Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

As I type this, it is 5 minute before the ball drops and 2006 begins. And here I am posting on my blog. Yep. You read right. I am welcoming the new year much the same way I spent most of my nights in 05. Alone. Some friends are having a party, but I wasn't invited. some friends huh. I don't care. They don't want me there, then I don't want to be there. Instead I plan on entering 06 while working on a writing project (more on that later)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Tech Support Caller Warning System

I found this while reading the archives at User Friendly. I printed it up and plan on hanging it next to my tower, so I know what to do when someone calls me for help.

Yeah! I Made It!

Well, it only took two cans of dew to make it through the day. I did drink a third while I was eating lunch just now, but I don't think that counts. Fortunatly the Bakery Manager fried the rolls, so I didn't have to. By the time I had to fry Donuts I was in good shape. The fact that, in order for our frier to work right, I had to have a near by door open probobly helped. There was a nice cool breeze hitting me from that side. But now that I am home and done eating, I think that I will take a nap.

First Dew Of The Day

I am drinking my first Dew of the day. This is bad because I just woke up. Infact I have to be at work at 3. Odds are I will drink at least two more cans before I am done with work today. So why am I drinking Dew this early? Bcause I had trouble sleeping las night. I don't think I fell asleep unil midnight. Since I am frying rolls and donuts oday, this could be bad. If I don't post for a while, it is because I fell asleep and went bobbing for donuts.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Stupid People

As I was reading the archives for User Friendly, I came across this one.

I never had anyone like this, but I did have someone couldn't figure out why she couldn't see her desktop after turning on her computer. Her monitor was turned off.

Sorry about the comic being so small. It was the only way i could get it to work with out covering any of the links. To see the full size version, click here.

Did Nostradamus predict 9/11?

I am watching a show on Nostradamus on the History Channel right now and they just finished talking about the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Ironicly enough I just finished reading something about at (available here.) I am glad that tha Quatrain mentioned in that article was not used on the show. They brought it up later, when talking about the longevity of his writings, but they mention that it was a hoaxs. After talking about 9/11, they had a skeptic ask them to figure out the prophecy before the next 9/11. They even talked to Michael Shermer, who I usualy disagree with, but I do from time to time. Penn and Teller even said that anyone who knew, based on Nostradamus' writings, about 9/11 on 9/10, that they should be brought to trial, that they are just as evil as the people who were responsible for the attacks.

I think that, in the end, any prophetic writings, whether it is Nostradamus or the Bible, are open to interpetation. Any of his writings or the more cryptic prophecies from the Bible can be atributed to an event after they have happened. In the end, as long as hes writings survive, people will be saying he predicted this, that, and the other thing. And as long as people say he predicted something, there will be skeptics who do not believe.

One thing I want to know is did he predict his own death? He told someone that they would not see him alive the next morning, but lots of people have done that prior to his death.

Translations of his Quatrains, as well as other ancient and sacred texts, can be found here.

Merry Christmas!

Hope every one had a good Christmas. I got kind of a cute story I would like to share. Every Christmas eve I go with my parents to my Grandparents, and we go down early so that we can attend the candle light service at their church. I could have been interesting considering my 9 month old nephew was there, but my sister was at the end of the pew and I was right beside her, so there was a buffer zone. I was tempted to use my Mag Light as a candle, but decided that it would be too bright.

Anyways, in front of me was a little girl, probobly about 5. Her mother offered her a candle, but she refused. Instead she reached into her little purse and pulled out a tube of lip gloss. When she twisted the bottom, it light up. She was so proud of it. Every one else had regular candles, but she had a blue one. She held it up whenever her mom held up her candle, she held it in front of the hymnal when ever her mom did. Every once in a while she would take of the cap (it was clear) and put some on her lips before holding it up again. She was having fun.

Before I go, I have to share some stuff I got from Stop The ACLU.

Stop The ACLU has obtained through an anonymous informant, that Santa Clause has responded to the ACLU’s request for their assistance. We have also received an advance copy of a press release expected to be announced by the ACLU sometime later this afternoon.

Mr. A. Romero
Executive Director,
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004
December 23, 2005

Dear Mr. Romero,

I regret to inform you that I cannot be of any assistance in your efforts. You see since your scepticism in the season runs deeper than a disbelief in me, it shows that your efforts are not viable to the traditions that I personally hold dear.

