Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Of The Watchajambe

Fall Of The Watchajambe

Legends tell the tale of a creature. A creature whose presence convinced the Lenape nation that the Great Spirit was punishing them. A creature that stole men's forms and made them do evil things.

Decades passed as the creature terrorized what would one day be known as the Pine Barrens, killing and stealing the souls of all who went to fight it. No matter what they did or what magic they carried, the creature slayed them all.

One day, after several winters of living in fear, a young brave named Netopalis said that he would slay the creature. Several prayers were said to the Great Spirit for protection and the medicine man gave Netopalis powerful magic to aid him. Taking his bow, spear, and shield, Netopalis went to battle the creature.
For many moons Netopalis searched for the creature, but only found dead and abandoned villages. On the verge of giving up hoe, he heard of a cave that the creature was said to live in. Netopalis found the cave and, preparing the magic the medicine man had given him, tarting a small fire juast inside the cave, and lighting a torch, he went inside.

The stench of the dead nearly overwhelmed the young brave, but he continued on. Stepping over the corpses of those that had gone before him. A low growling could be heard.

Creeping through the cave, his spear held before him, Netopalis turned the corner and saw a huddled figure before him. He moved silently forward, but the voice as the figure spoke stopped him in his tracks.

It was his father's voice.

“You abandoned us son. You left when we needed you the most. The creature you hunt came to the village, appearing as an old man. We took him in, and it slaughtered us.”

“Forgive me father!” Netopalis cried. “I did not know!”

“It is too late sun.” his father continued. “The village has been slaughtered, our people are dead. You are all that remains, and soon you will be gone.”

Netopalis moved forward a bit and stopped. He had heard his father's words and finaly realized what he had said.

That he was the last of his people.

“Face me creature!” Netopalis yelled, holding his spear before him. “face me and pay the price for the lives you have destroyed!”

the figure turned and Netopalis saw his father's face, eyes glowing red. He smiled, his teeth replaced by razor sharp fangs.

Netopalis stumbled backwards in fight. “Stop” he said as he thrust his spear forward, but the creature advanced, his father's laugh echoing through the cave.

Netopalis closed his eyes and drove his spear forward, feeling it enter the creatures flesh. He looked and saw what had to be blood, glowing and green, flowing from the wound.

The creature roared, anger and hate appearing on his father's face as it pulled itself down the spear shaft. The head burst through it's back, spraying the walls with blood as it stood inches from Netopalis, staring at him. Fangs bared in an evil grin.

“you think you have killed me?” it asked in his father's voice. “no weapon made by mortal hands can kill me! You, on the other hand, will soon join your people in the next world!”

The creature swung it's claw tipped hand, but Netopalis ducked. Dropping his spear, he ran. Having dropped his torch when the creature turned towards him, Netopalis through the dark tunnels, stumbling over bones and corpses, praying to the Great Spirit that the creature would stop for something to eat.

He turned a corner and could see the entrance, and the small fire he had started was still going. He could also hear the creature close behind him. He ran faster, hoping he could make it, when he felt the creatures claws rake across his back.

Netopalis screamed in pain as he flew forward, landing near the fire. He knew it was a glancing blow, be cause if it hadn't been, he would have been dead. He also knew that it was too late. The creature drew nearer as he lay on the ground.

Netopalis knew he would not defeat the creature and live, so he did what he had to do. Getting to his feet, he lept towards the fire and pulled a burning stick from it. The creature knocked him down and lunged, but Netopalis was ready. He kicked the creature away from him and rolled towards a small pile of powered that the medicine man had given him. And just as he had been shown, he placed the flaming stick on the pile.

Sparks flew as the fire traveled down a path he had made, towards wicks which would take the fire to other piles. He smiled as the creature sank it's claws into him, felt them tearing his flesh, felt it's fangs buried in his arm as the creature began eating him. He had done it. He may die, but the creature would die with him.

The fire reached the small piles of powder and ignited, creating an explosion that destroyed the cave entrance, buring both Netopalis and the creature under tons of stone. Tapping them inside for all eternity.

The Lenape people did not forget Netopalis' sacrifice and spread his tale through out their nation. Nor did they forget the creature, whose evil became the stuff of legend. So terrified were they that they spoke it's name only in whispers, fearful that it would return. Several villages forbade people to even speak it's name.

It's name means Bringer Of Death.

The Watchajambe.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

YAY!!!! I finished this year's Watchajambe story!

It's very different from the last two, but I think this is my favorite so fat. Partly because I had to do some research before I started writing it and partially because I wrote it as if it was a legend being told. Is this setting up for next year's story? or will next years be about the Watchajambe killing someone like the last two were? to be honest, I haven't decided yet, but like all of them so far, I'm sure we will learn more about the creature.

and in case you haven't read them yet, below are the first two Watchajambe stories.

