Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sinners repent, for the end is near.

You want proof?

My local Walmart has Revenge Of The Fallen figures.

And they had Animated figures around the same time everyone else was getting them.

if you know the local Walmart, you know that this is important in some form, and not just because we get new figures.

like I said, prepare, for the end is surly near.

In case any one is wondering, I got Breakaway (YAY!!! An Autobot Flier!!!!) and Rampage. Reviews, and pics, tomarrow or Monday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

That's what I've been doing wrong all this time. looks like I destroyed the Evil Review Board for giving me that "mildly irritating" rating last year for nothing.

Note to self: hire an evil lawyer to look into the legal ways to be more evil.

Note to self: is there such a thing as non evil lawyers? get the guys in R&D on that one, and destroy any good ones found.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I couldn't stop laughing while reading this

Interview With A Stick Of Butter

Does ruin my ideas for next weeks strips though.


no it doesn't.

That would imply I have some sort of plan for the strip.

Anyone who reads it knows that isn't true.
never heard of the band Wilco, but apparently they sent out a press release a while back about their new album, which contained the following part.

We also have our usual guilt abatement plan for downloaders. If you have downloaded the record, we suggest you make a donation to one of the band's favorite charities, the Inspiration Corporation -- an organization we've supported in the past & who are doing great work in the city of Chicago. Information and donation button here:

Not sure how many people who downloaded the album are going to do this, but it is a very cool idea.
Also while looking up stuff for the previous post, I learned that apparently Steve Wozniak was on Dances With The Stars! My parents watch the show religiously. I can't stand it but I would have watched to see one of the Great Nerds dance (and probably post humorous commentary about his inability to dance afterwards)

I'm a little mat at my parents right now.
While looking up some stuff for the previous post, I learned that yesterday was Nerd Pride Day I unknowingly did my part by wearing a Superman shirt to work, which is pretty mainstream, but I think counts. Would have done a comic about it too, but Memorial Day is more important.

Might do tomorrows about it though.



Don't get me wrong, I'm sure these people are geeks, nerds, and assorted other things that most people like me take pride in being (with the exception of dork. Only those strong with the Farce can truly call themselves dorks. or more accurately Dorki)

but like Wil when I think "I'm a geek and I'm proud" I think of guys like him, Kevin Pereira, and Steve Wozniak, who were in the video, as wll as others, like the guys from Penny Arcade. LaVar Burton was in there, as he should be because he is just that cool, but what about guys like Will Wright? Dude created the various Sims franchises. I'm thinking that is pretty geeky. And what about the other people Wil mentions in his post?

I understand that those of us who do things such as use words like Frak instead of real swear words don't have a monopoly on being a Geek, but it seems that this so called Geek Chic trend is being taken over by people who are saying they are a geek or nerd because it is the cool thing to do, not because it is who they are. I was a geek/nerd before it was cool; always have been, always will be. and I think something like this should be used to help those of us who may have been picked on at school as well as those who are being picked on (or will be) to realize that there is nothing wrong with being a geek/nerd. That being smarter then others or preferring intellectual pursuits over athletics and other mainstream things is ok. You are a geek. Be proud of it.
Why do I get the feeling I would do something like this?

Oh yeah. Because I'm evil.

On a side note, learning about this ability almost makes me want to get a PS3 before they go down in price


Saturday, May 23, 2009

I was just watching the main event of the first episode of WWE Superstars; Shane McMahon VS Cody Rhodes, and I noticed something. Cody has the Triforce on his boots. Apparently Cody is a big fan of the series and plays A Link To The Past every year.

The Son of a Son Of A Plumber (Dusty) just got a bit cooler.
Just checked my E-mail and apparently this is my birthday!

Or at least it is according to Maybe I should start actually using that site.
Before I get into more boring stuff, I would like to take a nerd moment and say with great excitement that

The Tour Starts In 42 Days!!!!!!!