The wonder and mystery of Santa Clause is one grown of the mystery and wonder of Christ himself. It is with the spirit of giving stemming from the great Magi that my tradition stems. It is from the gift of God to the world that my purpose has grown. The reason for my being is to bring happiness to children of all nations. And this is a product of the traditions of Christianity.

And although I do not discriminate against those children of different faiths, it is still their true belief in me which allows my power to build upon the traditions of one of the world’s greatest faiths.

So in response to your request, I cannot in all consciousness assist an organization which neither believes in me nor Christ the Savior of the world. Should your personal beliefs or those of your organization change in the future, I would be happy to consider any requests made at that time.

Remember, I know when you are sleeping, I know when you’re awake, I know when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.

Best Regards,

Kris Kringle, Santa Clause,
Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, etc…

In response to this letter from Santa Clause, Anthony Romero will be releasing the following statement:

It is the belief of the American Civil Liberties Union that the character Santa Clause is in conspiracy with the President of the United States, Mr. George W. Bush, in spying on peaceful American organizations. We have recently obtained evidence that Mr. Clause is working in consort with the National Security Agency and the FBI in obtaining privileged information about American Citizens.

“I know when you are sleeping, I know when you’re awake, I know when you’ve been bad or good…” This statement from Mr. Clause himself is a confession to the facts.

We intend on filing a federal lawsuit in the 9th Circuit this afternoon requesting that Mr. Clause, Mr. Bush, the NSA, and the FBI cease operations which invade the privacy of American citizens.

That one isn't true, but I thought that it was funny. Here is another one.

Christmas Carols for the Psychologically Challenged

1. Schizophrenia — Do You Hear What I Hear?

2. Multiple Personality Disorder — We Three Kings Disoriented Are

3. Amnesia — I Don’t Know if I’ll be Home for Christmas

4. Narcissistic — Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

5. Manic — Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks andTrees and Fire Hydrants and . . . . . .

6. Paranoid — Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me

7. Borderline Personality Disorder — Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire

8 . Full Personality Disorder– You Better Watch Out, I’m Gonna Cry, I’m Gonna Pout, Maybe I’ll tell You Why

9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder —Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells . . . . .

10. Agoraphobia — I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day But Wouldn’t Leave My House

11. Senile Dementia — Walking in a Winter Wonderland Miles From My House in My Slippers and Robe

12. Oppositional Defiant Disorder — I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So IBurned Down the House

13. Social Anxiety Disorder — Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas while I Sit Here and Hyperventilate.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Big Shock

From Stop The ACLU (accualy it is from a study by UCLA, but I found the story at Stop The ACLU.)
A new study released by UCLA shows a “quantifiable and significant bias” in news coverage that leans….LEFT!!!!!!!

Surprised? We certainly aren’t, and with the constant spin from leftists that purport a right leaning slant in media coverage getting louder everyday, this is one story that you should bookmark and spread around.

I think the story speaks for it's self

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Turning Point Review

As promised I have returned with my thougths on Turning Point, TNA's December PPV. Due to the nature of pro wrestling, it is nearly imposible to do an accurate over-all review of the show. So, in the interest of fairness, I will give my thougths on each match, as well as my over all thoughts.

The show started off with Sabu VS Abyss in a Barbed Wire Match. If you don't know what a Barbed Wire match is, let me explain. The ring ropes are taken down and replaced by barbed wire. Surrounding the ring are various weapons, which are wrapped in barbed wire. To win, you must make your opponant submit or get a pin. The match was good. Obviously not a technical master peice, it was an all out brawl, and one of the best I have seen all year. It wasn't nearly as brutal as I would have liked (and it would have been hard for it to beat out my favorite match of the year, JBL VS John Cena--I Quit match at Judgement Day) but it was still good. Both men took barbed wire to the crotch. Sabu went for a kick and got caught on the ropes, and Abyss took a Barbed Wire Chair shot to the crotch. In the end, Abyss got sandwhiched between two boards covered in Barbed Wire. Sabu hit a Leg Drop to Abyss' head and sat there as the ref made the 3 count. After the match, the fans chanted "Thank You" as Sabu left the ring and they peeled Abyss off of the board. Both men needed stichs after the match, and Abyss got his arm ripped open.

The next match was Alex Shelley and Roderick Strong VS Matt Bently and Austin Aries. This was an X Division match, so you know it was good. Both team had plenty of high spots, but in the end it was Bently nailing Shelley with the Super Kick for the win. If you haven't seen an X Division match (or arn't a fan of pro wrestling) then check out Impact, Saterdays on Spike. It is time well spent.

