Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Man, what is it aboout my left arm. it seems to be realy injury prone recently. on Valentine's day, I cut myself, and since then I have burned a finger, got a sliver (not sure where it came from,) got a piece fo glass stuck in my thumb, burned my forearm, and almost cut myself again! That is 5 injuries and 1 near injury in 14 days, and they are moving up the arm! One of these days I'm gonna lose it!

Very True

Saw this in User Friendly's archive. Every gamer out there can definitly relate to this one.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Site Redisign Take 4 & 5

Since I forgot to post a Redisign Take last time I changed the site, so I figured I would mentioni t at the same time as the most recent change.

The first change I made, about a month ago, is that I changed the colors from Green and Red to Black and Blue. I like this combo, and it will probobly stay this way.

Second, I redid the side bar. Now all the links are catagorized (and I added a few) with misc. links at the bottom of the list. I also added a info thing to the title of the blog.

I will be making some other changes, like editing my profile to include a little about me, and I plan on including some links to former posts in the side bar

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Monty Python's Personal Best

Right now on PBS they are showing the best of Monty Python. At 8 they showed eric Idle's favorite skits and now they are remembering Graham Chapman :)

On a related note, a friend of ming just heard the Lumberjack song for the first time :)


Saw this on Stop The ACLU

Former US president Bill Clinton on Friday condemned the publication of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) caricatures by European newspapers and urged countries concerned to convict the publishers.

So a man who swore to uphold the Constitution is calling for the arrest of people for practicing Freedom Of The Press! I don't agree with what they did, but this just shows that Clinton is stupid.

The Sci Fi just showed a commercial for Doctor Who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I accualy heard that Sci Fi would be showing Doctor Who a while ago, but I didn't want to say anything until I knew when it was starting. According to Wikipedia it will be starting on Martch 17, although I don't know what time yet. All I know is I can't wait :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well that was something of a waste of time. I just got home from my parents place, and even though I tried for several hours, I couldn't get their PC online. The stupid thing about it is that there was no reason for it not to work! The only think I could think of was that something was wrong with one of the Earthlink servers. Then mom mentioned that they had canceled their long distance service (didn't need it since they have free long distance on their cell phone.)

So when I got home I tried logging in and it worked. Then I remembered the long distance thing. I knew there were three access numbers in the area, and that the main one would be long distance for them, so I looked up the other two numbers, called my mom with them, and they are now online :) I will be going out there either today or tomarrow to install some antivirus software, download MSN Messenger so that they can talk to me and my siblings, and show them some sites I think they will like. My Mom will love Neopets.
I just got off the phone with my mom and in a few minutes, I will be heading out to the farm to do some laundry and get them online. When I switched to DSL, I was going to cancel my dial up. Unfortunatly I didn't cancel in time. So I have a month of Dial Up that I won't use, so I asked Mom and Dad if the wanted to go online. Should be fun.

BTW. Since this is going to be the first blog my Mom sees, Hi Mom :)

The World's Fastest Indean

ok, I know I said I would post a review of this movie a while ago, and I do kind of feel bad about it, but no to bad. That is the nice thing about having a blog no one reads :)

Any ways onto the review. The World's Fastest Indean is about Burt Monroe and his quest to run his heavily modified 1925(?) Indean Scout at the Bonneville Salt Flats. It's not about him setting the record, but about his journy to get there and the people he met on the way. It is definitly a feel good movie, but not in a sappy way. People were cheering at several points in the movie, and I think I heard everyone gasp when he lost it going 200 Mph. I have never seen a movie that got that type of reaction. I even felt myself tearing up towards the end.

The coolest part if the fact that Burt set the first record at the age of 72! (I think)not only that, but he went back 9 times, beat his own record a few times, and set the record that still stands today a few years later. The moral of the story, never underestimate the determination of an old man who wants to fulfill his dreams.

Horror Clix

I check the Wiz Kids web site every couple of weeks for new product announcements, news on limited edition peices, stuff like that, and I saw what cold possibly be one of the coolest games yet, Horror Clix. In it, you form an army using "monsters from across the horror spectrum — including vampires, zombies and werewolves — and then protect the innocent, eat them or both in a delightful, gore-filled romp!"

The reason this is cool is 1.) it is the first new Clix product line since Sports Clix, and 2.) since it is a Clix game, it might be compatable with Hero Clix, which means you could take your favorite hero and fight an army of the undead, or your favorite villian and command the army :) like I said, don't know if it will be compatable or not, but that would be cool.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Eddie Is In The Hall

They just announced on Raw that Eddie Guerrero will be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Last week's announcement that Bre "The Hitman" Hart was going to be inducted was big, but there is no way they can top this. Congradulations Eddie. You deserve it.

Friday, February 17, 2006

So far this has been a good morning. I could have used a few more hours of sleep and could have gone with out the wind, but other wise it hasn't been too bad.

