Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Legend Of The Wachajambe

Legend Of The Wachajambe

Johnny was a chemist’s son
Johnny is no more.
But what killed Johnny was not

Johnny drove into the yard
Crept into the house.
Moving silent, not a noise
Quite as a mouse.

He walked into the living room
Saw a fearful sight.
Standing there, plain as day
A creature of the night.

With pointy ears, pointy teeth
And sharp pointy claws,
He knew the thing by the tree
Was not Santa Clause.

It looked at, an evil grin
Spread across its snout.
His blood froze, mouth open
In a silent shout.

It turned towards him, eyes grew wide
As it licked its teeth
Seeing him as just a meal
Just some food to eat.

He turned and ran, it gave chase
Slashing at the air.
Running all throughout the house
Knocking over chairs.

It cornered him in a hall,
Slowly it advanced.
Johnny stood there, shook with fear
As he breathed his last.

When they found him the next day,
Torn limb from limb,
There was barely body left
Sent to next of kin.

And still it roams, prowling nights
Seeking you and me.
Heed my tale, fear the legend
Of the Wachajambe.
I just finished carving pumpkins for the year. It's something I look forward to each year, taking a couple of days off, carving pumpkins, watch scary movies.I have to carve family friendly ones since they are for Kids Fest at church, which could limit what I can do, but I don't have a problem with that and the site I get my patterns from has some good ones. I tried my hand at making my own patterns this year. ended up making 4 total, 2 of which didn't turn out to good. Thats why I made the other 2. Might try to redo those first 2 for next year.

I took some pics. will post them soon, along with some from past years that I haven't had a chance to post. I'll post my patterns some time too. Who knows. might even get some Funkins (the fake pumpkins) and sell some on E Bay or something.

Still have a lot to do before I have to be at the church for Kids Fest at 5:30. Hopefully I'll be able to type up and post a poem I wrote that would be perfect for Halloween.

Halloween Week--This Is Halloween

What better song to post a video of the This Is Halloween, from Nightmare Before Christmas.Not only is it a cool song, but it is a cool video too.

There is also a version of this song performed by Marilyn Manson. It's good, but I think the original is better, which is why I posted this one, and just a link to that one.

Marilyn Manson's version

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Week--Living Dead Girl

With a name like Living Dead Girl, I had to post this one. Also it wouldn't be right to post a week of Halloween videos with out a video by Rob Zombie :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Week--Remains Of The Day

Not very spooky, but it is a great song from Corpse Bride, and it is performed almost entirely by dead people!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Week--Monster Mash

Can't have a week of Halloween videos go by with out having Monster Mash on it. and this is the original. Not one of those cheapo impulse purchase Halloween music cds, not by the Misfits. The original, performed by Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Cryptkickers. Even better, the video uses footage from classic horror movies such as Frankenstein.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Holy crap moment of the day

I was just laying on the couch watching 100 Scariest Movie Moments on Bravo (quick tip. don't watch this show while getting ready for work when you have to ride bike or walk there at 3 in the morning.) and I realized that I have 5 days off. I got done with work yesterday at 2, and I don't work again until Thursday at 1. Granted I don't consider Sundays odd, due to tons of stuff at church. and I will be spending Tuesday, Wednesday, and part of Monday carving pumpkins and watching horror movies, so those might not technically be days off since that is kind of like work. but the important part is I don't have to work at my normal jobs for 5 days. Sucks paycheck wise, but still cool.

Halloween Week--Jack's Lament

I decided to post music videos from my Halloween music list, which contains songs that are either spooky sounding or have a horror/Halloween theme to them. And what better way to kick it off then with something from Nightmare Before Christmas. the song is Jack's Lament, which might not be the spookiest song, but it is still good.

Monday, October 22, 2007

NaNoWriMo Projects Revealed!

As you can see in the sidebar, I have decided on my National Novel Writing Month projects. That's right, two projects.

