Sunday, June 29, 2008

There is a movie on IFC tonight called Strange Lands with Dee Snider in it. Info says it is about a psychopath that uses the net to lure teens to his basement and I'm guessing kill them. Why do I get the feeling that 1.) the music will rock and 2.) Dee will be the psychopath.

Update 6/30: Yep, I was right. The music was good and Dee was the bad guy. And apparently it was his movie. Wasn't bad, although the one I watched on Sundance, The Ghost, was better, even though I have no idea what was going on at the end. It was actually kind of fun to see the early days of IM and Chat rooms, back before there were names for people like Captain Howdy.

Snider did a good job as a villain, although it was weird to see Robert Englund not as the main villain.
I'm watching a show on the Freemasons and had a thought. if they and other groups like the Skull and Bones are so set in saying that they are not some evil secret society, then why are they so secretive? Why not reveal everything to the world?. By this point it might not change the minds of all, but it would help change the mind of a lot of people who say they are running the world

Monday, June 23, 2008

A couple of days ago I was really worried. It was looking like I would have to reformat the External Drive, which has all my writing stuff on it, as well as a HUGE amount of stuff I downlaoded. Then I remembered that my USB drive has all my writing stuff on it and should only be a month or two out of date, a month or two when I did mostly SPW stuff, which I could jsut get off the site or rewrtite if I needed to. Fortunatly I was right. Tere was only 2 stories, one of which was only half finished, and 3 or 4 SPW shows that weren't on it. There was some other things, like updated rosters, some notes about different projects, stuff like that, but I could always redo those.

Then last night I was able to get all that stuff off the External Drive!!!!! Not only that but I was able to get a bunch of other stuff I hoped I could retrieve off there as well. There is still some stuff, like most of the stuff I downloaded, but I can always redownload that stuff. The important stuff is now on my Tower or USB Drive.

Update: I did lose some pics I took, but the only ones I wanted to keep in the first place were already in otehr locations, so that's no big deal. And in about 8 hours I will have a brand new hard drive to fill!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A couple of weeks before Mothers day I sold an article to Associated Content, making me officially a Semi-Pro writer. That isn't what I am writing about right now though. I was just checking tos ee if I had any new comments on the article and I noticed that in the "Other articles you mgiht like" section were two other articles on the same subject. So I checked them out. They both had more hits and the authors had more articles on AC, but then I noticed something. MIne was the highest rated one (4.3 out of 5) and the only one with any comments!!!!!

Needless to say I am kind of excited about that. They may have made more money on their's, and maybe mine hasn't men marked as a favorite by any one, but from the looks of things people liked it better :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Fixed the problem with runnign EXE files. Turns out it is a problem with the Registry, most likely caused by a Virus. To fix it all you ahave to download a file that fixes the registry and then run Anti-virus software to take out the Virus. Here is a link to the fix incase someone stumbles across this and is having the same problem.

Now just have to get AVG 8 and firefox. The tower still won't be as god as the laptop, but it will be a lot better

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It seems the Laptop hsa finaly died. When I reset it a couple weeks ago, that fixed the software problems I was having, but did nothing for the growing list of hardware problems. I was able to get it up and runnign for a couple of minutes earlier today, but that was about it.

So I am using the tower, which I hate. The system, which still runs Windows ME, has been seemingly on life support for a couple of years now. I've upgradded the sound card and video card, which means I have good sound and a built in S-Video port, so when I turn it into a video server I won't have to repalce that, but it runs slow and I have had problems running EXE files. probably a virus, but since I can't run Anti-Virus programs (they have EXE files) I can't tell. I will have to find out if there is some way to fix this.

The worse part of the laptop being down is I pretty much know how to fix it, but I don't know if I want to. except for a couple of graphics I downloaded, there isn't anything really new on there since the last update. All the new versions of software I downloaded I put onto the external drive right after I installed them, and some stuff I downloaded I can always download again. So it won't be a huge loss if I can't get it up and running, but it would be nice since it is a better system and because I can take it to work. At the same time I don't know if I want to drop more money into the thing since I will hopefully be replacing it soon.

The worst part about using the tower is having to use IE. It's not even the new version, it's IE 6. SInce I rarely use the tower for net surfing I never bothered to upgrade IE, and now, uintil I fix the EXE problem, I don't think I can. Idealy I would use Firefox, but same problem. so I am stuck with IE. it gets the job done, but messes with the layout of the blog, which is kind of annoying.

Oh well. hopefully I will fix the problems soon and get Firefox up and running
I just realized that it's been two weeks since my last post.

I feel a little bad about that.

Could be worst thought. I could have an update schedule like Habbs.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

I'm watching Food Network Challenge, and the challenge this time is cakes staring Pixar characters.  The only cake that collapsed was one based on Monsters Inc, which sucked for two reasons.  1.) they spent a lot of time working on Sully's fur and it looked insane good.  while it obviously didn't look as good as his fur did in the movie, I don't think they could have done a better job using frosting.  that alone made it disappointing when the cake collapsed.   

The other reason it sucked, which I will call 2.) because I can is that Monsters Inc is, to date, my favorite Pixar movie, so to see it not even make it to the judging table was a bit of a bummer for me.  Not sure it would have won after looking at the other ones (I'm thinking it will be Bugs Life that wins, but they just started judging) but it would have been cool to see how it would have done compared to the rest.



The Finding Nemo cake won.  One reason they said is because it looked more complete and had more characters, but they even said in the judging that the back looked incomplete.  Meanwhile the Bugs Life cake looked amazing and should have won, but it only lost by 2 points, so I guess that isn't to bad.  For me the worse part about them winning is the fact that Finding Nemo and Bugs Life are my least favorite Pixar movies (which isn't saying much since it is Pixar movies and they all rock.) but they both looked great, so at least the best looking cakes won.

On the gooder side Iron Chef America is on next and the secret ingredient is Rice.  I prefer the original version of the show, but Rice is one of my favorite ingredients and Mario Betalli is the Iron Chef, since he is my favorite, so I should be worth watching.

In about 8 minutes, WWE's One Night Stand 2008 starts.  For those that don't follow pro wrestling, One Night Stand started out as an ECW tribute show, and the following year was used to launch the ECW show on Sci-fi.  Last year was the first year it was a tri-brand show, and the selling point, much like TNA's Lockdown featuring every match inside steel cages (called the Six Sides Of Steel in TNA), One Night Stand has the gimmick of every match being "extreme."  that means anything from Falls Count Anywhere to Last Man Standing to TLC.

The stupid thing about this year's edition is the Smackdown main event.  it reuses a storyline from Unforgiven 2006.  In that match it was John Cena VS Edge for the WWE championship.  At the time Edge was claiming that he had never lost a TLC match. (which isn't true since he and Christian lost TLC 4, but that one is forgotten a lot)  If Cena lost, he would be fired from Raw and had already signed a contract with Smackdown in the event he lost.  Cena of course won the match, but he looked like he was out of place.  Edge had to carry him through the match.  If it weren't for the scripted nature of pro wrestling, Edge would have won.

This time it is a little different.  no bragging about never losing a TLC match but still building up that it is Edge's specialty.  The title is on the line and since it has been vacant for almost 2 months, there will be a new champion.  Also if Take loses, it will end his career.


Obviously Undertaker will win, although I wouldn't be surprised to see Vickie Guerrero do something to keep the belt from Taker, but in the end, Edge will lose.