I woke up early, thinking I had to do deliveries, but I had my days mixed up; I deliver tomarrow. So after getting the van started I went home. Since I had to be at work an hour and a half later, I didn't go back to bed. Instead I ate a better breakfast (woke up late, so I only had a couple peices of toast. When I got home I nuked a couple of eggs with some chees on it and then ate some chips and salsa. not exactly breakfasty, but I don't have much breakfast food in the apartment right now. good thing today is pay day.) And since I got home, I've been playing Rachet and Clank. Like I said, it's been a good morning :)
Holy Crap it's cold out! We went from mid-high thirties for an avcerage high to 30 below wind chills! You got to love Minnesota weather. I just wish I knew where the hood for my jacket is.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

ok, time to explain why I downloaded the same file yesterday as I did on Monday. I wanted to compare my Dial Up account to my DSL account. So I downloaded an Enterprise music video. It is a 12.4 mb file, and it took 1 hour and 10 minutes to download on dialup. it only took about 3 minuts on DSL :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

looks like I might be changing my plans for tonight. A friend of mine just called and asked if I could help with the Valentine's Day dinner we are doing at my church. It took me a bit to decide, but I am really excited about it now. Not only will I get to cook for people other then my close friends, but I will be cooking with a pro :) I can't wait.


In about 1 1/2 hour (theoreticly) the cable guy will be here to hook up my DSL. Which means that I will spend the night downloading massive amounts of porn. Just kidding. I will probobly be visiting some sites that take along time to load, downloading a file I downloaded yesterday, (I will explain why later) and playing Guild Wars. I got it a while ago and tried it. On a dial up, it was almost unplayable, but I could tell that it had potential. I can't wait.

Why do I get the feeling that I would have been more atractive to the opposite sex if I had been downloading porn. Oh well.

When I am not doing any of that stuff, I will be downloading episodes of Doctor Who. according to my calculations, based on a projected average speed of 1 mb every 10 seconds, it will only take a couple of hours to download each episode in stead of a week or 2. (I can feel my sex appeal plummeting with every letter I type. Although I think it is going up with female nerds :)) Now if you will excuse me I am going to play D&D. Acuualy I prefer the more obscure games, like Shadowrun. With minitures of course. After all, who in their right mind would play with out useing minitures ;)

Monday, February 13, 2006

I think I just made the perfect bag of pop corn. I just emptied it into a bowl and not only did none of the peices stick to the inside of the bag, I don't think I saw a single unpopped kernal! I will post when I am done with the answer.

Lost Dreams

The other night I dreamt that I was a character on the show Lost. This wasn't the first time. In fact it was the fourth time I had such a dream. the wierd thing is that I have never seen an episode of the show. the closest I have come to watching one is an episode being on in the background while I was playing a game on my laptop. I don't think that counts. So could some one explain to me why I keep dreaming that I am on that stupid show?
My boss just called. I was suppose to start at 5:30 today and do delivers, but there wasn't an order for the casino, and the hotel we provide rolls for canceled their order, so he called to say I could sleep in a few hours. I didn't complain. It might cut into my hours a bit, but I should be able to make them up no problem.

I got up at 5 anyways. Had to watch Cybertron. After that is done, I plan on going back to bed for a while. Won't be much sleep, but will be a nice nap. Then I'm gonna get up at 7, get ready for work, and watch Beast Wars. (I ment to mention this a while ago, but I forgot. Beast Wars is on weekday mornings on G4 at 7. The T.V. listings say Action Blast, which is an hour long programing block including Beast Wars, , BAttle B.Dramon (makes Beyblades look cool) and Kaiju Big Battel, a parodie of the giant monsters from Godzilla, Power Rangers, ect. fighting in a wrestling ring. The best part, no commercials. just trailers for other shows that they will probobly show in th efuture.)

So in the end, I get to watch an episode of the best series in the franchise and an episode of Cybertron, which is a pretty good show. Can't complain about that.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

100th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man, it's hard to believe that this is post number 100. There have been plenty of times where I didn't post much, and there have been plenty of posts where I just posted a news article or something that someone else wrote, but for me to stick with it this long is a big thing for me.

So how long will it take me to get to number 200? Hopefully not as long as it took me to get to number 100. I got a few more changes I want to make to the site, so that is abotu 3 or 4 posts right there, plus I are some other things I want to do that will add some, so we will have to wait and see how long it takes.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Honey Mustard Is Good

A few years ago my dad and I were on our way back from the Cities and we stopped at a restarant on the way home. One of the menu items was a Coconut Encrusted Chicken Breast. I've been there since, but they haven't had it on the menu. apparently it was a daily special thing, which is too bad, because it was really good.

