Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Ninja sent this Bulletin to people on his MySpace Friend's List.

This is a shout out to all of our fans in the US Military. Thanks for what you're doing and stay safe on this Memorial Day weekend.

And when you get home, I look forward to killing all of you soon!

Just thought it was nice of him to think of the troops, and to end themessage in character.

Friday, May 25, 2007

I found Micheal Shanks' blog earlier today. for those who don't know, Shanks plays Danial Jackson on Stargate SG-1. I decided to read the archives. there are only 3 posts so far, so it didn't take to long.

Correction. it shouldn't take long for a normal computer. Mine is a pile of crap, so it too about 30 minutes, but that is a rant for another post.

Anyways I was reading his second post and I saw this, possibly the greatest line I have read in any blog in a long time.

(Suppose I should mention that he is talking about Paris Hilton)
Honestly, if I hear one more thing about this chick, I'm gonna commit hari-kari with a spatula in front of my children. Why a spatula? "Because it will hurt more, you idiot!!!" Think Alan Rickman in Robin Hood, and you'll get the gist.

The rest of the blog is good too, and there are a few other celebs who's blogs I might check out later. If you want to read Shank's, check the side bar. it's in the general blogs section (at the end)

ok, this line was pretty good too, mainly because I completely understand. after all, I am an Evil Geniuse.

(talking about a new project he is working on)
promises to blow the doors off of any evil character I've played before now. Sorry, not evil. Just misunderstood. You get my gist.

And before anyone comments on it, I spelt Genius wrong on purpose.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

YEAH! Bus is releasing a new album!

My bro introduced me to the group a while back and I am glad he did because they rock. They get a little too political in some of their songs, but their sound is great and I can't wait to get the new album.

Just hope they come to Minnesota soon.

If you haven't heard them, they have some songs on their website and some on their MySpace page The only problem is they don't have Ginseng, but they have the video on the site some where, or you can watch it here, thanks to YouTube :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Rider In White

This story is the final part of The Siege, a 5 part series that started in Enemies At The Gates

The Rider In White

The Black Knight bore down upon me and I am not ashamed to say O cowered in fear before him. All around me lay the wounded, the dieing, the dead. Some were from the initial battle, but the vast majority were the result of this monster’s attack. He struck without rest, his hammer indiscriminate as to whom it struck down.

My life flashed before my eyes as he raised his hammer. My final regretful thought was that I had failed my king. I braced myself against the killing blow, praying to any deity that would listen for the king’s safety. Even if the caer falls, our people would survive, but only if he survives.

My eyes were opened by a clang. I looked up and saw, a hair’s width away, the Knight’s hammer. And behind the head was a sword, holding it back. The Golden Blade was instantly recognizable.

Fer Croo had arrived.

The Knight looked at him, a hate filled growl emanating from his throat. He stepped back and threw his hammer aside, causing the earth to shake where it landed. He drew his sword, similar to that used by his comrades, and prepared for battle.

Fer Croo stood there, his long white hair flowing majestically past his shoulders. His cloak was pulled back, revealing armor whiter then the fresh fallen snow. Light seemed to shine from him as he stood there, the Golden Blade, Trinaid Noo, in his hand.

They charged towards each other, the sound of their swords clashing like that of thunder. A storm arose in the courtyard. They fought ferociously, neither gaining the advantage for long. Soldiers from both sides watched in awe as these two warriors battles; the fate of an entire people hanging in the balance.

The Knight stumbled over the body of a fallen comrade. He fell to his knees, dropping his sword and prepared for the killing blow, but the King stepped back, allowing his foe to rise. The Knight took advantage of his foe’s kindness.

The Knight drew his knife and lunged towards the King, aiming for his heart. Fer Croo raised his sword as he dodged, bringing it down on the base of his foe’s neck. Black Blood sprayed from the wound as he brought it down again, separating his head from his shoulders

Silence fell upon the courtyard as the Black Knight’s body collapsed to the ground, his head rolling to a stop. The silence was broken as a mighty yell arose from our warriors, shaking the night sky.

