Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ok. With last week's episode out of the way, time for this weeks. Vera is in charge of the team this week, and they are at the Mansfield Reformatory, where Shawshank Redemption was filmed.

Dude giving the tour looks like Jason.

Everyone asked good questions during the walk through, and the set up seemed to go smooth except for one thing. Vera had no idea where to put the command center. Fortunately Adam knew a place that would work well.

That seemed to be the trend during the entire investigation. She had no strategy going in and Adam did. She struggled in a leadership role while he excelled, even though he wasn't team leader. The same happened during the analysis, where he asked for peoples opinion on evidence he found and they asked his.

Speaking of evidence, Adam and Michelle caught what looked like a human moving peaking out and then moving into one of the cells on the thermal!

In the end, the decided that Adam was safe from elimination, but everyone felt Vera should be eliminated. Since Steve, Tango, and Jason agreed, she was gone.

Not sure where they are going to be next week for the season finale, but I'm thinking the same thing I was thinking since the second week. That Adam will be the winner.


I was gone last week so I didn't get a chance to watch last weeks episode until no. So, with this week's recording on the DVR, I am watching last weeks.

Eric is the team leader this week, and they are all one big team to investigate Fort Delaware. TAPS has had some great investigations there and hopefully this one will be just as good.

Right off the bat, there was a problem with Eric. He seemed too bossy during the walk though, and wasn't a very good leader. He seemed like he was doing Steve and Tango's job during the investigation, and not leading the team. Adam and Vera asked some good questions during the walk through.

During set up, Vera and Michelle continue to improve, while Rosalyn still struggles. Over all the cadets seem to be doing good during the set up though.

Not sure if it means anything, but would anyone else be worried if they heard the team leader say something like "Glad you noticed the exit signs, because I didn't."

Adam and Vera both did great jobs and had some really good ideas during the investigation. Didn't hear much from Michelle, and I wasn't impressed with Rosalyn's skills.

They didn't find much during the review but Rosalyn did a bad job taking notes. It took them a while to find some stuff she found, which turned out to be nothing. Michelle meanwhile seemed to be too skeptical

During the reveal, Steve and Tango presented some evidence that Rosalyn had missed. It was kind of funny to hear them talking to Jason about her missing evidence and not paying good enough attention again. Didn't he and Grant chew them out early on for that same thing?

Rosalyn was sent packing, and Vera was named group leader for next week (AKA, the one I am going to watch in a few minutes.) should be interesting to see what they find at the Mansfield Reformatory, where Shawshank Redemption was filmed.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm watching the Doctor Who episode "The Pandorica Opens" and I noticed a few things wrong.

Q1.) Wasn't the Doctor there when Stonehenge was built? If so, why didn't he know about the Pandorica being buried under it?
A1.) Yes, but it was in a novel and might not be considered cannon. And even if it is, it is possible that it was buried before he got there.

Q2.) Why did River say no one knew how old it was when The Monk had been there when it was completed?
A2.) She didn't know about that? The Doctor might have mentioned it, but he was a bit more concerned about the T.A.R.D.I.S. being destroyed at the time.

Q3.) Why hasn't any one found a staircase or anything under Stonehenge before afte all the research that has gone on there?
A3.) Maybe there is a Perception Filter covering all that.

Q4.) Why did they not notice a Cyberman head not far from the staircase?
A.) um. a perception filer? Not sure why. Maybe they just didn't explore that part before they found the staircase.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Not sure if anyone else noticed this. I stumbled across it by accident myself, but thought it was kind of cool.

|I was just watching the Doctor Who episode "The Lodger." It is the 11th episode of Series 5 (also, the 11th for the 11th Doctor) and I hit pause during the title sequence to answer the phone. When I got back I noticed that I had paused it just as the first bolt of lightning hot the Tardis and, when it was paused, it looked just like the crack in time that has been a theme for this season.

Wonder if that was just a coincidence or if they meant to do that.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm watching the new episode of Food(ography)and they are talking about Cookbooks. I love cook books. My favorites are the ones that are as much autobiography as they are cook book, like the Triple D ones. I also like the Better Homes and Gardens one because of all the info in it. I have one that has a bunch of recipes from the middle ages, in middle ages English.