The great thing about NaNoWriMo is that any works of fiction written during November can be included in the 50,000 words goal. But the main projects I will be working on are the two listed, Power Force and Myths And Legends of Taaacow.

Power Force is a project I started working on about 4 years ago and have been eager to start on. It started life as a Power Rangers fan fic, but it soon evolved to the point that it barely resembled Power Rangers. Most people laugh when I tell them about it's origin, but after telling them about it, they have all agreed that it sounds good. J.H. even said something along the lines of "If anyone can make Power Rangers cool, it's you." That vote of confidence means a lot.

Myths and Legends of Taaacow is a new series I started working on last week and I am really excited about. the concept is that it is a collection of Myths dealing with a newly discovered Aztec Goddess. I have some research to do on Aztec Mythology, but I am really looking forward to this series.

Both have been added to the writing projects section of the sidebar, and I will also be starting a new weekly column about the stuff I posted the previous week as well as my thoughts on writing in general.

Friday, October 19, 2007

This morning on CNN, they said that the FBI had raided a warehouse owned by David Copperfield, taking a hard drive, camera system, and some money. They didn't say what they were looking for, but I think it is obvious. They wanted to know how he made the Statue Of Liberty disappear. either that or the elephant he mad disappear is still missing.

Oil Prices Reach $90 A Barrel

The price of oil has risen to $90a barrel for the fist time ever. the funny (or sad) thing is I remember driving to work one morning a couple of years ago and hearing them say that gas prices then were where they should be if oil was $90 a barrel. I don't remember exactly how much gas cost then, but it was probably somewhere between $2.00 and $2.50. The price per barrel was about $65-$70.

Assuming that they were $2.50 at the time, that means that gas prices here are only 22 cents more then they should be. The main problem is why have gas prices been so high for so long. My guess is that prices at the time I heard that should have been between $1.50-$2.00. So why are they so high? Simple. "Tensions in the Middle East." We'll just ignore the fact that we only got about 15% of our oil from there.

So why are gas prices so high? Because oil companies decided to "reduce production." Artificial reductions mean higher gas prices since there is supposedly less oil being reduced. And the worse part is there is basically nothing we can do about it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Plagues Of Egypt

I was just watching a show on curses of ancient Egypt, and of course one of them was the biblical plagues. I have seen several shows on this subject, all trying to scientifically explain the causes of the plagues. Most agree, some disagree on this point or that. The one stumbling block they have all had however is the 10th plague; the death of the first born.

The reason I'm writing about this is because some have used these explanations to show that it wasn't divine intervention that caused the plagues; it is usually explained as being connected to the yearly flooding of the Nile.

For me, all it does it make them more real. All of a sudden they aren't just stories in the bible, they are events that could have happened and can happen again. Maybe God used these plagues because they could really happen.

One thing I think anyone who says that God didn't cause the plagues needs to explain is why they haven't happened since. If they are all natural occurrences, then how come we haven't heard of any thing like this in the 3000 years since the Exodus?

Maybe there was some divine intervention after all.
Last night, While trying to fall asleep, I had an interesting thought. What does how we sleep say about us. Is there some significance to whether I sleep on my stomach or on my back. Does someone who sleeps on their right side have a different personality the someone who sleeps on their left? What about the position of the arms, legs, and head. Does any of that have any relation to our psychological states?

I don't know if there has been a study on this, and I don't have the knowledge needed to figure this out on my own, but it would be interesting to know, even if it is just a piece of useless knowledge,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cyber Sunday

In 2 weeks, it will be time for the 2007 edition of WWE's Cyber Sunday PPV. For those of you unfamiliar with Cyber Sunday,WWE makes the matches, but the fans can vote on which stipulations or in some cases which opponents are in each match. Last year there was even a Champion of Champions match, with all three heavyweight champions facing each other, with the fans voting to see who's title would be on the line.

Of course they try to get the fans to vote certain ways some times. but int he end, it is up to the fans.

This year's card is up, and I've placed my votes. should be interesting to see how I did.

