Thursday, December 31, 2009

Apparently some people are pissed at Blizzard right now. The reason? They dared to help the police caputer a drug dealer! How dare they help law enforcement!

from the sound of things, the reason they are mad is 1.) that the police didn't issue a warrent for the info and 2.) because of the ammount of info they tracked on this guy and gave to the police.

For the first one, yes. They should have waited for a warent. But they didn't need to. It was their choice to help law enforcement. while I would never let a cop search my house or car with out a warrent unless he had a reason too. (which is the law. if they have no reason to do so, just as smelling pot smoke in your car when they pull you over, they can't legally search it, your house or you and anything aquired this way should be thrown out) I would give them info if it helped them catch a criminal, because it is the right thing to do! How would they have reacted if the guy had been a child molester or a murderer instead of a drug dealer?

2.) they were shocked at the amount of info Blizzard tracks on their customers. If I remember right, you give them most of that info when you create your account! Except for IP address, he gave them that stuff. They would have been able to track his down eventually based on IP address, (which is tracked any time you do anything online and can be tracked, but is difficult to do well) the fact that he was stupid enough to update his mailing address is his own fault, not Blizzard's.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I was catching up on Penny Arcade earlier and of course they were talking about Modern Warfare 2 (can't wait till Monday when I will most likely be getting it :) ) and I saw this.
There was a full five day lag between patches on the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360; certainly, there's more to test on the 360, but that's no comfort to the millions of people whose purchases have been warped into something unrecognizable. Microsoft's sloth on this matter approaches disinterest if not out-and-out neglect.

They are forgetting the obvious reason. Jealousy. No one (ok, no one, but not nearly as many) is playing Halo 3! all the people that I know and play seemingly endless games of Halo 3 are currently playing Modern Warfare 2! PS3 doesn't have a game with the same multi player following as Halo 3 other then previous Call Of Duty games! Plus Halo3 is owned and the servers run by Microsoft. Of course they are jealous that Modern Warfare 2 is getting so much attention!

Friday, December 25, 2009

I want a Death Star Christmas Ornament!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

We had Christmas today with my siblings. it was nice; this was the first time since my bro's wedding almost 3 years ago that we have all been together.

amongst other things, I got House season 2 and More diners drive-ins and dives. Mom said that they were didn't have season 1 or the first book of Triple D.

I didn't really care until later when I remembered that she and Grandma went Christmas Shopping together and that they have been known to get presents that go together.

Why do I get the feeling I am getting the first book and season 1 on Thursday?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mistaken Identity

How To Take Over The World:
Mistaken Identity

“'Ello. Reginald Butterfield here, once again bringing you the critically acclaimed show, 'Ow To Take Over The World. It has been over a year since the last episode aired, because we don't really care about our fans. But the BBC said we had to do at least one episode a year, so here we are.”

“Before we get started, lets read some letters from the viewers. We 'ave 'ad literally tens of letters delivered since the last episode aired. Those people are idiots whom we ignore. Meanwhile we 'ave 'ad a few 'undred e-mails. We thought about ignoring those as well, but the people in public relations are bigger idiots then those that are still sending things through the postal service.

“As a result. We have viewer mail. This first one is from A. Stal Ker. Mr. Ker writes 'Please 'ave A. Gorilla on the show again. She is 'ot.'.........Mr. Ker is obviously insane. Or blind. Or possibly both. I'm not even sure if that is possible, but apparently it is.”

“Our next letter is from...A. Ker again. 'E writes 'Why 'aven't you 'ad A. Gorilla on again? If she is not on the show again soon, can I 'ave her phone number and address?'........Do you 'ave any idea the kind of trouble we would get into if we gave out the phone numbers and addresses of our guests? If you want that same information for the people in charge of the BBC, it will appear at the end of the credits.”

