Saturday, April 30, 2005

Two posts in 1 Day!

I just realized I made 2 posts today! There might be hope for me posting more often yet!

Wait a second.

If I posted twice already, then posted again to say I posted twice, that would make this the third post of the day.

Please ignore the title of this post.


Fun With Hail

It started hailing earlier today. Not big hail, maybe pea sized at best. So what did I, a Dork Lord Of The Steve, do? I hopped on my trusty steed and went for a bike ride. Why?

Because I can

Just thought I would let you know. So next time it starts to hail, go for a ride. Unless its big hail. That stuff is dangerous.


Options Please

A couple of nights ago, President Bush made a speach during Prime Time. Stuff like this bores me to tears and so I usualy avoid them like the plauge, and this time was no exception. Besides. it pre-empted Smackdown. Yes I watch Pro Wrestling from time to time. Stop laughing.

Anyways I didn't watch the speach. I figured if anything important was said, I would hear about it on the news, in the paper, or from a firend. Sure enought I did. While I was getting ready for work the next morning I had the news on. After they talked about the speach, they talked to a Dmocrate (I forget who. Sorry) who basicly said that Bush was stupid for wanting to change Social Security.

I'll admit, I don't know much about either side of the debate, but I do know this. All I have heard from the Dems is complaining. I'm not saying all Democrates are complaining about it, its just that the ones they interview for the new always seem to be complaining. How about this guys. Maybe offer us some alternatives. I might accualy listen then. If all your going to do is complain, then sotp wasting air time.


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Useless Trivia Fact for the day

Found this at Kim du Toit's site. If your a gun nut, sorry about saying that this is useless trivia. In the post (or one of the posts if he updates after I post this) he is talking about the Browning 1910, a rather nice looking hand gun. He also posted this.

1. It was the gun used by James Bond in Dr. No, where our intrepid secret agent used it to shoot at the fire-breathing armored car—well, he started to use a 1910, but in the very next cut the 1910 had morphed into a 1911. Oops.

The second fact is very interesting indeed.

2. The Browning 1910 was the model used in 1914 by Gavrilo Princip to assassinate the Austrian Archduke and his wife in Sarajevo—the event which would eventually lead to World War I.

But that’s not the interesting part. The Austrian authorities confiscated four 1910s from the Black Hand terrorist group of which Princip was a member, which number included Princip’s own gun, and stored them in Salzburg. (It is unknown as to which of the four guns was the one which killed Archduke Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie.)

What we do know is that when Salzburg was occupied by the American Army in 1945, the four guns were “liberated” by American troops, and are most likely somewhere in the United States still.

Just thought I would let you know.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Godfather Update

A while back (ok 2 posts) I mentioned the game coming out based on the Godfather movies. I just saw footage from it on Cinematach and all I can say is "Wow" I thought the graphics were good in Gran Tarismo, but these are even better. Its one thing to make an ultra real looking car game. Its another to make an ultra real looking game with people. There were several times when I thought I was watching the movies (Which I really need to do one of these days. I've seen parts of them, but never the whole movies.) All they showed were cut scenes, but if the game looks as good, it will be the best looking game ever.

Other games of note shown were Area 51 (great looking game, should be fun, but I probably won't play it. I just can't get use to playing an FPS with a controller. Give me a Mouse and Keyboard any day.) Predator: Concrete Jungle (You play as a Predator on the hunt. I'm sure there is more to the story then that, but that's all I could tell from the footage shown.) and Lego Star Wars (Can't wait to get that one.)


Sweet Digital Joy

I've been wanting to learn how to play Go for a while now, but The Zone is being stupid, so I tried at to play at Yahoo Games, but I got a bit sidetracked. When I got there and chose Board Games, I saw one called Catan. I clicked on it and discovered that it was the computer version of Settelers of Catan!!!!!! if you have never played this stratagy game, download it. It is worth the space. The only downside is that it is a 60 minute demo, but you might be able to play longer then that. I post somethign after I'm done playing it incase someone accualy reads this.

The story gets better though, because as I was downloading Catan, I noticed a top 10 list. One of the games is called Lemonade Tycoon. This is a game I played on my old Apple IIe and loved. Hopefully this version will be just as good. (I'm DLing it now)


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Good games based on old movies?

When I watch the news (which isn't often since I work at a Bakery and have to get up at ungodly hours) I usually watch the local ABC affiliate. At the end of the broadcast, they always have some wierd news story. Tonights was about Video Games based on old movies. Needless to say this got my attention.

Apparently they are making games based on The Godfather (Knew about that one), Batman (The first one with Micheal Keaton) and Dirty Harry. I don't think there has ever been one based on The Godfather, but there were games based on Batman and Dirty Harry on the NES. Hopefully these new ones won't suck quite as much as the old ones. (just being fun would be an improvement)