That is all.
I think I should warn all of my Non-Exsistant Readers that the next few (several?) posts will have lots of science and/or religion. When I checked MSN's site this morning, I came across a couple of stories, one of which lead to several others. I have a fair amount to say about them and figured I would take a few posts to talk about different parts of the stories. This may involve a fair amount of research (darn) and I might not post them all to day. Stupid real life may have me doing other things, plus I wanted to get some writing done and my youngest nephew is visiting for the weekend, so I should probably spend some time playing with him.

On a completely unrelated note, he saw the drums for Guitar Hero and wanted to play. Other then the first few notes, to show him how to do it, he got 61% on The Joker on Beginner. Not that impressive, but he is four and has never played a rythem game before (well, not a Rockstar Simulator like Guitar Hero at any rate) so that is pretty impressive. Also, he was about ready to fall asleep (it was about 11:30, which is way past his bed time) so that might have affected his performance as well.

Now that the proud uncle moment is out of the way, I just felt I should warn people that there is science ahead.

Friday, May 22, 2009

"The Iceman" Ryan Canaday VS Bill Golden--LAst Man Standing Match--Red White And Bruised 2008

"The Iceman" Ryan Caanaday
The Iceman got his start in Wrestling late in 1999, using his martial arts skills and aerial abilities to win matches. Bill Golden took him under his wing and began training him and the pair soon won the WCWF Tag team titles. After Golden turned against him, Canaday went on to win several championships in WCWF, headlining some of their biggest shows. He also won several titles in other companies. Eventually he joined SPW, where his popularity has reached an all time high. Recognized as the face of SPW, Canaday is eagerly looking forward to regaining the Heavyweight Title at Night Of Champions, but he has to get past Bill Golden first.

Bill Golden
After dominating all competition in Powerslam Pro, Goiden became the most popular champion in company history. When PSP closed, he moved to MIW, where he won the heavyweight title. He also joined WCWF, where he began training the man who would become The Iceman. After turning against his protegee, Golden all but disappeared from pro wrestling until returning for WCWF Wreckage 2007, for a Finisher Match against The Iceman. The seeds were planted for their feud, and one of the most brutal feuds in MWA history was on the horizon. Now Golden wants just 3 things. 1.) destroy The Iceman. 2.) Take his King Of The Cage title shot. 3.) Defeat Triple X to become SPW Heavyweight Champion.

Feud History
When The Iceman, then calling himself Subzero, first joined WCWF in 1999, he knew almost no wrestling moves and relied on his martial arts training to win matches. Bill Golden began training him and the pair soon won the tag titles. while they made several successful title defenses. eventually Golden grew frustrated by Canaday's lack of wrestling skills and turned against his partner before leaving WCWF. While both men continued their careers, they took very different paths. Golden all but disappeared, while The Iceman skyrocketed to fame and won several belts. Over the years they have been engaged in a war of words, with occasional teases of a feud. After The Iceman won their match at Wreckage, everything seemed to be fine and the feud ended with them as friends, but a few months later, Golden attacked Iceman at a WCWF show. Their feud raged between both SPW and WCWF, including the final round of the King Of The Cage Tournament and a Back Ally Brawl match, as well as one that started outside the ring and ended in the Atlantic Ocean. with Night Of Champions one month away and The Iceman's King OF The Cage title shot on the line, the stakes have never been higher. One of the most brutal feuds in recent history ends tonight.


"The Iceman" Ryan Canaday took on Bill Golden in a Last Man Standing Match, which has the potential to be the most brutal match in SPW history. After a video highlighting the history of these two men, set to the tune of "In The End" bu Linkin Park, it was time for the match to start.

The match started before the bell even rang as The Iceman, who came out first, dove over the top rope and landed on Golden. Unlike their match at Spring Break, this was legal and the ref called for the bell. Iceman continued to punch Golden in the head and went for a Garbage Can from under the ring, but before he could pull it all the way out, Golden grabbed him from behind and sent him to the ground with a Belly To Back Suplex. He dragged The Hardcore Hero to the ring steps and bounced his head off them a few times until Canaday blocked him and kicked back, nailing Golden with a Low Blow.

Canaday grabbed the Garbage Can and as the fans chanted "Lets Get Hardcore" He smashed it against Golden's head and back several times. He then pulled a 20 foot ladder from under the ring and set it up, but Golden slammed Canaday's head into the ladder and whipped him into the ring posts. Golden grabbed a Street Sign and nailed Canaday with it before retreating to the back.

Canaday followed him, but Golden surprised him with a Steel Chair to the face, busting the Modern Day Warrior open. HE then Powerbombed Canaday through a nearby snack table. He went to grab Canaday, but The Iceman smashed him in the head with a plastic tray and continued using it as a weapon before whipping Golden into a Coke Machine. the impact sent a can dropping into the dispensing area and after shaking it up and spraying Golden in the face with it, Canaday chugged the soda and smashed the can on Golden's head.

An angry Golden, blood starting to flow from a cut on his fore head, drove his shoulder into Canaday and sent both of them crashing into a wall. He then whipped Canaday into a door, but it wasn't latched and he went through it as it opened. Canaday slammed the door shut on Golden, but that didn't stop him from going through it as Golden crashed through the door. Canaday was ready for him and hit him in the head with a couch cushion, stunning Golden and DDTing him into a coffee table before sending him through a desk with the Millenium Suplex.

Canaday grabbed Golden and threw him head first into the door frame several times before throwing him out off the room. With blood pouring down bothe their faces, The Iceman set up a chair and was about to Powerbomb Golden into it when he escaped and dropped the Hardcore Hero face first onto it instead. He saw a window and smiled. Golden threw Canaday towards it, hoping to repeat the injury The Iceman sustained a week before Brawl In The Bronx, but Canaday was ready for it and jumped as Golden threw him, allowing him to go through the window higher and avoid another gash. Golden entered the room and tore off the Hardcore Hero's shirt, revealing several small puntcure wounds. He grabbed Canaday, but was greated by a Light Tube smashed over his head.

He dragged Golden out of the room and threw him into some near by pallets. He grabbed a chair and smashed it against Golden's head a few times, but Golden managed to connect with a Kidney Punch and took the Chair from The Iceman, using it against him. He Suplexed Canaday onto a Pallet, breaking a few boards and set up the chair before sending him crashing into, and through, it with a Jackknife Powerbomb. He turned to the ref and told him to start the ten count, but the ref reminded him that the ten count must be made inside the ring.

kicking Canaday a few times, Golden grabbed him by the foot and dragged him to the ring, leaving a bloody trail behind him. Golden threw Canaday into the ring and climbed onto the apron, but The Iceman managed to recover in time to send Golden to the floor with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb.

Canaday threw a bag of something into the ring and turned around, but was greeted by a Big Boot. Golden drove Canaday's head into the ring post several times before grabbing a table and setting it up. Placing a chair on top of it, he send the Hardcore Hero through them with another Jack Knife Powerbomb before rolling him into the ring. The ref started the ten count and a bloody Modern Day Warrior slowly began pulling himself up with the ropes. before the could get to his feet, Golden struck with a big boot and told the ref to continue the count. Canaday again pulled himself up and again Golden kicked him down. The third time Golden went for the Big Boot, but Canaday moved and Golden went crotch first into the ropes. Canaday sent him to the mat with a Snapmare and followed it up with a Shining Wizard before grabbing the bag and pouring it's contents ont the mat; thousands of Thumbtacks.

Golden stared to get to his feet, but Canaday sent him to the mat with an Evenflow DDT before leaving the ring and grabbing the ladder he tried to use before. He set it up in the corner and grabbed Golden. He tried to escape but Canaday drove his knee into Golden's face a few times and then sent him into the tacks with the Millennium Suplex. With tacks in his back as well, Canaday climbed to the top of the ladder and after saying a quick prayer, he jumped, nailing Golden with the Sonicrotation. He rolled away and lay there as the ref made the ten count. Ten seconds later and the Iceman had won one of the most brutal matches in SPW history.