“Time for one last letter. This one is from......A. Ker......Listen mate. Leave your parents' basement and find yourself a girl. Or a guy. Either way, get a life. Or at least get your eyes checked. Clearly you 'ave trouble with your eyesight.”
“Now for today's episode. Since it had been so long, we decided to show the episode on 'ow to take over the world through economic names. We 'ad planned to show this episode a while ago, but the the queen decided to 'ave a 'eart attack. I personally thin that she did it just to prevent people from seeing the episode. Fortunately, the judge in the lawsuit that was filed after we decided not to show it originally decided we 'ad no control over that and gave us more time. Unfortunately we 'ave till Christmas to air, so 'ere it is, 'ow to take over the world through economic means.

“We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news.”

“Hello. Scott LeBau here, in the BBC America Studios. We interrupt this program to bring you some breaking news.”

“We have received word that Dr. Phil has been spotted near Oak Hill, Ohio. Dr. Phil has not been seen or heard from since his attack on St Peter, Minnesota. What dastardly plans he has devised in that time is unknown, but it is anyone's guess what evil he is up too this time.”

“We now go live to our eye in the sky. Ed Rogers is on vacation, so we go to Ramsay Gordan, live in Ohio. Ramsey, there seems to be a problem with the feed,so you will have to tell us what is going on. What do you see?”


“What do you mean nothing?”

“There seems to be a problem with the camera as well.”

“Do you think this is some plot on Dr. Phil's part?”

“...Nope. The pilot just pointed out that I forgot to turn on the camera.”


“Apparently I forgot to turn it on.”

“I thought you were a professional!”

“In my defense, I'm use to a different camera, with the power button in a different location.”

“.....I suppose that makes sense. But we still aren't getting any video. Are the cables plugged into the transmitter correctly?”

“Of course they are!”

“Did you remember to take the lens cap off?”


“Ramsey! Are you ok? Did Dr Phil attack?”

“Um, we figured it out. One of the cables to the transmitter was loose. Not the lens cap thing. The lens cap was off the whole time. Definitely not the lens cap still being on the camera.”

“......How did you get this job?”

“No time to discuss that now. I can see Dr Phil now! He's in that field in front of us!”

“Dr Phil has less hair then that.”

“Maybe he got a toupee.”

“That's possible, but what is he doing?”

“It looks like he is...dancing!?”

“Zoom in! Maybe it is some evil dance of...evil!”

“Zooming in now! It seems he has had plastic surgery.”

“......That's Tom Cruise.”


“That's not Dr. Phil, it's Tim Cruise.”

“How can you tell?”

“For one he's dancing on a couch that is apparently in the middle of the field for no reason. Two it's Tom Cruise. He is rather recognizable.”

“...You sure? Looks like he might be Dr Phil with a wig.”

“Have you seen Top Gun? Days Of Thunder? Mission Impossible? Lions For Lambs!?”

“Of course I've seen.....I've never even heard of that last one. Are you like an obsessed fan or something?”

“I've never heard of it either. Looked it up on Wikipedia.”

“Did any one see it?”

“I'm guessing not. It's got 28% on Rotten Tomato.”

“That sucks!”

“That it does, but that is still Tom Cruise, not Dr Phil.”

“You sure?”


“Think I can sell this footage to TMZ?”

“Only if I get a cut.”

“How does 25% sound?”

“35% and you got yourself a deal.”


“Well, that was Ramsey Gordan in Oak Hill, Ohio. You can see the full story on TMZ tomorrow most likely, or on YouTube. Either way, I am Scott Lebau. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

“And as I said last time, now nobody 'as an excuse for not taking over the world. Really, there is no easier way to do it. And after airing this episode twice, the U.N. should be backlogged with people taking over the planet through economic means. “

“I 'ope everyone Tivoed this episode, because this is the last time you will see it. Now that the court order 'as been covered, we will be destroying it. This 'as been Reginald Butterfield, you 'ave been watching 'ow to take over the world, and once again, taking over the world this way is as easy as dancing on a couch.”

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I can't believe it1 I actually have ideas for 7 new episodes of How To Take Over The World! and i'm thinking about trying to do a new one every 2 weeks! it's almost like I am taking this writing thing seriously!

i might have to get the newest episode spell checked so I can post it and start working on the next one, a Christmas episode. and maybe get a new keyboard, because my last one broke and the old one sucks. not really looking forward to writing with it. the one on my laptop is better!
LOL. the episode of good Eats that is on right now is Popover Sometime.. No surprise as to what atleast one of the things he is making, as well as other things that the batter can be used to make.

but the description on the DISH GUIDE says simply "Alton Brown creates a variety of dishes."