My picks are underlined

WWE Heavyweight Championship Match: Choose Opponent
Randy Orton C() VS Shawn Micheals, Jeff Hardy, or Ken Kennedy.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Choose Guest Ref
Batista (C) VS The Undertaker. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mic Foley JBL.

ECW Heavyweight Championship Match: Choose Opponent
C.M. Punk (C) VS Big Daddy V, The Miz, or John Morrison.

Triple H VS Umaga: Choose Stipulation
Street Fight, First Blood, Steel Cage.

Rey Mysterio VS Finlay: Choose Stipulation
Stretcher Match, Shillelagh On A Pole Match, No DQ Match.

MVP VS Matt Hardy: Choose Stipulation
Boxing Match, Wrestling Match, MMA Match.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I had to post this. This is PWI's subtle hint on how to get fans back after low ratings following No Mercy.

Fortunately for all of us, WWE tends to react like the parent who feels they’ve punished their child too severely and desperately wants to win back their affection: They’re going to buy us off with anything we want. And, when it comes to WWE, the next overblown step could be hit-or-miss. Yet, we’re guessing that a 2.8 for the flagship program Justifies some televised goodness for the fans as of next Monday night.

For those who don't know, there have been several rumors in the last month or so that Chris Jericho. is coming back to WWE, and the mysterious "Save_us.222" promos seem to support that, containing a digital theme to them similar to the y2J count down when Jericho first arrived. He has said he isn't interested in coming back to wrestling at the moment, but it could be a swerve. We were all fooled by Kurt Angle before he showed up in TNA. Hopefully this is something of a swerve as well.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Gore To Win Nobel Peace Prize

I heard on the way to cash my pay check that Al Gore was going to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to inform people about global warming. He also won an Oscar for his move "An Inconvenient Truth."

So apparently they are just handing out the Peace Prize to any high profile bozo out there now. Even before he won the Oscar, scientists were picking apart his movie, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the research needed to find out that the planet goes through warm and cold periods.

I'm not saying that we don't need to take better care of the planet, because we do. But to give this guy an award for this is a joke and a mockery to the Peace Prize.

Tutu Allowed To Speak At St Thomas.

After a week or so of complaints, pressure, and protests, the University of St Thomas has reversed it's decision to not allow Desmond Tutu to speak at the university. Obviously they gave into all of that and backpedaled on their previous position.

If somehow he sees it, Mr Tutu, don't speak there. They didn't want you there in the first place, why accept the invite now.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hell Week Is Over!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who know me and I have talked to recently, you know what I'm talking about. For the rest of my Non Exsistant Readers, allow me to explain what Hell Week 2007 was.

I finished working in the deli about two hours ago. That put an end to Hell Week; an 8 day period of lots of work and little to no sleep. In the last 8 days I've worked 103 hours, been on the road 9 hours driving back and forth to work, only got about four hours of sleep most of those days, and went two days where I was up for nearly twenty-four hours. In that time the shortest amount I had to work was an eight hour shift on Sunday. Otherwise I worked at least twelve hours a day, with about a third of those hours working overnight awake. What that means is I have to stay up from 11PM till 7Am, which I was able to do most of the time, with nothing to do. Did some writing, watched some TV and movies (finaly finished Deathnote 2) and played some Age Of Empires. Worked to keep me away for the most part.

I still have a couple of days at the Deli, but none at my other job, which means that I have a four day weekend coming up. since my last day off was on the 24th, I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Pirates Attack

This story is part 2 of Battle At Sea, a 4 part series that started in Red Sky In Morning

Pirates Attack

I fired, knocking a pirate off the rails as he tried to board the Patrick. I pulled out my other gun and fired again, sending another pirate to Davy Jones. Both guns used, I drew my sword and swung as the enemy swarmed onto the ship. As my target fell to the deck, I wondered why they were attacking us in the first place. While I didn’t know what our mission was, I knew that we had no treasure on board. There was no reason for this. There was no reason for this attack.

But the reason isn’t important. I am not a sailor, I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined.