Tuesday, October 31, 2006

More Problems For ECW

Just got done watching ECW and there continue to be problems with the House Of Hardcore.

First there was the Diva (I thought they were Vixens in ECW) Costume Contest. I've said it before and I'll say it again, stuff like this does not belong on a wrestling show. when I watch Wrestling, I watch it for the action, not the Divas. If it's a match, expecially one between women like Trish Stratus or Lita, great. Beauty contests? no.

I have to admit, I did enjoy it. Ariel didn't wear a costume, due to the fact that she is suppose to be a Vampire. She even stumbled backwards when she saw that Trinity was wearing a cross. I also didn't mind Trinity's costume, which consisted of a pair of black panties and police tape across her chest. Like I said, didn't mind it at all.

The biggest problem to come out of tonight's episode were the ECW debut of The Great Khali and Daivari. Daivari I don't have a problem with. I have heard he is good, and since we haven't seen him in action too much, he might be a great fit for ECW.The Great Khali on the other hand shouldn't even be allowed in the ring. PWI, in their 2006 Report Card issue said this about his repetoire:
"Chop to the head, stomp to the chest, chockslam. Congratulations. You've now seen a Great Khali match."

Big Show is bad enough. At least he can wrestle. Khali can't even do that!

This is just more evidance of two things. Vince likes big men in his companies (houw else do you think Test, Big Show, and Khali got to where they are now.) and WWE sees ECW as a place to dump wrestlers when they don't know what to do with them any more.

ECW has made some big improvements in the last five months or so, but for every three stepps forward they take, they seem to take two back. Hopefully they will have everything figured out by the time I (and every other wrestling fan in the world with a site) have to write a six month review.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Postal Movie

While I heard about it a while ago, I got confirmation tonight while watching Game Head. They are making a movie based on the video game Postal. and if that weren't bad enough, the movie is being directed by Uwe Boll.

What I don't get is how they can make a movie based on the Postal games. Neither of them have a story. All you do is grab a weapon and shoot things!

Accually what I really can't believe is that not only are they making a movie, but their also making a third game! The first game was kind of fun, but the second one sucked!

I think the real question is whether or not Uwe Boll will be able to make this into a better movie then the game. One of the main complaints in the past has been that he messed up the stories, but when the source material sucks to begin with, there is no where to go but up.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

This is funny. It is the blog of a Mozilla, creater of Firfox (Still haven't downloaded Firfox 2. I have to do that some time)

I think my favorite part is the P.S. :)

I was going to post the pic, but I guess he has been getting blasted with hits, especially after the story got posted to Slashdot.
Found this on Slashdot, and it brings up something I have wondered for a long time.

What laws applie to the internet? Japan has divverent laws then the US, and we have different laws then Iran. not only that but there are also state and local laws to take into account.

While there are some constants (murder and theft are illegal pretty much everywhere, to verying degrees) some things that are illegal here are perfectly legal in other contries. Some things, such as drinking age, may be different here in Redwood then it is in L.A.

So what rules apply to the internt? Something like Microsoft's website are probobly covered under US law since the corporate office and servers are all (or mostly) in the US, but what about something like Blogger (which is the sorse of the problem) has content created and maintained by people all over the planet.

What laws govern content on sites like Blogger? Google, which owns Blogger, is based in the US, but do US laws apply to stuff created by a person in Spain, or do the laws there apply?

This is just one of the questions that have to be answered as the Internet becomes gains more and more power.
Saw these while reading the archives for PVP. You might not think that they are that great, but for someone like me, who spends a couple of hours a day frying and decorating donuts, bismarks, and assorted other fried pastries, this is hillarious.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

National Novel Writing Month

Well, It's Official. I have signed away the month of November and chosento participate in National Novel Writing Month. Thanks to some help from Casey, I decided which story I'm going to do, and while it wasn't my intention to even try for the 50,000 word goal, with the story I am doing I think I can pull it off.

Because of NaNoWriMo, I have added a couple of things to the side board. First I added a graphic at the bottom of the page saying that I participated in it this year. Hopefully I can replace that with a winners graphic after November :)

I also added a section to the side bar, right above the Friends section, where you can find a link to my NaNoWriMo profile (here), the name of my project, and my current word count, which I will try to update daily.

It should be interesting. The story I am working on is based on the legends of the Jersey Devil. I don't even know much about it yet, but it will be set in the same universe as Fantasy. Like I said, should be interesting.
This is how me and most of my co workers feel right about now. Don't know the whole story, so I won't say why, but I will explain when I know more.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

IMBA Report Cards

It's that time of the year again as IMBA prepares their 2006 report cards for each state. The cool thing is the fact that Minnesota has had 52 people submit reports as of this posting (including yours truly.) The next closest state is Indiana and Virginia with 40 and 32 respectivly. Not only that, but Minnesota has the widest range of responses, which no doubt represents the vastly different areas of the state (there isn't much in souther Minnesota, but in the northern part of the state biking is great. in the center of the state, if isn't too bad, unless you live in or near the Twin Cities, where there are lots of trails.)

