Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Which Transformer Are You?

Not sure how accurate this is. After all, since I answered Plotting for the question "How will you most likely spend your weekend?" you would think I would end up being a Decepticon.

Then again, Ratchet is known for plotting all the time, and not getting depressed about being unable to save the lives of his fellow Autobots. (read this part with heavy sarcasam since it is hard to write it so that it is clearly sracastic.)

Which Transformer Are You?

You Are Ratchet! You are caring and compassionate.
Take this quiz!

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm watching the season premier of The Batman and Superman is on it, fighting Metallo.

The best part. The fact that both Superman and Lex Luthor are played by the same guys who played them in the DCAU!

Considering the number of DCAU voice actors who have played parts on the show, I wonder how many more characters will be reprising their roles :)

What If?

What If?

I awoke and stretched before getting out of bed, ready to face another day. After a quick shower, I turned on CNN as I prepared breakfast. I didn’t really pay much attention until I sat down. I nearly spit out my coffee when I saw it; a yearly report by Focus On The Family showing record lows in the areas of teen pregnancies and suicides I shook my head, convinced I had heard wrong. I had heard the opposite the night before, on the evening news. My confusion grew when I heard no mention of the deaths of three soldiers in Iraq yesterday.

Convinced that I was imagining what they said, I finished getting ready and stepped outside. My jaw dropped. The neighborhood I lived in was run down. It hadn’t always been that way, but times had changed and the rent was cheap. I was use to seeing overgrown lawns and houses with chipped and peeling paint.

Instead what I saw before me was a suburban paradise. White picket fences surrounding well-maintained lawns. As I climbed into my car, the one thing that seemed unchanged, my neighbor waved and said good morning. Normally he just gave me the finger and walked away.

Even the drive to work was different. All around me were courteous, careful drivers. No one talking on a cell phone. No one trying to put on make up. I accidentally cut off a driver and instead of getting angry, I saw him mouth “sorry.”

School was no different. The normal, graffiti covered walls looked brand new. None of the students in the hall were fighting or making out; just talking quietly.
I entered my room and prepared for class. Once all the students were seated, I began the lesson, only to be interrupted by Ashley McGregor.

She asked why I hadn’t prayed before class and I stared at her, dumbfounded. After a moment I explained that I had never led the class in prayer. That it was illegal for me to do so, and had been since the sixties.

As the rest of the class laughed, Ashley explained that the bill to ban prayer in schools hadn’t passed. Politicians realized that by banning prayer, they were essentially supporting Atheism, violation the first amendment. Instead they ruled that anyone offended by their teacher’s prayers could wait in the hall or join other classes, allowing them to pray with teachers who shared their faith.
Smiling at here, I began to pray.

I awoke with a start, sitting up in my bed. It had all been a dream. Or had it? Thoughts raced through my mind, thinking about what could have happened if the bill to ban prayer had been struck down. Then I heard a sound like a gunshot.

With a heavy heart I walked to the window. Instead of the peaceful, idyllic world I hoped for, I saw the run down world I was use to. I saw two young men running down the street while another laid bleeding in the street; the source and target of the gunshot.

Emotions overwhelmed me as I sat on the edge of my bed. I held my hands over my eyes and wept tears of sorrow for what might have been.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

500th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is post number 500!!!!!!

A lot has happened in the last 500 posts, and hopefully more will happen soon. I played with a troll, posted a lot of stories, and close to getting some stuff published, and had a couple of conversations in comment sections. And I am ready to start into the next 500.

What will happen in the next 500? Who knows. more stories, that is for sure. How long will it take to get there? Again who knows. It took 6 months to get here from #400. That is the longest gap between these milestones since I reached #100. and my prediction in the Second anniversary post is way off. Hopefully it will be back to the 4 or 5 month range after this.

Rat's Theory

I saw this the other day and thought it was funny, although now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Looks like Al Gore needs to give back his Oscar, since his movie just helps add to the problem.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The CDC recently reported that in 2004, the number of suicides rose 8 percent in people ages 10-24. That might not seem like much, but considering the ages and amount of increase in 1 year, I would say that is quite an increase, and I doubt that it has changed much over the past couple of years.

The reason given is connected to antidepressants, which is possible, but this doesn't explain all of them, nor does it include the ones before antidepressant use became wide spread.

Personally I think it is all linked to the removal of prayer from schools.

I know what some people might be saying. "If course Mr. Born Again" is going to day that." but look at what is obvious to anyone who takes the time to think about it. it is an undeniable fact that crime, drug use, violance, suicides and several otehr things that most people would consider negative has been on the rise in the last forty years or so. Ever since prayer was removed from schools.

Maybe it's a coicidance, maybe not, but the statistics are there. fopr better or for worse (depending on the opinions and views of the individual reader) this county has been in something of a decline since that daily morality reminder was removed. as I said, may be a coicidance.