Legend OF The Watchajambe
For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing at this one

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dilbert is always good, but this is the funniest one in a while
YAY!!!! I'm going to have cable again soon!!!!

Just got off the phone with Dish, and they are sending someone out on Sunday to hook it all up! Would prefer sooner, like Friday or Saturday, but Sunday isn't bad, and if there is a cancellation I might get in earlier. I just hope that it isn't during the game, which starts at 3 (Install is scheduled for sometime between 12 and 5) Doesn't really effect me any since I can watch the game while he hooks it up, but it's Vikings VS Packers. I wouldn't want him, or anyone else, to miss it

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Found this while poking around on YouTube today. It is a fan made highlight video of the Motor City Machine Guns VS The Brisco Brothers from ROH Return Engagement last April. not the best fan vid I've ever seen, but the footage is awesome. The best part is, this is what the match was like! it was one of the best tag team matches I've ever seen, and I've heard that it was inferior to the original 40 minute match that the Briscos won! I need to see that match, and I can't wait for the eventual rubber match between these two teams

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lol. I've never done that!

Ok, so I have when I used to know Klingon, and I do kind of know binary, and I do know some French, and when I do correct people I usually try to do it more like the Tenth Doctor would (same with correcting scientific stuff, nerd stuff, ect, because the Tenth Doctor is cool) but that is beside the point!

Well, the Vikings finally lost.

Correction, they had the game stolen from them by refs that were paid off or something

How else do you explain calls against us for stuff like face masking and false Start, but not against them. Or that someone (think it was Sapp) intentionally hit the ball carrier when he was out of bounds. Yes he was heading there, but the replay clearly showed that Sapp was in the air heading for him well BEFORE he was out.

or the tripping call that overturned a touchdown pass, even though the replay showed that they guy who tripped the Steelers lineman (forget who, really should have typed this right away yesterday) was aiming higher then his legs. Granted in that case, it was close even with the replay, and that one might have been more of a technicality. At least the ref that threw out the flag got knocked down a couple plays later [evil smile]

Then there was the delay of game call against us. The guys in the booth on TV couldn't even see that one, nor did the ref say who it was against, like they are supposed to! They even had to look it up, and if I remember right they said that the rule involved "someone other then a line man, who is with in 1 yard of the line of scrimmage, making a sudden move with the clear intention of trying to draw the opposing team over the line" Even after that, they couldn't see it, and neither could anyone else other then this ref!

Like I said, it was stolen by crooked or incompetent refs. As far as I'm concerned, the vikings are still 6-0, and this week was a bye.

In other news, say your prayers Green Bay. after this week, all that frustration and anger over yesterdays game is going to be taken out on you. Plus Allen hasn't done much the last few weeks.

Clearly he is hungry for some cheese.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Take that all you people who make jokes about guys getting most of their shopping done on Christmas Eve.

Ok, so I haven't placed the order, and really I haven't had time to since I just found the items. And really I usually don't do my shopping until a little closer to Christmas, but I stumbled across something that I think half my list will like. In fact I know at least 2 people on the list will love it :)

But the important part is


Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Just got back from TNA Live!

Literally. I got home,dropped off my stuff, went to the bathroom, changed cloths, and now I am typing this.

It was a decent show. Not great, although there were a few great matches. I had a lot of fun, and I think all of us did too. Part of the fun was just the fact that I was there with Dan, Jason, Caleb, Jairus, and Greg. The first four I always have a blast with, and Greg, while I don't have as much fun spending time with him, is still lots of fun to hang out with.

The crowd wasn't really into it, and there weren't that many people there, but they were competing with the Vikings and the Twins (Vikings won! Twins lost :( )if they hadn't been playing, or if their seasons had been going different, there probably would have been more people there and more into it.

It was still a good show, and lots of fun. AND They said that they were trying to get a PPV here. I don't know if he asked or if he over heard it, but Jason said JB mentioned that they were hoping to have their January PPV here. We're all(except for Caleb, who leaves for Japan in a couple of weeks) hoping to get front row for that :)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

it's really windy right now. windy and rainy.

It was worse about 20 minutes ago, when I woke up. after coming back from the bathroom I heard a tree comedown in the grove. Or at least part of one. if it weren't for the fact that this is supposed to continue like this for the next couple of days< I would go investigate when it got light out.

It's so windy right now that apparently it broke the Weather bug tracking station at the school ok, not so much broke as it can't actually say how windy it is at the moment, just the direction. wish I could see the cam footage from there, but apparently you have to be using the desktop app for that, and not the web site.

Update: lol. just as I hit publish, the wind died down to probably 10 or 15 MPH, much less then it was the entire time up to me clicking publish. Weatherbug still can't record it, but that is because the system is moving in that direction, so it might start saying how windy it actually is in a couple minutes. (or Mrs. Nieland, the environmental science teacher, has to go hit reset on it or something)