Well DUH! it's a cooking show!
the season finale of ghost Hunters academy is on tonight, and they are at the Essex county asylum. I remember T.A.P.S. being there, although I didn't remember the actual investigation, until they got to the morgue. That is when Steve and tango climbed into the body cooler thing.

one thing I thought was funny was that every episode so far has been during warm weather. If I remember right, the original Chris and Steve were wearing shorts most of the time, but now it's clearly fall and they are wearing heavy coats and gloves.

Steve and Tango investigated with each of the cadets, which was cool, although it might have been good to do that on their first investigation to see how they improved.

Jane was once again stupid when confronted with a mistake she made, starting to cry. Ben once again did good with set up, but not the best when investigating.

after talking with jay and grant, Ben was offered a spot with the next group of cadets due to his tech skills. Chris smith was also invited back

Jane got the boot. then she started crying and said that she wasn't expecting to go home and they didn't see how good she was. I want to shoot her.

Carl and Susan got the job with GHI. It should be interesting to see how they do in a couple of weeks when international starts again, assuming they are there right from the start of the season 9or at least this part of the season.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

lol. Decepticons being used to recreate the title sequence from an anime about a group of girls in High School. not sure how many other people will laugh, but I though it was funny

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

watching Episode 5 of Ghost Hunters Academy now. They introduced a new cadet, named Chris Smith. Which means that either Chris or Ben will be leaving (Ben's last name is Smith) They are investigating St Augustine Lighthouse, which should be interesting, and I like the fact that they mentioned the bucket being picked up, which Jay and Grant debunked the first time that T.A.P.S. was there.

Apparently the motion sensors on the lights at the top of the lighthouse were turned off before they investigated.

Chris Smith seems to be too eager to do a good job. Not that bad thing, and he is trying to make a good impression on his first day, but it could get him in trouble. He has no training, but Ben helped him during set up, which is probably the best person to show him the ropes.

Jane, while Steve and Tango were giving their opinions on the cadets, jumped right in and complained about Chris (the first one) Yet another reason to not like her. In the end it was Jane and Chris 1 who were up for elimination. Unfortunately Chris 1 got the boot, but the only reason was because he said he couldn't handle being away from home much longer, let alone how long he would be gone if he got the job. They made sure to point out that was the only reason he was voted off the island, and that it would have been Jane if it hadn't been for that.

Next week is the season finale. Should be interesting to see who will join the T.A.P.S. team


Upcoming Game With Fame--Weird Al on Guitar Hero 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you could say I'm a bit excited. Just have to find out when on Sunday it starts :)
Just finished watching episode 4 pf Ghost Hunters Academy. I didn't remember when T.A.P.S. was there at first, but after the walk though I vaguely remember it.

Over all it was a good episode. No evidence or anything, but they did a good job investigating and debunking. Steve and Tango even tried testing one of the teams, which was kind of funny, but the cadets were able to debunk it and figured that it might be a test.

Over all, everyone but Jane looked good. She did ok, but she again seemed to have an attitude, even like she was trying to start a fight (Tango came to her defense sort of, pointing out that she was from Jersey. Is that the same as pointing out that someone is drinking because he is Irish?)

No one got eliminated this week, looks like someone will on tonights. I'm guessing it will be Jane or Chris, but we will see how they do at St Augustine Lighthouse.


I just realized that, while watching an episode of Ghost Hunters, that I haven't watched last week's Ghost Hunter's Academy yet. First, they should really have shown this episode (Eastern state) or the previous Easter State investigation a couple weeks ago when the cadets were there. Also, they should show the St. Augustine Lighthouse investigation tonight, since that is where the cadets are this week.

Also, someone on the T.A.P.S. team was wearing a misprinted shirt with backwards lettering.