We turned on our enemies and returned to fighting. Disheartened by the death of their champion, they easily fell before our blades. What had once been a seemingly unstoppable force had become and easily defeated foe.

A smile crept across my face as I plunged my sword into my enemy. Everywhere I looked, only my men stood. The few enemies that survived were quickly put out of their misery.

We had won.

Caer Flaunys had survived.

The siege was over.
I saw this and thought it was really cool. Not only is Pirates big around here, but it is also good timing. me and some friends are planning on starting a game night, where we will be playing games like Heroscape, Star Wars, and Mechwarrior. Since most of us are fans of pirates, both the game and the seafaring scalywags, this makes it even better. I might have to pick it up some time.
I had a great idea yesterday after buying a bottle of Mountain Dew at work. Pepsi has a Transformers: The Movie contest thing and while it is probably too late for this movie, it owuld be cool if, for the next movie, they released new colors and flavors.

They don't have to have three different flavors, just colors; blue, pink, and yellow. After all, people drink Dew for energy, and those are the colors that we have seen for Energon, the Cybertronian's power scource, on the t.v. shows. The Energon Crystals planted on Earth by the Vox were blue, Energon Cubes were usually kind of a sparkly pink color, and Energon ore was yellow.

I know that the first movie deals with a fight for the All Spark, and I doubt that the second movie has them fighting over Energon, but it will still be cool.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ring Of Honor Goes Pay Per View!

Saw a banner about this on Online World Of Wrestling and while the site doesn't have any info about it, nor does ROH's home page, Wikipedia once again came through for me.
On May 2, 2007, Ring of Honor announced that they have signed a PPV and VOD deal with G-Funk Sports & Entertainment to bring ROH into homes with iN DEMAND Networks, TVN, and the DISH Network. The deal calls for ROH to do a PPV at least once every 60 days in both the United States and internationally...The first show, titled Respect is Earned, was taped on May 12 and will air on PPV on July 1, 2007 [3].

I have wanted to see an ROH show since they first started, and while I haven't followed them too closely, I have been a fan since the start. Now that they are posting videos on Youtube and going to PPV, I can finally see them! I just hope my cable provider can get the shows. if not, I am either requesting it or switching.

Here is the announcement from the president of Ring Of Honor, as well as a video of some of the roster members

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Siege Is Over!

Finaly, after almost four years of work, I have finished The Siege!

I started writing the first part, Enamies At The Gates on August 18, 2003. worked on it off and on through out 20003 and 2004, and then left it alone for almost three years before I started again this past February. I had thought about it from time to time, describing it to people, but not working on it.

As I finished the spell check, I raised my hands in victory before collapsing onto the couch. The chorus of "Numb" by Linkin Park started just as I raised my hands; nice timing.

I still have to send it to the proofers, and I won't be posting it until some time next week, but the important part is that it is done.

The Siege is finaly done.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

April Writing Month Is Over!

Ok, so it was over 8 days ago, but due to work, play practice, and assorted other stuff, I kind of forgot about posting a wrap-up.

Didn't do quite as good as I would have liked. I only got about 2640 words typed. That number might go up some, because I finished the last part of The Siege, but I haven't typed it yet, so I don't have a word count yet.

All things considered, I think it went pretty well. Between play practice, work, being sick and fighting the computer virus that resulted in me resetting my laptop, I think that was a fairly decent number. I plan on doing this again, probably in august. Nopefully I will get a higher number then.

Update: Finished the Siege, which brings the word count to 3140 for April.

Update 2: I hadt to re-reset my laptop before I could back up the last part of The Siege, so I had to rewrite it. some how I gained 5 words. I know 4 of them came from a line I added to the end, but I have no idea where the other word came from.
I was listening to Nights With Alice while driving home from work tonight, and as I pulled into my parking spot I heard a commercial for Radio Shack, about Cell Phones. The weird part was the fact that Alice Cooper was doing the commercial. I know he did one for Staples, but that had to do with his song "School's Out," and was kind of funny. For some reason the Radio Shack one was just kind of weird.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I was just watching the video for "Rock The Casbah" by The Clash, and while reading the comments people had left, I found this one particularly funny.