I don't have a copy of Joy of Cooking (bit ashamed about that) and I don't have any of Julia Child either, but the ones I treasure most are my grandmother's. One of the people they talked to on the show said that the best ones are ones that are handed down and it is true. Some are standard church cook books, and some are fairly new, but there are some from when my dad was a kid. I think there is even one she got from her mom!

The thing that surprised me is this. When we were cleaning their house after my grandparents had died, no one wanted those cook books, or really any of the kitchen equipment. They were willing the throw those out!!!!

MY grandma C was never a very good cook, but to me those cook books are priceless. Not only are they part of history, they are part of my families history. I'm sure I could go through and find notes written by her, or marks to know which recipes to make again. My grandma M is a great cook, and I hope to get some of her cookbooks when she dies as well (Hopefully it will be a long wait) and I hope to get some of my mom's some day as well. I hope to pass these as well as my own cook books onto the next generation some day too.

I has been said that Families are created at the dinner table, and that the family that eats together is the family that stays together. and these cook books make that possible. Like I said, they are not only part of history, they are part of my families history. the recipes that bring us all together.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I didn't think about it until now. I knew i, just didn't put the pieces together. TNA may have given a clue of what's to come with Eric Bichoff and that we shouldn't trust him (like anyone could anyways.)

A while back, he introduced his "personal assistant", Miss Teschmacher. I knew I knew that name from some where, but couldn't remember where.

This morning, AMC was showing Superman. in it, Lex Luthor has a girlfriend named Miss Tesmacher (Eve is her first name)

Wonder if there is a reason that is the name of Bichoff's PA


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Wednesday night, and that means it's time for Ghost Hunters Academy

This week the team are at the Mark twain House, and Adam and Michelle are the team leaders. They were given the option of picking their own teams, and the chose boys VS girls. Thought it was funny that Rosalyn got all defensive when she was chosen last.

On an unrelated note, I like the shirt Rosalyn and Eric were wearing. It was a GHA shirt, but it looked more in the style of a Tap Out shirt.

On a some what related note, it looks like next years winner (Karl and Susan) as well as some other guy (some investigation revealed his name is Scott) will be joining the GHI team when they come back from mid-season break

Aside from a bad choice of location for command central, I thought Adam and Michelle did ok as team leaders. Steve, Tango and Jayson didn't agree, but I thought they did good.

Vera once again had lots of personal experiences, and the investigation was good. Brett seemed reluctant to get a piece of equipment, and after the investigation, I thought it was cool that Michelle said she wasn't pleased her performance. I thought she did good, but I thought it was cool that she said that.

In the end, Brett was eliminated due to lack of tech knowledge and the fact that he didn't seem like he improved any this week. Eric was chosen as team leader next week, and both teams will be combined as they investigate Fort Delaware next week.


Uncanny X-Men #524

It came out a month ago, but as I started reading Chapter 7 of Second Coming, I decided to go back and re-read #524, because it was such a great issue. And what better way to make this an official part of the site and giving these posts titles then with a great episode and the death of a beloved character!

BTW. Spoilers are involved.

When I finished X-Force # 26, I couldn't believe they did it. I figured it would be Cable or Cyclops who died, since they were shown in the ads that said "One will fall" He wasn't there, and I couldn't believe they did it but they did.

They killed Nightcrawler!

In the middle of a war, with the mutants on the brink of extinction and Bastion and his Purifiers, as well as the Sapien League, drawing closer, they take time out for a funeral.

You would think something like that might kill the momentum of the storyline, but it doesn't. The wait for each new chapter kills it more then this does. And the timing works. The first act of the storyline is over, time to catch their breath before Act 2 starts.

I like how some people thought Hope could bring Kurt back to life, and how Cyclops seemed a bit out of his element when dealing with what to do about his death.

Pierce is lose on Utpoia, which is, of course, bad.

Why does Bastion have a symbol like Ironman's on his chest? Is his current body built with Stark Tech or did they just decide to do it like that because it would look cool. Cause it does. Liking the sort of Archangel look he's sporting now too.