So tonight for Supper I decided try to recreate it and I think I got pretty close. first I thawed out a Chicken Breast and seasoned it with some salt and pepper. Then I coated it in some toasted coconut and grilled it. (to toast coconut, set your oven or toaster oven to 300 degrees, pour some coconut on a pan and spread it out so that there isn't any doubled up. Place it in the oven till golden brown.)

It still needed something though, so I made some Honey Mustard. I just mixed about 1/3 Honey with 2/3 Mustard and mixed it with a sauce maker'sbest friend, a wire wisk. (sorry for not giving exact amounts. the only time I measure anything for sauce making is when I'm making a roux. the rest of the time I just eyeball it.) I just oured some of it on the chicken (plus some for dipping) and I was done. The only problem was that I made too much Honey Mustard, if you can call that a problem :)

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

This is one of the coolest web sites I have ever seen. It is The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

As the name says, it has everything Shakespeare wrote, with each scene of each play on it's own page. As anyone who has read a large, text heave site can tell you this is a good thng because it makes bookmarking your location easier. The only down side it the fact that,due to server issues, some of his works are not available, but they are working to fix that.

I recommend everyone read Shakespeare, not just the better known plays like Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet, but some of the lesser known ones as well. There is a reason why you read his plays in school and his plays are still performed around the world. now if you'll excuse me, I got some reading to do.

Cycle World Cycle Show

This past weekend I went to the Cycle World Motorcycle Show in Minneapolis, and it was a fun day. I went with my dad, my bro Jerm, and my oldest nephew Anthony. I was worried that Anthony would get bored, but he had a realy good time.

We had breakfast at One On One Bicycle Studio, which was a realy cool place. It wasn't realy a bike shop. It was bike studio/coffee shop. They had a bunch of old bikes on display (mostly single speed, much to my dad's delight.) They also made a pretty good latte. Down in their basement, they had The Junkyard, and arria where they had bins full of spare parts, as well as severl bikes for sale and several more stacked and waiting to be repaired or parted out. It was worse then my dad's shed at home. At least you could walk through that easily wearing a bulky jacket.

After that we went to Freewheels, a bike shop my brother went too. The cool thing about Freewheels is that they give 25% of their profits to groups that promote bicycling. This was an accual bike shop. lots of bikes, parts, and assesories for sale. They also had a public shop. for $10 and hour you can use their shop and most of the equipment (there were a few machines you can't use for inssurance reasons.) We checked it out and the shop was pretty nice looking, and not just because of the rather attractive female working on her roady :)

After paying for a new computer on my roadie ($40, but it was 30% off and can be set for 2 bikes, so I can use it on my mountain bike too,) It was off to the bike show. accualy we stopped at Old Chicago for dinner first, but then we went to the show. IT had been a while since we were there. Last year's was in march and was at the same time my youngest nephew was born.

There were a lor more custom bike shops this year then last time we were there, and there were some realy nice bikes in the show. Boss Hoss, as always, looked sweet, and Tri-Way, a company I hadn't seen before, had some nice looking bikes too.some nice looking bikes too. possibly the coolest looking bike was the Victory Vision 800 Some people didn't like it, but I thought it looked cool, because it didn't look like you avorage bike. As far as the big companies (Yamaha, Harley, handa, ect.) the best looking bike was the 2006 Yamaha V-Max. Why? be cause it looked nice, and it was a Yamaha, which is what I ride (if I had a palce to store it in town.)

After the show we went to "The World's Fastest Indian", but that is another post. All in all, it was a good day. There was some confusion over when we were going to meet my mom and sisters for dinner, and my dad accidently parked in a no parking zone while we were at Freewheels and got a ticket, but over all, it was a good day.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Training The Next Bobby Fisher

Ok, maybe I am exagurating a bit. But I am teaching a young kid from the coffee shop how to play Chess. He is 6 1/2 and is doing pretty good. Last week I taught him how the peices move, and this week we played our first games. The first one lasted about 20 moves, mainly because I was being nice.

The second game only lasted about 10 moves, but I was more proud of him in that game then in the first one because he was trying to think stratigicly. He figured out that if he didn't move the peices surrounding the king, he would be safe. He was wrong and I beat him quickly, but it was a good start.

The third game was a lot longer and he took a butch of my peices, but that is what I wanted. I was moving peices into position for him to take out targets of oppertunitiy. He caught most of them. He even could have beaten me a few times. I also set up a few traps and gave him some stipulations for them. There were a few traps where he could have taken one of my peices or moved one of his to get his king out of check, but I told him he had to figure out how to move his king to safety. He did pretty well.

I can't wait till next week. I would teach him more tongiht, but I will be in Minneapolis for the weekend, spending time with the fam,, going to the Cycle World Motorcycle show with my dad, my bro, anbd possibly his GF. should be a lot of fun. I probobly post about the show when I get home.