.

After the lease ran out, the people running the theater were going to build a new building and planned on renting the building until it was complete. the owners heard this and offered to sell the current building to them. When they said no, the owners doubled the rent! In response, the people running the theater grabbed the equipment they had bought for it and left.

So what does this have to do with anything? nothing. I'm just a little mad. the owners didn't put any money into the theater (or the one in Windom, which they also own.) The building was falling apart and people weren't going to movies. After all, why go to a rundown theater when you could go to Willmar or Marshell and see a movie in a nice theater. They get new people in to run it, who fix it up and make it a building people would want to go to. And the reason? greed. And the worse part! I won't be able to seen Episode 3 until this weekend :(


Monday, May 16, 2005

Where Are The Horror Stories?

I saw this in the Letter To The Editor section of the Star Tribune a few days ago and I had to comment on it. Here is the letter word for word

So what's happening in Vermont? Massachusetts? From the lack of news, I assume that the sky has not fallen in those states that recognize same-sex unions.

Last month Connecticut's Republican governor signed a law granting civil unions to same-sex couples in that state, but there was little press devoted to that story. How about some well-researched stories on the state of same-sex unions in Massachusetts and Vermont, assuming those states have not succumbed to financial or moral ruin? Has the institution of marriage been destroyed in those states?

And while you're at it, has Canada's institution of marriage fallen into some godless abyss?

The electorate will never be truly informed by the rantings of one-issue politicians and zealous ideologues. Help us out here.

I'm sure this guy is one of those people who were expecting shoot outs on Main Street when the Concealed Carry law passed a few years back. (BTW. the law was over turned, rewritten, 3 of the guys who voted against it the first time voted for it this time, and as far as I know, it passed. Take that Gun Fearing Weenies.)

On a related note, that day's paper also had a story about a constitutional amendment in Nebraska. In the 2000 elections, the people of Nebraska voted on an amendment to their state constitution banning gay marriage. Now federal judges have struck down the amendment. They are going against the will of the people here! You know when Pat Robertson and James Dobson talk about judicial tyranny? This is what they are talking about!


Friday, May 13, 2005

These Are The Voyages...

With those words, a saga began and with those words, the latest chapter came to an end. A few minutes ago the final episode of Star Trek: Enterprise came to an end. While it didn't show it, the episode ended with the signing of the Federation Charter.

The episode actually takes place shortly before "The Pegasus," a Next Generation Episode and guest starts Johnathon Franks and Mirena Sirtis. The Enterprise stuff takes place during a Holodeck simulation that they are watching. It was kind of cool to see them in their old uniforms and wandering the halls of the Enterprise-D again, but there were a few problems. The time since Nemesis has not been nice to them. They both looked older. It would have made more since to have the episode set aboard the Titan (Franks' character, Will Riker, was promoted to Captain and given command of the Titan at the end of Nemesis) Some nice touches were the fact that, while you didn't see his face, I think Captain Picard was in Ten-Forward and when Data called Counselor Troi (Sirtis' character)

The Enterprise portion of the episode takes place 7 years after the previous episode. The Enterprise is about the be decommissioned and the charter is about to be signed. Despite the fact that it is 7 years later, nothing, with the exception of some hair styles, has changed. shouldn't they look 7 years older? just a thought. Also, why didn't T'pol and Trip get married or something?

One thing I didn't like about the episode is the fact that they killed off Trip. I could have understood if he had died to prevent some one from interfering with the signing of the Charter, but he didn't. He died to save Archer and Shran. It made no sense.

In the end, I thought it was a good episode and a decent way to end the series. It would have been better if the story had been more epic and if they had been given 2 hours like all the rest of the shows (except the original,) but it was still good. the last thing that was shown was Captain Picard saying "Space...The Final Frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the star ship Enterprise." as the D flew by. Then it switched to the original Enterprise as Captain Kirk continued "It's continuing mission, to seek out new lives and new civilizations." finaly it switched to the NX-01 as Captain Archer finished "To boldly go where no man has gone before."


Monday, May 09, 2005

Random Quote Of The Week

"Hey. This wasn't in the cartoon!"

Zazu--The Lion King

For Christmas my younger sister got me, my bro, and our parents tickets to Lion King at the Orpheum. If you get a chance, you have to see this play. It beat Cats as my second favorite play of all time. (The #1 is Les Miserables) The story is the same as the movie, but the costumes, sets, ect is so cool that it pushed it over the edge. There are some new songs from the extended edition of the movie, and I think there are some new ones just for the play, so even if you have seen the movie, there is new stuff. If you go, enjoy.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

This Is So Cool

Right now I have 2 browsers open. Once is obviously the one where I am typing this, but the other one is the one that has me excited. Why you might ask? Simple. I am at Game Spy looking at screen shots from Mage Knight Apocalypse. What is Mage Knight you ask? IT is a really cool miniatures game. Unlike most minis games, Mage Knight doesn't require any painting skills or stat memorization or rule books. The figures are pre-assembled, pre-painted, and the stats for each figure are printed on the base. If you have played Mage Knight, or any of the other Combat Dial games published by WizKids, then you know what I'm taking about. If you haven't (or even if you have) and you want to, let me know. I am working on a way to play online. I just need to figure out how to make the maps work.

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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Random Quost Of The Week

"Victory Is Mine!"

Stewie from the Family Guy

After God only knows how long, the first new episode of Family Guy airs tonight. I just wish I could watch it, but between Church and having to wake up early for work, I won't be able to. I'm gonna tape it though, so I can watch it tomorrow.

The DMV: The Icon of efficancy

While I was getting ready for Church this morning, I was watching At Issue, a local show that discusses news events and issues that occurred during the past week. One of the stories was about a girl who just got her drivers license. There was just one problem. The picture was of a man in his his late 40s-mid 50s. I just thought this was funny.

On a side note, she looked like a friend of mine. Wonder if their related.