What is up with those towers Bastion is building?

The funeral was good. Didn't know that Iceman is a pastor. At least I'm assuming he is since he is running it. Several people spoke about him, but the best was Wolverine, who said that no matter what he did, Kurt never looked at him or thought of him as anything but a man and a friend. Needless to say, Wolvie is mad.

I feel sorry for whoever he takes that anger out on.

Like I said, it was nice that they dedicated an entire issue to his funeral. They didn't do that with Illyana. They didn't even do that with Superman, but they did it for Kurt. as they should have.

And with that out of the way, time for the war to continue.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Well it's about time!

Took them a few weeks, but it seems that the Cooking Channel finaly has a show featuring Julia Child!

It's possible I just always missed the ads and didn't see it in the listings, but I'm glad it is on there. How can you have a cooking network with out a show staring Julia Child?

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

My parents just got back. They were across the road checking out the Quonset. our neighbor, who stores some stuff in there called. apparently there is (or was, it has dried) water everywhere. They went to check it out and sure enough there was lots of damage.

The stupid this is that it was fine until some "Professionals" started re-shingling it. They aren't done since it has rained the last few days and they couldn't work on it, but the plastic or what ever it is that they put down under the (eventual) shingles is supposed to keep out the water.

Well it didn't work too well.

They got back and apparently Al (the neighbor) was right. Normally I wouldn't care too much, but 75+% of everything I own is in there. my couch, recliner, dressers, TV (Which I was going to replace anyways, but that is beside the point) books, video game stuff, ect is all in there. Some of it can't be replaced, and others I can't afford to.

The worse part, for me, is that my parents don't seem to care. When they were telling me they seemed to be rather indifferent about that face that the vast majority of my possessions may be ruined. Yes they are just things, but they are my things, and for someone who had hoped to get a new place soon, that means that if it all is gone, I basically have what is currently in the dungeon. If this is all I have left, I essentially have a sparsely decorated loft.

Everything seemed to be going so good. I found my wallet yesterday (!) and things seemed to be going good yesterday and today. Now this. Why do I get the feeling that this is a sign of how my day will go.

Great way to wake up.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Lol. This is something that most people forget when I mention that I am an evil supervillain (Yes, I know that is redundant, but it sounds good to say it like that. Other wise they might think I am just a regular supervillain, of the not so evil variety.)

That is almost as good as Penny Arcade's solution on how to plug it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just finished reading Green Lantern #54 and I'm liking where it is going. Looks like the main lanterns from each faction are going to be teaming up to protect the Entities from someone with the power to capture them. It already has Paralex and Ion, and I'm guessing it is going after Predator next, since that would cover the main 3 lanterns (Sinestro, Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris, respectively)

Also, looks like Arisia's anger about Sodam Yat not being remembered with the other fallen lanterns after Blackest Night was pointless, because when the thing took Ion from him, he was left on Daxam, in his Ion costume, with his power ring on.

Also, Atrocitus in NYC. no good can come of that. Weird seeing him (Trying) to act like a hero though.

The storyline is good so far, but I have one question. When Atrocitus made his blood map to look for the entities, why was Ophidian (the Orange Lanterns, lead by Larfleeze,) in Minnesota? What possible reason would the entity for Avarice in Minnesota?

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

I'm watching an episode of Foodography and it is about cooking with fire. (And they showed Viking Fans when they were talking about tailgate parties. as they should)

The problem is when they were talking about Barbecue. Most of the examples they talked about and showed were refereed to as BBQ, but they weren't. They were examples of Grilling! and these are "Experts" that are saying this!

I cringed every time they said it until they actually started talking about actual Q.


YAY!!!! Time for a new episode of Ghost Hunters Academy!

I'm guessing Eric will be eliminated. Guess I will find out if I am right in an hour.

They are at Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum this week. Taps was there back in early 2008. I vaguely remember it, but that is more because I slightly recognize the buildings. Don't remember any of the evidence or experiences they had.

LOL. Adam said he was excited because the place held alot of lunatics in the past and that was really great.

Thought it was good that, on the drive there, the cadets started writing stuff down when Steve and Tango started telling them where they were going.