THe strange, dorky 'Jew and Arab' footage really detracts from this video by the quasi-punk British band The Clash.

And what's the deal with the armadillo?

Ok, so this guy (or girl) doesn't like the "strange, dorky 'Jew and Arab' footage." No big deal, that is his opinion. What I found funny is the fact that he refered to The Clash as a "Quasi-punk" band.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't The Clash one of the first big punk groups, along with groups like the Sex Pistols and the Ramones? Wait, you don't have to correct me. They were.

Friday, May 04, 2007

What is this? Crap on Iceman day?

So I had some stuff to do today before work, and I planned on getting up around 8. Woke up at about 7:45 to go to the bathroom, and I figured I would lay back down until the alarm went off. next thing I know it is going off and it is about 9:30. so I get up, get changed, jump into the truck, get about 2 blocks from my apartment when I run out of gas. I just put $10 in on either Sunday or Monday, and all I have done was drive to work and church, so i should have just gotten to E today, which means I don't need gas until Sunday at the latest, so someone siphoned my gas or the truck turned into a gas guzzler over night.

So I walk home to get my bike. Nearly twist my ankle walking into my bedroom to get my knee brace. Get on my bike and realize the tires are half flat. No big deal. I'll put air in at work. Get on the road and realize that there is a head wind. not a slight head wind, a strong one. Even if my knees weren't bad, it would be a problem. While riding to work my jeans kept getting caught in the chain or rubbing against the tire. This has never happened with these jeans before, and if it was just when the wind was blowing from the side, no big deal, but this is both legs, without turning or anything

I stopped at S.A., because it was closer then work. Putting air in the tires helped a lot. Finally get to work and find out I have to work at 1, not 2 like I thought. I also got my time off request in on time. first really good thing to happen to me all day.

I ride home and my knees are killing me. Jeans get caught a few more times and I seem to be dealing with the wind the whole way, despite the fact that I'm not riding into it. Finally get home and nearly twist my ankle again carrying mu bike up to my apartment. After resting for a bit I call Mom, thinking she can bring a gas can in, but she is either not home or outside. And now,as I type this, my computer is running like crap.

the worse part is I've only been up for about an hour. I can't help but wonder what's going to happen next.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Saw this on Joystiq.

For those who don't want to read the story, it seems that some kid made a map of his school for some game and uploaded it to a server so that he and his friends could play it. Don't know what game, but it was probably a FPS, like Quake 4. After it was found by someone at his school, the cops were called and he was arrested for terroristic activities. The reason; he made the map. And he had a hammer in his room. That could be used as a weapon you know.

Here is the stupid part of the story. Apparently I am a terrorist. I have a hammer and three knives in my bedroom, and while I never made the level, I had drawings and preliminary sketches for levels based on my college, high school, and work. Not only that, but a lot of people I went to college with are terrorists because they did the same thing. In fact, most people who have ever made levels are terrorists, because most at least think about making one based on school, work, their town, ect. Even if we don't make it, we think about making levels based on what we know.

So why was he really arrested? Because he is Asian and because an Asian guy went on a shooting spree recently at Virginia Tech. The Virginia Tech shooter didn't play video games, dispite what idiots like Jack Thompson might say, but because of guys like him, something like a level based on a school is going to send up flares. The fact that the level's creator is Asian is just throws more fuel on the fire.

A month from now, a year from now, this wouldn't be a problem. The fact that he probably was working on the level well before Virginia Tech, and may have even had it done before that, means nothing. The point is, he made the level, so he was obviously planning something.

Some people need some sense slapped into them and need to stop jumping to conclusions, panicking about little things like this.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I hate how nice the weather has been recently. Most people like it, except when they are at work and can't enjoy it, but I hate it. The more nice days there are, the more I want to get out and ride my motorcycle. Too bad it needs new tires.

So why don't I just get new tires? I'm broke, and I have to wait until my federal tax refund gets here to get new ones. I spent the state refund on a Wii, and I don't regret that, but part of me wishes I had gotten new tires instead.

Oh well. I'll have the bike on the road soon enough.