Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I woke up early today to watch G.I. Joe on Action Blast, and I noticed something.

The stated purpose of G.I. Joe is
to defend human freedom against COBRA. A ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

I already knew that. Any fan of the show could tell you that with out even having to thing. So why am I writing anbout it?

Because on Saturday I was watching Sigma 6 and during the theme song they state the purpose of this new joe team which is (paraphrased)

to defend human freedom against COBRA. A ruthless organization determined to rule the world.

same as above, but with one word missing. I can't help but wonder if it would have been in there if they show had started before 9/11.

On a side note, during the episode they were wondering if one of their new members, Lt. Stone and Firefly, was a traitor. of course fans of the franchise know exactly who the COBRA spy is ;) (highlight for the answer in the comics, Firefly is a mercenary that works for COBRA. He is responsible for the deaths of Hard Master and Soft Master, the leaders of the Arashikage ninja who trained Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow. Later on he was recruiting for Sepentor's army, the Coil.)

Best Present Ever!

Even though my birthday was on the 1st, I finily got out to the farm to get my birthday presents from my parents, and they gave me one of the best presents I can ever remember getting. a WOK! 14 inches of Carbon Steel culinary goodness :)

ok, I suppose life would be a better gift, but I don't remember being born. I was kind of young then. So I don't count that :)

I really want to use it tonight, but I have to clean and season it first. I will most likely do that tonight and use it tomarrow night for supper. probobly something simple like Fried Rice or Chicken Teriyaki.

All I know is that the Chinese cooking leasons that I have been getting in my E-Mail for the last year or so will finily be put to use :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

I’ve Never Been To Boston In The Fall

Check this out. I just found out that 1,) Veggie Tales, 3-2-1- Penguins, and Larry-Boy are all on NBC Sunday afternoons (the story is here) and 2.) that Big Idea is making a new Veggie Tales movie, with plans for a third. They might also be working on a direct to video sequal for their first movie, Jonah.

The third on depends on how the next one does and will tell the tale of how Bob and Larry first met.

Before that one can be made, the next one has to be a success, and I am sure it will since it stars that infamous gang of scallywags, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. hrere's the story.)

Yes ladies and gentlemen, instead of bing co-stars like they were in Jonah, Larry, Pa Grape, and Mr. Lunt are the stars in a movie that will see them facing their fears in order to save a family in a time traveling adventure.

The movie is set to be released some time next year, with a following theatrical release in early 2008.

In honor of this news, here is the video in which the Pirates first appeared, with the lyrics to the song afterwards, thanks to Letssingit.com.

And Now it's time for silly songs with Larry.
The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song.
Joining Larry are Pa Grape, and Mister Lunt, who together, make up the
infamous gang of scallywags, "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything"...

We are the pirates who don’t do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
Well just tell you we don’t do anything

Well, I’ve never been to Greenland
And I've never been to Denver
And I’ve never buried treasure in St. Louie or St. Paul
And I’ve never been to Moscow
And I’ve never been to Tampa
And I’ve never been to Boston in the fall

We're the pirates who don’t do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
We'll just tell you we don’t do anything

And I’ve never hoist the mainstay
And I’ve never swabbed the poop deck
And I’ve never veer to starboard
Cause I never sail at all

And I’ve never walked the gangplank
And I’ve never owned a parrot
And I’ve never been to Boston in the fall

Cause were the pirates who don’t do anything
We just stay at home and lie around
And if you ask us to do anything
Well just tell you we don’t do anything

Well i've never plucked a rooster
And I'm not too good at ping pong
And I’ve never thrown my mashed potatoes
Up against the wall

And I’ve never kissed a chipmunk
And I’ve never gotten head lice
And I’ve never been to Boston in the fall

Huh? What are you talking about?
What does a Rooster or mashed potatos
have to do with being a pirate?

Hey! That's right!
We're supposed to sing about piraty things

And who's ever kissed a chipmunk?
that's just nonsense!
Why even bring it up?
Am i right?
What do you think?

I think you look like Cap'n Crunch...

Huh? No i don't!

Do too.

Do Not.

You're making me hungry...

That's it, you're walking the plank!

Says who?

Says the Cap'n!

oh yeah?
Aye, Aye... Cap'n Crunch... hehehe



And I’ve never licked a spark plug
And I’ve never sniffed a stinkbug
And I’ve never painted daises
On a big red rubber ball

And I’ve never bathed in yogurt
And I don’t look good in leggings
You just don't get it...
And We’ve never been to Boston in the fall!

Pass the chips
Whose got the Remote Control
Here it Is,
Time for Heraldo
It's Definately time for Wok Nec
Oh, I don't like this show
Hey look, I found a quarter.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Man, I'm feeling blogged out. I finaly got around to reading Phil and Michelle's blogs only to find that their daughter Grace andIlsa have bloggs too! Plus I also found my firend Whitney's blog.