The next match was Raven VS Chris K, formerly known as Kanyon. The match was pretty good, but nothing to write home about. Raven won it with the Raven Effect. It didn't really help the Raven VS Larry Zbyszko fued, but it was a good match with a predictable ending.

Next up was Team Canada VS 4 Live Kru. The match was going good till the end, when Konnan grabbed a steel chair. It looked like he was going to hit Bobby Roode with it, but instead nailed Kip James and told Roode to go for the pin. After the match BG James and Ron Killings entered the ring to get some answers, but Konnan nailed BG with the chair. Over all a decent match. It should be interesting to see the fall out this Saterday.

Next was The Diamonds In The Rough VS Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, and Dale Torborg (formerly The Deamon, now a strength coach for the White Socks) with AJ Pierzynski. The match went back and forth until AJ started interfereing on behalf of his team. In the end Aj hit Simon Diamond with a Home Plate to help his team win.

The next match was Christian Cage (Christian in the WWE) VS Monty Brown. The winner would get a shot at the NWA Heavy Weight Title. Both men wanted the title shot and it showed. In the end, Cage used the Unprettier to get the win. It was kind of cool to see Cage using the same ring attire and the Captain Charisma nick name that he used in WWE. It was also cool when he hit a Frog Splash, which caused the crowd to start an Eddie chant in honor of the late great Eddie Guerrero. Over all a good match with another predictable ending.

Next up was AMW VS Team 3D in a Table Match. It was chaotic, with a table beig brought out after only a few minutes. In the end Team 3D won by putting Jmes storm through a table in the ring with the Death Sentance and Chris Harris through a table set up on the stage with the 3D. After the match Storm had to be helped from the ring after a possible neck injury. Every thing was ok, but it will be a while before he is 100%.

The X Division Title match was next, with AJ Styles defending against Samoa Joe. This was probobly one of the best matchs of the night. In the end, Samoa Joe used the Kokina Clutch to win the match and the title. After the match h continued to attack Styles until Christopher Daniels ran down and attacked Joe.

The final Match was Jeff Jerret VS Rhino for the NWA Heavyweight Title. the match went all over the arena and was realy good, until Team Canada got involved. In the end, lots of interferance and a chair shot gave Jarrett the win.

Over all it was a good show. It had too many predictable endings, but the quality of the matchs more then made up for that. The best moment of the night was at the very end. As Jarret celebrated, the lights went out and a Scorpion appeared on the screen. When the lights came back on, a Chair was in the center of the ring with a Black Trenchcoat and a Baseball Bat. Sting is coming to TNA.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

If Pearl Harbor Happened Today

I saw this while at Kim Du Toit's blog. I thought it was kind of funny, but it is also probobly pretty accurate.

Kim Is BACK!

If you stopped by in late September, you might have seen this post in which I complained that Kim Du Toit's blog had been shut down. So imagine my suprise when, after not having time to do much surfing in the last week, I saw on The Nation Of Riflemen the Kim as back! His new site can be found at I also updated the link in the sidebar so that it takes you there. Near as I can tell, everything is there. I don't know how he was able to start blogging again, but I will let you know as soon as I find out.

Now if Habbs would just start posting again, all would be right in the world again.

Ok, so all would not be right in the world, but it couldn't hurt.

Turning Point Tonight!

I am kind of excited right now. Why? Because tonight I am ordering the reboadcast of Turning Point, this month's TNA Pay Per View. I know that it aired on Sunday, but I couldn't watch it then. When I ordered my first wrestling PPV last year (WWE Armageddon) I didn't watch it. I had other stuff going on. Plus I owened a few on tape, so it's not like I hadn't seen a WWE PPV. I did tape it, and it was a good show, but like I said, I had seen it before. The main ereason I ordered it was because I could.

I have never seen a TNA PPV, so I am looking forward to it, and the fact that tomarrow is my day off means I can stay up an watch it. It should be a good show. AJ Styles defends the X Division title against Samoa Joe, AMW defends the Tag Title against the Dudley..sorry. Team 3D in a table match, Christian Cage VS Monty Brown, and Abyss VS Sabu in a Barbed Wire match. There are also some X Division Tag matchs, which should be good.

I hope it is worth it. Normaly I go to the website the day after a PPV to see the results, but since I was going to order it, I didn't this time. I'll let you know what I thought tomarrow.