During the walk through, neither of the team leaders asked what rooms had power or anything, which lead to them looking all over the place looking for power during set up.

The investigation was pretty good, with some decent evidence. At one point, Vera said she heard a voice whisper her name and felt a breeze, but they didn't investigate it (At least they didn't show that on the show) This was backed up in the analysis when they caught her voice on the audio recorders at that same time.

At one point, Steve and Tango climbed a ladder and started blowing cigar smoke into a room (Tough job, standing around smoking cigars.) Adams team (Adam, Vera, Brett) Searched out the smell and found it (and Steve scared them) Rosalyn's team (Rosalyn, Dan, Eric, Michelle) smelt it, but Rosalyn dismissed it. Eric and Michelle investigated anyways and found the open window and ladder. Michelle also said she smelt coconut, but that might have been Vera or Rosalyn's perfume or something.

At one point, Adam's team were stopped by some bats and Steve and Tango were laughing their butts off watching it. I wonder if they were having flash backs to a time Jay and Grant sent them into an area with lots of bats while on an investigation.

In the end, Michelle was chosen as a team leader next week, and Adam was asked to be team leader again. Dan and Rosalyn were on the chopping block. Rosalyn seemed to be too skeptical, dismissing stuff like the cigar smoke with out investigating. She also seemed to be bossy and controlling, while also too eager to follow Steve and Tango's orders. Dan didn't do much (that was shown) the entire investigation. I think I heard him speak 3 times the entire investigation. He also urned off his audio recorder when they went to investigate a sound.

In the end, Dan was eliminated. I'm guessing it was close.

Yes I know I said Eric at the top. I was typing this during the show and that was typed before it started. I figured it should be kept there, although by the first commercial break of the actual investigation, I knew it would be Dan.

My thought on the rest of the team.

Adam--Good leader, thinks alot like Jay and Grant during investigation. Good leadership and debunking skills
Michelle--Good questions and creativity during the investigations
Brett--Film student, which could be good for tech. good investigator and analysis skills.
Vera--Did a good job investigating and seems to have good hearing. Worked well as a team and good debunking skills
Eric--Debunking and analysis. Skeptical, calling stuff as he sees it until the evidence proves him wrong.

Next week should be interesting. They are going to the Mark Twain house, which had some good evidence if I remember right, and it will be boys VS girls.


Monday, June 07, 2010

ok, that was cool.

Watching the main event, John Cena VS CM Punk, on Raw and Wade Barrett, the winner of season 1 of NXT walked onto the stage. As he walked towards the ring, the rest of the NXT rookies entered through the crowd and beat down the Straight Edge Society. They then beat down John Cena. They then beat up Matt Striker, King, the ring announcer, the time keeper, a camera man, a guy that was sent down to stop them. They destroyed the announcer's table, the barricades, the ring and the ringside area.

They then continued the beat down on Cena. Punk ran in, possibly to help Cena, but got beat down again. They finally left together and the camera showed the carnage that followed. They showed the medics helping Cena and picking the table off of King. They showed the shocked and horrified faces of the fans.

I was laughing my arse off the whole time.

It was that awesome.

To see them working together was cool. I thought it was cool when they worked together and celebrated beating Kane a few months back. This is even better, because it looks like they are invading Raw.

We haven't seen that level of destruction and unpredictability in either WWE or TNA in a long time. and I was loving every second of it.


Sunday, June 06, 2010

ok, I'm an idiot.

I was all ready to watch the Twins VS the Braves, which started about 20 minutes ago (As I'm typing this) and it wasn't on 29 like the schedule said it was. "Ok," I thought. "It must have been moved to a different channel." so I did a search and all I could find that was on now was Twins VS Brewers from May 21! It was 11-0 Twins in the bottom of the 4th when I started watching, and I knew from the description that we destroyed them 15-3 But that isn't the game I was looking for!

So I went to the Twins website to see if it had been postponed or something. As the site was loading, I noticed something.

They play the Braves next week.

I was looking at the wrong week.

Sure enough a quick check confirmed that at 3 they play the A's and it will be on Channel 29.