Here is a link to the report card site so that you can help rate your state. The also have an article on how to use your states grade to help inprove Mountain Biking in your area. (foundhere.)
Saw this on The Onion and I had to post it (plus I felt like using their Blog This feature :))

The Onion

Christian Rock Band Cleans Up Hotel Room

WAYCROSS, GA—Hotel staff at the Highway 82 Best Western found the suite occupied over the weekend by members of the Christian rock band...

saw this and I had to comment on it. Not the part about the guy sending President Bush a book on inproving his Mountain Biking skills or offering him a free class, but the responses he go. There was only one person who decided to blast Bush. I'm guessing some of the other posters might not like him either, but they realized that in the end he is a fellow cycleist, and that's all that matters.
Saw this on MSN. Nothing to say about it really, but when I saw the location of the meteorite, I got excited.

if you want to know why, it is because Superman crashed into a Kansas field. Sure it is the nerd in me talking, but wouldn't it be cool if, after cleaning away the dirt, it started to glow green?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Taliban Takes High Cover

Seems that troops fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan now have to deal with enamy soldiers hiding in forests of 10 foot tall marijuana plants

To try to eliminate the forests, they tried to burn them,
"But a section of soldiers that was downwind from that had some ill effects and decided that was probably not the right course of action"

I'm guessing that the burning wasn't the problem, it's just really hard to get Cheetos and other muchables in Afghanistan.

Carry on My Wayward son

Found this video for the sone "Carry On My Wayward Son" by Kansas on You Tube, it is it quite possibly one of the best Final Fantasy music videos I've seen. Check it out.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bat Out Of Hell 3 Trailer

Yesterday I mentioned that Bat Out OF Hell 3: THe Monster Is Loose will be coming out on Halloween. Today while I was at work I remembered seeing a trainer for it on You Tube, so I went into my favorites, found it, and here it is. Enjoy.

Greatest Bumpersticker Ever

Saw this over on Go Clipless.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Just finished watching Tito Ortiz VS Ken Shamrock 3, and it was a good match. Would have been better if Shamroick had won, but oh well. I think the best part was the video at the end, showing scenes from Shamrocks career. After the match, Shamrock announced that he was retiring. all I have to say is Thanks for the memories Ken.

After the match I switched over to Sci Fi to watch ECWand what do I see? A butch of Divas from Raw, Smackdown, and ECW playing Extreme Strip Poker. Just what I wanted to watch on a wrestling show. Women getting naked. If I wanted to see that, I would be watching Spice right now. Instead I want to see pro wrestling. It was funny when Ashley was describing her outfit ("I'm wearing a tank top with blood on it")

Fortunatly the first match was C.M. Punk VS Rene Dupree. Unfortunatly they kept going to a split screen to show the Divas taking off their cloths when they lost a hand. Most other matchs I woudln't mind, but this is C.M. Punk :(

Punk won with the Annaconda Vice to continue his undefeated streak.

The Height Of Laziness

USA Today reports that the lab responsible for Floyd Landis' positive tests didn't even bother to take the time to cover it up. They used WHITE OUT!

Don't believe me? go to the article, found here. Accualy I will save you the trouble and just post the pic.

This has got to be the most pathetic attempt to cover up a conspiracy that I have ever seen.

I found this story on Blue Collar Mountain Biking, who got it from Biking Bis.
I realized today that I have a tough choice to make on Halloween. That is the day that Final Fantasy 12 comes out in the US. It is the latest in the Final Fantasy series, and the first true FF game since 10-2 (11 is an MMO, so I don't really consider it part of the series.) It also might be the best, with some game magazines in Japan giving it a perfect score. Not even FF7 did that.

Halloween is also the release date of Bat Out Of Hell 3. As a fan of the first two albums, I can't wait to get this one. At least I couldn't wait until I found out that FF12 is coming out on the same day.

Finaly I have to deal with the fact that the Wii is coming out in mid November. Wikipedia says the 19th, but that is a Sunday. I am guessing it will be either the Friday before (17) or the Tuesday after (21.)

At the moment, I am thinking about waiting and buying the Wii, and if I have some left over--FF12.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New Info On The Fake Ghost Pic

Last year I posted a fake ghost pic (here) and while I was looking at some new pics on Castle Of Spirits I found this. It seems the pic was done for a band's CD cover. not sure what band or the relevance of this to anything else in the known multiverse, but I figured I would post it anyways, kind of as a follow up

ESRB caves to stupidity

Yes this is a little out of date (it took place on May 3) but it involves a game for the Xbox 360 (which I could care less about) and PC (I have been out of the loop on PC games for the last year or so.) I just found out thanks to today's Penny Arcade.

It seems that Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion has been given a new rating, from T to M. The reason? Someone made a MOD that allows you to see naked versions of the female characters.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, becouse of user created content, Oblivion was rerated!

With Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, atleast the code for the Hot Coffee Mod was there in the final product. You just needed to get the MOD that allowed you to see the scene. This time the offensive content isn't even in the final version!

The ESRB gave in and changed the rating, but I can't help but wonder if they would have if the Hot Coffee MOD hadn't exsisted/been discovered yet. After all, like I said it is user-created content that you have to download.

So when do you think The Sims, which has a similer patch available, will get rerated?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Site Redesign Take 7

Not too much has changed, but in honor of Halloween, I changed the text color back to Orange and the Orange Skulls counter is back! so basicly it is the same as it was last Halloween.

Last year I started a short lived attempt at posting spooky stuff last year, I figured I would do it again this year. The main differance is that I will (hopefully) be writing them this year! If you remember last year (and if you don't, just click on the October 2005 link in the Archives section. either that or click on the link in this post. doesn't really matter.) I took all the stuff from Castle Of Spirits. This year, using Google, Castle Of Spitits, Wikipedia, and various other sources, I hope to be able to write my own spooky stuff this year. I will most likely be making the posts either Mondays or Fridays (I will decide at work tomarrow.)

Finally the other change I made was the banner at the top, under the countdown. IO also added a button under the counter and a link in the Links section. it is to Save Stargate SG-1, a web site created to coordinate the save SG-1 campaign. Campaigns like this succeeded in saving Daniel Jackson and 7th Heaven hopefully it will work again.