Monday, November 28, 2005

Site Redisign Take 3

I know I said that I would keep the site Purple and Gold until the Vikings season was over, but I decided to change it to green and red for Christmas. I will probobly change it back after words.

The Google Hits Keep Coming

As I reported a week ago, The Freak Show has recieved some hits from Google searches for Smackdown VS Raw 2006. The total is up to 3 now, with one last Monday and one from the German version of Google. Its kind of wierd that my little corner of the Sphere is ranked so high on a search of any sorts, but at the same time it's kind of cool. Not only that, but there are several hits that are listed as Direct hit, which means that someone typed the address directly. That means that some of the people are return visitors! Like I said, kind of wierd and kind of cool at the same time.

So if this is your first visit or you are a returning visitor, enjoy your stay and Welcome To The Freak Show.

The Iraq story: how troops see it

I found this on Yahoo and had to post it because it is so true. All we hear on the news and in the papers is that more soldiers have died. We never hear about the good they have done or the stories of the soldiers them selves. Below are some exerts from the article that I found interesting. Please read this article, even if you are against the war. And if you know anyone currently in the military, send them a letter thanking them for what they are doing for our country.

Like many soldiers and marines returning from Iraq, Mayer looks at the bleak portrayal of the war at home with perplexity - if not annoyance. It is a perception gap that has put the military and media at odds, as troops complain that the media care only about death tolls, while the media counter that their job is to look at the broader picture, not through the soda straw of troops' individual experiences.

Yet soldiers clearly feel that important elements are being left out of the media's overall verdict. On this day, a group of Navy medics gather around a table in the Cleveland-area headquarters of the 3/25 - a Marine reserve unit that has converted a low-slung school of pale brick and linoleum tile into its spectacularly red-and-gold offices.

Their conversation could be a road map of the kind of stories that military folks say the mainstream media are missing. One colleague made prosthetics for an Iraqi whose hand and foot had been cut off by insurgents. When other members of the unit were sweeping areas for bombs, the medics made a practice of holding impromptu infant clinics on the side of the road.

They remember one Iraqi man who could not hide his joy at the marvel of an electric razor. And at the end of the 3/25's tour, a member of the Iraqi Army said: "Marines are not friends; marines are brothers," says Lt. Richard Malmstrom, the battalion's chaplain.

Part of the reason that such stories usually aren't told is simply the nature of the war. Kidnappings and unclear battle lines have made war correspondents' jobs almost impossible. Travel around the country is dangerous, and some reporters never venture far from their hotels. "It has to have some effect on what we see: You end up with reporting that waits for the biggest explosion of the day," says Mr. Hart.

"You really start to believe that you protect the innocent," says Schuller. "It sounds like a stupid cliché...."

"But it's not," adds Mayer. "You are in the service of others."

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Barenaked USB Drive

Saw this on Slashdot and thought it was cool. check it out.

"The Barenaked Ladies are releasing their next album via a reusable 128 MB USB flash drive. From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer article: 'Rather than distribute via CD, DVD or download, the Barenaked Ladies are making their newest selection of songs, videos and exclusive material available on a USB flash drive. Nettwerk Music Group is releasing Barenaked on a Stick beginning today, says the Hollywood Reporter. It plays on PCs, Macs and any other audio product with a USB port -- like some car stereos -- and costs $30.'"

Race Day

I was at Walmart today and decided to see if they had gotten any more Pirates Of The Spanish Main packs in. Unfortunatly they didn, but I did see Wiz Kids' new game, Race Day. Being a fan of all things Wiz Kids, and wanting to try the game before getting some for my dad who is a huge NASCAR fan, I grabbed a pack.

Of course the first thing I did was see which cars I had (Kyle Busch and Dale Jarrett, the Kellogges and UPS cars) and read the rules. Then it was time to build and I have to admit, the cars look pretty cool. Just one word of warning. Becareful when putting on the wheels. I broke two of the tabs what hold the wheels wheel I was putting together the UPS car, and unlike Pirates, where you can fix a broken sail tab, there was no fixing this. I ended up using some toothpicks and tape to put the wheels on. fortunatly they are on oposite ends and sides, so it isn't that noticable.

Now onto the most important part, the game play. I was a little disappointed here. It was fun. You roll the die and move your car. The part that disappointed me was the fact that it felt like a board game. There was some cool stuff. Depending on how you move, you can take damage. You can step on it and move two extra spaces at the risk of damaging your engine, but that was about it.

Fortunatly this is just my first impression. With more cars and advanced rules, which become available by collecting the parts of the super speedway map, it should be alot more fun.

If you get just one pack, you will probobly be disappointed, but over all I thought it was a good game. If you are a minis fan, or a racing fan, I highly recommend it.

On a side note, I went to Wiz Kids website to see if I could get the advancd rules there, and I found out that the game doesn't officialy come out until tomarrow! Now If Walmart would just do that with the next Heroclix (or better yet Mechwarrior or Mage Knight) release or the next Pirates or Rocket Man expansion, I would be a happy gamer.

Support Our Troops

Saw this at The Nation Of Riflemen. I was going to comment on it my self, but I think The Gun Guy did a pretty good job

When public support for a war appears to be waning, the inevitable effect is that the morale of the soldiers will suffer—if we shouldn’t be here, goes the question, then why am I risking my life?

Pentagon officials say they are increasingly worried that Washington’s political fight over the Iraq war will dampen what has been high morale among troops fighting a tenacious and deadly enemy.

Commanders are telling Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that ground troops do not understand the generally negative press that their missions receive, despite what they consider significant achievements in rebuilding Iraq and instilling democracy.

The commanders also worry about the public’s declining support for the mission and what may be a growing movement inside the Democratic Party to advocate troop withdrawal from Iraq.

“They say morale is very high,” said a senior Pentagon official of reports filed by commanders with Washington. “But they relate comments from troops asking, ‘What the heck is going on back here’ and why America isn’t seeing the progress they are making or appreciating the mission the way those on the ground there do. My take is that they are wondering if America is still behind them."

This self-doubt, and the accompanying loss of faith in the cause, is what undermines a war effort.

Of course, this has always been the goal of the anti-war Left and their followers (that would be academia, the Press, and liberals everywhere).

I know what all this is about. The Democrats, facing electoral disaster, are trying to use the war to weaken the Republicans. They don’t care a damn about falling troop morale, or the fact that if we did leave Iraq, the place would disappear into a maelstrom of civil war and death.

None of that matters to the Left. All they care about is regaining control of the government, and they don’t care about Iraqis, or anyone else—power is all that matters to them.

They don’t care that even if we did pull out of Iraq, we’d only have to go back there later, at greater expense and higher loss of life. Just as long as the Democrats can pick up six or seven Senate seats, and dent the Republican majority in the House, and use that to springboard Hillary and Bill Clinton back into the White House—well, who cares if troop morale vanishes? The Democrats hate the military, anyway.

I’m so sick of this. The next time I see some twerp carrying an antiwar sign, I’m going to smash him in the face with a brick. Then I’m going to take a picture of his bleeding face, and send that pic to Stars and Stripes, with the caption: “You do your job over there, and we’ll do ours over here.”

Enough is enough.

Monday, November 21, 2005

We're #7!!!!!

While I was checking my hit records, I saw a hit from a Google search. So I clicked the link and found out that The Freak Show was liste #7 on a search for Smackdown VS Raw 2006! (you can see the results by clicking here.) Don't know how long this will last, but it is still pretty cool. Maybe this post will even drive me higher up on the list by listing the game a second time :).

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Sony Completes First Full-Length Blu-ray Disc

Saw this on Slashdot.

"Sony Pictures Home Entertainment announced that authoring has been completed on the first Blu-ray Disc (BD) to contain a full-length, high-definition feature film. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle was compressed and authored in MPEG 2 full high-definition (1920 x 1080) and is now being shipped to BD hardware companies for player testing."

The thing I don't understand is why Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle? Why not a good movie? I know if I had some new tech, I would want to use a classic movie. They have to have some in their library.

Monday, November 14, 2005

R.I.P. Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005

If you are a wrestling fan, you probobly already know about this, but in case you haven't heard, Eddie Guerrero died yesterday morning. The cause of death is currently unknown. The Raw/Smackdown Supershow that was held last night at the Target Center was changed to a tribute show, which will air tonight on Raw and posibly Friday on Smackdown. Fans are encouraged to send in memories and condolences here.

23 reasons the Xbox 360 will fail (and 10 reasons it won't)

Found this on 1Up. They make some very interesting points. I didn't realize that the 360 had so much in common with the Dreamcast. I still don't plan on buying the 360, but it is a good article.

In other next gen news, Nintendo has announced that they plan on releacing the Revolution as the lowest priced next gen console, which is good news for people like me who plan on getting one right away.

No Second Hand Games For PS3?

I found this at Opposable Thumbs and a similar article at The Inquirer. (the articles are here and here.) Here is the text from the OT article.

Used games are important to the actual business of video games. Services like Gamefly, and the chain and independent video game stores all make the lion's share of their money from renting and selling used games. It's hard to overestimate how much money there is in used game sales.

Now the rumors are popping up that the PS3 won't be able to play "used" games. The idea is each game has a code that locks it into your system, so there would be no way to loan it to a friend, sell it, or buy a used game and have it work. This sort of thing would make developers very happy, since they receive no benefits or money from the secondary market in games. The console maker's also don't get their cut from used game sales, so this move would make financial sense for Sony. Sony is also pretty DRM-happy, so this wouldn't come as much of a surprise from them.

I'm not buying it, this is a pretty old patent, and this would most certainly turn more people against them then it would make them money. Can you imagine a system where you couldn't bum a game from a friend? Or rent a title you were unsure of? Gamefly would almost certainly go under. While Sony has to look out for themselves, this would burn way too many bridges for them to continue to have any good will with a large number of retailers.

Still, you can't help but think that something like this is inevitable in the long run. PC gamers have had to put up with increasingly invasive tools against piracy, and console gamers can expect the same in the future. I just don't think it's this close.

I doubt that Sony would do this, but if they do, then the only next gen system I plan on buying is the Revolution. Being able to barrow or rent games, as well as the ability to buy and sell used games is vital to the industry. If I hadn't been able to barrow or rent several of the games I own, then my collection would be a lot smaller. What Sony needs to realize before they decide to implement this tech into the PS3 is that the software sells the system. If gamers are unable to try games they are unsure of, they will not buy them. Likewise, If they can not play rented games, they are less likely to buy the system.

Monday, November 07, 2005

ACLU Alert Chart

I found this on Stop The ACLU and had to share it.

Vatican Rejects Intelligent Design

Found this on Slashdot The source article can be found here.

The Vatican has issued a stout defence of Charles Darwin, voicing strong criticism of Christian fundamentalists who reject his theory of evolution and interpret the biblical account of creation literally.
Cardinal Paul Poupard, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said the Genesis description of how God created the universe and Darwin's theory of evolution were "perfectly compatible" if the Bible were read correctly.

His statement was a clear attack on creationist campaigners in the US, who see evolution and the Genesis account as mutually exclusive.

"The fundamentalists want to give a scientific meaning to words that had no scientific aim," he said at a Vatican press conference. He said the real message in Genesis was that "the universe didn't make itself and had a creator".

This idea was part of theology, Cardinal Poupard emphasised, while the precise details of how creation and the development of the species came about belonged to a different realm - science. Cardinal Poupard said that it was important for Catholic believers to know how science saw things so as to "understand things better".

His statements were interpreted in Italy as a rejection of the "intelligent design" view, which says the universe is so complex that some higher being must have designed every detail.

If you are a Catholic Creationist, I would change churchs (might I recomend The Assemblies Of God. Sorry, but I attend an AG Church and I had to give them a plug.) In all seriousnes, if I were a Catholic Creationist I would look at this as the Vatican turning it's back on me in this fight.

What most Christians who believe in Evolution fail to realize is this the fact that the Genesis account tells us alot about God. If theological Evolution is true (and I am assuming it is since standard Evolution would have nothing to do with God) then God is protrayed as a cruel God, who used death and mutation to creat everything. Plus it would counterdict a verse in Romans (if think that is the right location) that says that there was no death before Adam. It also protrays God as an idiot. I don't know about you, but I like to think that God is smart enough and powerfull enough that he could just snap his fingers, create a human being, and call him Adam. If he isn't, then Christianity could be in trouble.

The main thing I think Christians need to remember is this. If you can't believe the Genesis account as fact, then how can you believe any of the Bible.

Some good arguments for Creationism and the Biblical account of the creation can found at Answers In Genesis and CSE.

Which Action Hero Would You Be?

Normaly I don't do these tests, but I had to try this one. The scary thing is I accualy own a fadora and wear it often. Now all I need it the whip and I wouldbe ready to go :)

You scored as Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is an archaeologist/adventurer with an unquenchable love for danger and excitement. He travels the globe in search of historical relics. He loves travel, excitement, and a good archaeological discovery. He hates Nazis and snakes, perhaps to the same degree. He always brings along his trusty whip and fedora. He's tough, cool, and dedicated. He relies on both brains and brawn to get him out of trouble and into it.

Indiana Jones


Neo, the "One"


William Wallace


Lara Croft




The Amazing Spider-Man


The Terminator


Captain Jack Sparrow


Batman, the Dark Knight


El Zorro


James Bond, Agent 007


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with

The Boondocks

I watched the first episode of the Boondocks this morning. I accualy woke up early to watch it. I enjoy the comic strip and figured I should like the cartoon.

When I got home today I watched CNN to see what had happened in the last 24 hours and I heard that some Afrcan-Americans were offended by it, mainly by the use of "the N word." I can agree with them, since it was used alot. Infact I was offended by the show. Not because of what was said or done, but because they took a good strip and messed it up. Hopefully it will get better. I would hate to see another show based on a good strip disappear (I'm looking at you Dilbert. At least I liked that show from the start.)