Thank the Matrix for DVR. I'll watch last week's episode after supper and post my thoughts on it afterwards, hopefully before tonight's episode
I'm watching a Top Chef" Las Vegas marathon right now, leading up to tonight's season finale. The challenge for the second episode is Bachelor/Bachelorette party. For the challenge they have to make dishes that work well with some shots that the couple brought in, and they have to work with the client's preferences. and to make it more interesting it is the guys VS the girls

The stupid part is that apparently 3 of the girls are lesbians, and the one kept mentioning it and how pissed she was that the couple could get married and she couldn't.


One of the guys is gay (at least one) and the only mention was that he was in charge of flowers, and it was done as a joke. there was no complaining because they knew that they had a job to do.

as a chef, even for a glorified food stand, I don't always like the jobs, but I do them because that is what I do. I make stuff that the customer wants. If there are no specifications I try to make it as good as I can and maybe throw my won twist in, but it is what the customer wants, regardless or race, religion, orientation or political affiliation. that is what you do.

During the judging the guys dishes looked and sounded better, and they looked like they were having more fun every step of the way. The girls meanwhile seemed to be trying to hard and took it too seriously. The lesbians, especially the pissed off one, were the worse. She did 2 dishes and they both were pretty poorly received. They even said that she should have stuck with just 1.

If you aren't having fun most of the time, then get out of the kitchen and get a new job. I don't always like my job, but at the end of the day I do enjoy it. Since I started getting a little more responsibility, kind of the un-official night crew leader, I've been kind of looking forward to work each day and am actually a bit bummed that I probably won't be working today due to weather.

Not surprisingly the guys won.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

I'm watching an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Mona Lisa's Revenge Part 1 to be exact. In it, the kids get to be the first to see the Mona Lisa on display in London. Of course aliens get involved in some way and they, along with Sarah Jane and possible K-9, have to save the day.

The cool thing is, at the beginning the curator of the museum is staring at the painting and it reminded me of when I saw it. Everything in the Louvre was cool, and it was awesome to see all those famous paintings and sculptures. I particularly enjoyed the Egyptian stuff. But the coolest part was seeing the Mona Lisa. We were only able to get about 10 feet from it, and of course there was a huge amount of security , bullet proof glass covering it, that sort of thing. But to see one of the most famous paintings in the world that close. That was awesome.

We saw lots of amazing stuff while there. Château, the Eiffel Tower, L'arch De Triumph. But the things I remember most are the Claude Monet museum, the beaches of Normandy, and of course the Mona Lisa.

Hopefully some day soon, I will get to see them all in person again.
How sad is this. It is warmer in the Dungeon then it is in my bedroom. Granted, mt bedroom is the coldest room in the house, but the Dungeon is in the FREAKING BASEMENT!

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Stephan King once said in an interview when asked why he wrote horror
What makes you think I have any choice? It's what's in there."

The quote is second hand, so I can't say where it is from other then a blog that I am reading and considering adding to the side bare. But maybe that explains why I write what I do. I love horror, I love comic books, I love action, I love video games. Kind of makes sense why my writing style and the genres I tend to write are what they are.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

to all the people that don't believe me when I "make up" a word or "use it in a way that doesn't exsist", Even Bucky knows the truth!

Get Fuzzy

As I've said it before, if I said it, it exists :p

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Saw this while reading the Wikipedia entry for the Metrodome

The indoor venue is particularly welcome in the highly variable climate of Minnesota

Highly variable is the nice way of saying it never gets boring and the weather keeps you on your toes. Don't like the weather, wait 30 minutes and check again.

NaNoWriMo 2009 Is Over!

NaNoWriMo is done! In the end I wrote 7649 words and got an entire month of SPW action done. Not that great, but not bad either. And, if I remember right, it is the most I've ever written during NaNoWriMo! The first year I wrote 26,000 or so words, but those were all re-writes. I was re-writing my old stuff, so there wasn't that much work involved. so this is the most I've written during NaNoWriMo that was original!

Officially I only wrote 5830 words. Unfortunately I forgot that the cut off for updating your word count was at 11:30, and I got my final word count at 11:31 :( Oh well. At least I know what my word count was.

I will be posting that stuff probably this week some time, and for the full summery of the past month, here is the link of the log I kept.

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