Of course, being a good friend I had to read, or atleast skim, through all their old posts.

Needless to say, I am blogged out. I think it's time for som Mega Man (got the anniversery collection the other day.)
Kind of bummed right now. Normaly I would be getting home from the Thursday Night Group Ride, but this week, for the first time since it started, It is canceled due to rain.

The really bad part is the fact that I was planning on riding my Mountain Bike. That way if (or mor acuratly when) there was no one there I could hit the trails.

So here I am, stuck in my appartment staring out the window. No Mountain Bikinging (unless I want to play Downhill Dominations) No meat thawed out for supper, nothing I can just throw together. Normaly I eat at the Fiend after the ride, but since I'm in for the night, I can't do that. So now I have to figure out something for supper too and I don't feel like cooking.

Accually that's not true. Jairus left some Pizza Rolls here once. So Jairus, if you're reading this, I owe you some Pizza Rolls.

Oh well. Smallville and Supernatural will be on soon, so it's not all bad.
It's amazing how much good a quick shower can do. I have been feeling really tired all day, and was planning on just taking a shower and taking a long nap when I got home, but of course I remembered that I had too much stuff to do. Stuff like try to get Brian's computer working, Figure out why Civilization 3 won't work on AZ's computer, and clean the appartment. So after eating and reading a few blogs (and still feeling tired) I took a shower. When I got out, I felt much better, although I am still a little tired (maybe some Star Wars Battlefield 2 will help with that.) Long story short, I didn't think I owuld be able to do much without taking a nap. Instead it is 3 (when I normaly wake up from my naps) and I have done lots of stuf and had plenty of energy.

Unfortunatly none of the reasons I mentioned for having to stay up have gotten done, but the day is still young.

There Goes Tokyo

Saw this one right after I saw the one I posted last night and realized what a no brainer it was. A music video for Godzilla using footage from [gasp] Godzilla movies! I'ved looked for BOC videos several times over the years, and I never saw one that used Godilla footage. I will have to remember to save this one.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Go Go Godzilla

Check out this great video I found of Star Wars clips set to the song Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Armstrong and Landis Innocent?

I haven't been paying attention to the cyclying scene for about a week, so this is old news, but I had to comment on it.

It seems that Frankie Andreu, former lieutenant for Team Discovery (then Team Postal)has admited to using EPO during the 1999 Tour. He also stated that he never saw Lance Armstrong doping.

Last year, Armstrong was accused of using EPO during the 1999 tour, based on frozen urine samples that were said to be his.

Now Floyd Landis has been accused of doping.

The connection?

Both Landis' and Armstrong's tests were done by the same lab, who has been found to do sloppy work.

With Andreu admitting to doping during the 99 Tour, it could be saftly assumed that those were his samples that they tested. And since they were the only ones who knew who the samples belonged to, they could easily say that they were Arnmstrong's.

With this latest revelation, plus reports of other errors by the same lab, Landis is as good as cleared.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bucky's Theory About Floyd Landis

I had to post this.

Monday, September 04, 2006

R.I.P. Steve Irwin 1962-2006

As you have probobly heard, Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, died today. If you haven't heard about it, he died in a freak accident doing what he loved best, interacting with animals. here is an article from CNN.com)

I'm not an enviromentalist, and i usualy don't care too much about enviromental issues, but I liked Irwin. Maybe it was his enthusiasm, maybe it was just the fact that he was crazy enough to do some of the stuff he did, but I always liked him.

One things for sure. He is the one that made Animal Planet successful. Who knows how many people would have watched it if there hadn't been this crazy guy capturing crocs. He is also responsible for teaching countles people about crocodiles, snakes, and other animals.

He will be missed. I am sure he is in heavan right now with crocs on either side, watching people carry on his work.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Lost Worlds Entertainment

I ment to post this yesterday, but due to some unforseen difficulties, I am postng this today.

To celebrate my birthday (and because it will be easier for me to remember how long I have been doing this) I am pleased to announce the formation of Lost Worlds Entertainment.

Lost Worlds Entertainment is a company I am starting to post, and hopefully eventualy publish and sell, my various writing projects as well as some other stuff I am working on, including some video games I am developing, and some games using a pen-and-paper RPG system that I have been working on off and on for years.

But that's not all. Like Image Comics Lost Worlds Entertainment is more then just my stuff. it is also ment to be an unbrella that other creators can gather under. Basicly if I know you and you do some sort of creative work, it can be promoted and published as part of Lost Worlds Entertainment.

Right now it is just me, but hopefully that will change. With more people joining LWE, we will be able to have more promotional power and that is always a good thing.