I had a dream about this once. a what if scenario. I turned it into a story. Might have to post it later.
I saw this on The Other Side Of Kim and got a bit worried.

“To most women, a writer is a self-absorbed misfit with poor personal hygiene and lamentable earning potential—we’re only a whisker above drummers in the future husband-material stakes.”

Then I remembered that 1.) I'm not relying on my writing (yet) for survival, seeing it as a hobby with the goal of making it into a career, and 2.) My personal hygiene might not be "Shower 3 times a day" good, but by no means would I say I have poor personal hygiene

And as far as I know I am not a self-absorbed misfit, but if I were, I would possibly say something like that, not realizing that I am a self absorbed misfit. So I will leave that up to the Non-Existent Readers who know me to answer.

With that being said, I don't think the quote would apply to me, but then again, you never know.

Some of the early comments (here) gave me confidence though. Although I'm still not going to start writing full time. I'm not confidant enough in my skills to rely on them for survival.

Not yet anyways :)
In honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day I figured I would post this. It's a fan video for Pirates Of The Caribbean set to the song "Salty Dog" by Flogging Molly.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sight Redesign Take 8

It's been almost a year since I did one of these. (found here)

Not too much has changed since then. I messed up the code and had to reset everything for a few hours, but everything is back to normal now. I took out the Save Stargate SG-1, for reasons listed here. but that is about the only thing that you might notice right away.

There have been some other changes though. Obviously I changed back after Halloween, changed it to the Tour color scheme, and will change it back to the Halloween color scheme at the end of the month. I also added Ad Sense at the end, mainly to see how much, if any, I can make off of it.

The biggest changes, in my opinion, are in the sidebar. I added some stuff to the Lost Worlds section, added the Lost Worlds Wiki, removed The Siege from the writing projects list, and listed it as a Completed Series. It was a little sad for me to remove it, but I was kind of proud too, because that means it's done. won't be long and a couple more projects will be listed there as well.

Writing Month--August 2007--Summary

I didn't do as good as I would like, but I got a fair amount done. I'm still typing some of it up, so the number of words will go up. I'm guessing that it will end up between 6500 and 7000.

Like I said, didn't get a huge amount written, but I did do a lot of work on various projects in my head, allowing me to write more in the future, which is always a good thing.

The biggest news is the item I mentioned at the end of this post. It's official, there is a Lost Worlds Wiki!!!!!!! The link is in the writing section, down by the LW stuff. It's kind of exciting to have it up. Not much on there yet, but I'm slowly adding more as I go.

Now that writing month is over, I have to start working on stuff for NaNoWriMo. Still not sure what I will do, but I have 49 days to decide.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Different Views Of 9/11

This morning while reading various blogs, I noticed something interesting. The conservative ones that had anything about 9/11 tended to be remembering the victims and honoring the rescue workers that died that day and the soldiers who have died since. Several of them chose not to post anything else today, so that their tributes would stay at the top of their sites.

The liberal blogs on the other hand either didn't post anything, or if they did it was just a quick paragraph that was quickly buried as they continued with business as usual. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It is their choice. What I found interesting is the fact that they used their tribute posts as a way to promote their political views. One, and I apologize for not remembering which one I read it on, even went on to honor all the enemy troops that have been killed in an unjust war.

Before I go any further, let me stress that I am not writing this to blast one side while extolling the virtues of the other. If I end up doing so, I'm sorry

Why do I find this interesting? Because it is interesting to see the differing views. One side chooses to memorialize the day, while the other decides to use the day as they see fit. That is their choice and something that is granted in the Constitution. I wouldn't have a problem with them doing that regardless of the side they are on.

I think the real question that should be asked is how should we memorialize 9/11? Should it be a day of quiet reflection or should it be spent sounding a battle cry of some sort?

In this day and age the issue is a moot point, as we are entitled to say what we want, when we want. If you agree with me fine, if not you're wrong. and with the spread of the Internet and the Blogosphere, it has become easier then ever for people to express their views. And whether we agree with it or not, everyone will remember 9/11 in their own way, either in silent tribute, or as a rallying point.

Monday, September 10, 2007

TNA Expands To Two Hours!

YEAH!!!!!!! TNA got a two hour time slot as well as a two year contract! I would say more, but I think I will let the video do the talking. :)

I might have to watch Heaven Sent, Hell Bound: The Best Of Christopher Daniels now. TNA action is always good., and I might as well celebrate this news by watching one of their best :)

Saturday, September 01, 2007


I have a cover artist!!!!!!

While at work today, I asked a friend of mine if he would do the cover art for my first book, which I realized the other day could be ready by the end of the week. so now I have someone to do the cover art!

Like I said, YEAH!!!!!