Like I said, I'm an idiot. On the bright side, I can watch this game and then that one :)


Friday, June 04, 2010

Lol. so, officially, someone or something left Undertaker in an vegetative state, and based on Kane's promo at the start of Smackdown tonight, Taker is gone for good, and Kane has sworn to make those responsible pay.

Unofficially, Taker is at home healing from a broken orbital bone and I believe broken nose.

It is nice to see Kane with a clear direction and what should be a good storyline, and his promo at the start of the show was the best I have ever seen him do. It was also nice to see him wearing pants similar to those he wore while wearing the mask.

So why do I get the feeling that, in the end, it will be revealed that Kane was the one that took Taker out?

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Thursday, June 03, 2010

Lol. Watching an episode of Molto Mario (Favas 'N' Fish in case anyone is wondering) and Anthony Bourdain is on it! And he looks really young here (Well, younger then he is on No Reservations.) I'm guessing this is when he was doing A Cook's Tour.

Update: Did some checking. The episode I'm watching was shown in 2002, which would have been during the second (and final) season of A Cook's Tour.


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Season 2 of Ghost Hunters Academy started a couple minutes ago. I hit pause quick so I could read my posts about the first season and start typing this one.

Ben and Chris Smith (who can now be refereed to as Chris since he is the first Chris this time) are supposed to be back from season one, but they weren't mentioned during the intro. Maybe they will be brought in near the end as replacements. And I'm guessing that Carl and Susan will be back at some point as well.

YAY!!!! They are at Waverly Hills!!!! What a way to start the new class off on the right track.

Setup didn't seem to take long, but that was probably partially because they split the team into two and Steve and Tango showed them how to set everything up and gave them advice on where to put cameras. That means that it probably took a while, it just wasn't shown. This week.

On a related note, it was kind of funny that a camera Tango had just set up tilted down just as he was saying "Good Job" to his team and they were about to walk away.

I liked the fact that Steve and Tango worked with there teams during the investigation. Not only will it help them get to know who to keep and who to eliminate, but it also helps them learn how to investigate.

Over all, it was a decent investigation. Not the best one of Waverly, but not bad. the cadets did a good job taking notes and asking questions during the walk through. They all seemed to do good during the investigation as well. There wasn't a lot of debunking going on, but there wasn't much to debunk. They asked a lot of questions too during EVP which was good.

The evidence they found wasn't too impressive but again, it wasn't bad.

Steve and Tango felt that Rosalyn and Adam were the best of their teams this week, so they will be the team leaders next week. Natalie was eliminated due to her inability to stick with and work as part of the team. After wards she didn't seem to care because she has her own group back home and she will just keep doing things her own way.

Michelle and Vera seemed to do ok, Eric has potential but there is lots of room for improvement. Dan and Brett seem to be followers, which could be bad for them (See Ben from last semester.)

Over all, a good start to this semester. We will have to see how they remaining cadets do next week.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I'm watching Molto Mario (YAY!!! I can watch a show with Mario Batali in again! turns out I always could since it was moved from Food Network to FLN, but I really had no reason to care about anything involving FLN except for seeing Emril Live! every once in a while listed while scrolling through the programming guide. Now it is the Cooking channel. I spent a fair amount of time watching it yesterday)

He was talking about chopping up stuff (In this case, mushrooms) and he said that he didn't like chopping up stuff into little bits. That way you can't see it or taste it as well (BTW. I'm paraphrasing here) Since he is making a more rustic dish from northern Italy, big chunks make sense.

Big chunks have their place. He is making a sauce that has bigger chunks and big big flavors and in this case, big chunks are a no brainer. But if you are making something that has a more of a blended flavor to it, then small pieces are a good thing. the flavors blend more and you get a little bit of each ingredient in almost every bite. In a Marinara sauce, I wouldn't mind biting into a big piece of garlic, but I would rather have small pieces and have the flavor mixed in through the whole sauce (plus, in the case of garlic, the smaller the piece, the stronger the flavor.)

There is a place for big chunks, there is a place for small chunks. It just depends on what you are making.

On the bright side, he was cooking with a lot of butter. That is never a bad thing :)

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