Friday, November 04, 2005

The ACLU are idiots

Some stuff I saw on Stop The ACLU

The first is This. It seems the people voted to an amendment that marriage be recognized as being one man and one woman. They voted for it 2 to 1. Yet judges have ruled that government employees in same-sex relationships are entitled to all the rights and benefits that are extended to married state workers. I wouldn't have a problem with this if it weren't for the fact that the people voted for it. Ok, I would have a problem. I have signed several petitions to get such an ammendment put to the vote here in MN. But I wouldn't have as big a problem. I just hate it when judges and groups like the ACLU go against the wishes of the people.

The second, and the reason for the title of this post, is This. The ACLU is sueing over a Voter ID law in New Mexico. And you now what? I would agree with them if this was a perfect world. Unfortunatly we live in a world where voter fraud is real. People registering pets, dead relatives, even fictional characters. I wonder how many Frodo Baggins voted in the last election.

The reason they are against this law is because they say that it descriminates against the poor and homeless, who might not have a valid ID. First of all I find it had to believe that anyone wouldn't have a valid ID or the ability to get one. Second of all, If they don't have a valid ID and can't get one, then file an absentee ballot, which doesn't require ID, just a sociel security number.

The ACLU has been busy lately and with Christmas right around the corner they will be even busier. I should have plenty to post about, even if this is the only subject I post about.

Site Redisign Take 2

You might have noticed that i changed the site again. The lay out is the same, but the colors changed. Why? Because I wanted to show my Purple Pride. The colors are those of the greatest football team ever, the Vikings! Ok, they arn't that great right now, but I still think they are the best. Anyways, I plan on using this look for a while, until the Viks season is over or they win the Super Bowl, which ever comes first.

Wierd Nintendo Controller

Recently I decided to create a room of doom. If you don't know what that is, it s something that Tips and Tricks Magazine does. You send in pics and info of your game colletion (systems, number of games, ect.) and they post it in their magazine. I don't think I will send in any picks, but with over 200 games on PC and various consoles I think I have a good start.

As part of this I decided to get some games that for one reason or another, mostly the fact that I was young and broke, I couldn't get before. The first one added to my collection was Castlevania for the NES. It hasn't arrived yet (hopefully tomarrow) but before I got it I wanted to fix my NES controllers. The down and right buttons didn't work. Last time I tried I ended up flipping the insides around so that it was now up and left that don't work. Still annoying, but more games can be played now. After a few days of not working on it, I decided to try again. The only differance is apparently I spilled some Kool Aid on it. Don't know when, but I did. I took it apart and tried just the insides and the board. Worked fine. Added the buttons, worked fine. Put everthing together and started up Dragon Warrior (the game that was in the system,) worked fine.

So the moral of the story? If you have a NES controller that doesn't work, spill Kool Aid on it. Not too much though. Just a little. Seemed to do the trick for my controller

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

WWE does the unexpected

Last night WWE held their Taboo Tuesday Pay-Per-View. For those who don't know about Taboo Tuesday, it is a chance for the fans to choose the match types, stipulations, and in some cases even the who will face who. They usally try to influance the votes, but they still give the fans some options.

So what did they do that was unexpected? For the last month or so there has been a fued going on between Raw and Smackdownwhich will most likely result is a Smackdown VS Raw mach at Survivor Series (which just happens to be around the time Smackdown VS Raw 2006 for PS2 comes out. Coincidence?). Both shows have invaded the other, and and finaly a match was made. Edge and Chris Masters VS 2 people from Smackdown. The choices were Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, Hardcore Holly, Christian, and JBL (my choice) In the end the fans chose Mysterio and Hardy. Before the match started, Edge (who has a torn pectoral muscle) pulled out of the match and was replaced by Gene Snitsky. Most people expected the Raw team to win. After all it was a Raw PPV. But suprisingly the win went to the Smackdown team!

It gets better though. Another match was suppose to be Stone Cold Steve Austin VS Coach in a Street fight, Verbal Debate, or Arm Wrestling. Over the weekend there was a disagreement between Austin and WWE Managment, and before that could be resolved he hurt his back moving some stuff, so Austin was out of the match. To replace him (and help build the rivalry between the shows) they called in Smackdown Champion Batista. The match was a Stree Fight, but it quicly became a Handicap match as Coach's allies Goldust and Vader joined the fight. In the end it was Bastista who scored the pin fall. It should be interesting how they deal with all this on Smackdown this week since it was taped before Taboo Tuesday. All I know is I can't wait to see what happened.

On a side note, I thought that it was cool of Christian to be there. He had quit early on Monday, but he agreed to be there last night and to compete if he got voted in. MOst people wouldn't do that.

In other wrestling news, be sure to watch Spike tomarrow night at 9 (8 central) for the TNA Impact special. 2 hours which will see a rematch between Rhino and Jeff Jarrett for the NWA Heavyweight Title and an Ultimate X match to determine the number 1 contender for the X Division Title. Should be a great show.