Aftermath: None. Until I get more done, Red White and Bruised is the present, so at the moment there is no after math to report from this match. to see what happens next, keep checking SPW for updates.
Dude! It's Transformers as computer devices. THAT TRANSFORM!

Do I really need to explain the Awsecooltaculerness of this?

Should probably post a link though. so you can see the Dinobot Mouse, Ravage 2 GB Flash drive, and Blaster USB Hub.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I just found out that my parent's cat Spooky had kittens :)

I haven't seen them and we don't know how many there are, but she showed my dad them (she is basically his cat) and one of them is grey. Hopefully, since Spooky is tamer now, they will be tamer then Forest, the one survivor from her last litter.

Hopefully she will let me get some pics to post soon. either way

We Have Baby Kitties :)
Brilliant. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on this one.

Pearls Before Swine

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

ok this is kind of sad. Hasbro is obviously taking advantage of the fans here. I saw This om TFW2005 and I had to laugh. The first wave figs arn't even officially out yet (or they just came out, forget which0 and apparently the next wave already has atleast one repaint in it! Usually those are saved for later waves, when mainly collectors or people who just want a new toy are buying them, not people who want the figs they saw on the show/movie.

at the same time, I can't help but drool over the fact that it is a decent looking fig with a realistic motorcycle alt mode. with Animated Prowl, Movie Arcee, and Cybertron Lugnutz, they have been spoiling us motorcyclists with good toys.

Obviously I'm not referring to Arcee's Revenge Of The Fallen toy when I say good toys. Shame on you people who threw out her completed character model and used an entirely new one instead.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

yep. changed back the the "Blue and Black Attack".

It feels good. kind of classic me.
This is kind of weird/cool.

I got a lot of friend requests over the past couple of weeks on Myspace, mostly from various indie bands. I have a hard time soome times denying them, because I know that they are working their butts off to get noticed and make a living with their music much as I am with my writing.

The weird/cool part is that two of them started their friend requests with a variation of the message "Saw your page and liked it."ordinarily that might send up red flags about whether they were real or not, but after checking out the one (that was all they said tin their request message. the other had an ad for their new album in it too) Hopefully it is a "we like your profile and want to hire you to design out sites" like because they need the help (and I wouldn't mind the money, even if it wouldn't be much)

both need help with their profiles. They used Pimp-My-Profile. And while that did result in one having a pleasant background consisting of various shades of blue, both were very busy. The one's site is even worse, one of the busiest, hardest to read sites I've seen since my oldest nephew redid his profile on Myspace. It is horribly painful and looks very amateurish.

I'm not saying that mine is awesome. in fact, here is a link to it. Simple, elegant, and yet kind of cool looking (in fact I'm thinking about bringing the blue and black attack back to the Freak Show. at least until the standard "Tour Colors" take over for July and then back to the current "Represent The Corp" for the rest of Blackest Night) You don't have top have an elaborate page design. In fact I know someone who went to school for design and my sites are usually better, and all I know is HTML and some very basic Javascript!

Both these groups need help, especially the one with their own site. If you happen to stumble across this, let me know. Maybe I can help. Even if it is just some advice on their site design.
Me, Kofi Kingston, WIl Wheaton, and a classmate from high school who I never hung out with much were driving around in Jairus' old car. We were driving in the Cities and turned down an ally before stopping at a store front that looked exactly like Fat Freddy's, but wasn't, since that is in Willmar and we were in the Cities.

We got out and Wil tried to open the door and found it to be locked. After trying a few times, Synch pulled up in a Nova. After a few questions about whether or not he was supposed to be dead, he pulled out several garbage bags with resealed cans of Orange Crush. Once opened, marijuana smoke started pouring out. Synch had invented Disposable, Recyclable bongs!

Then the alarm went off.

Weirdest. Dream. Ever.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

As I mentioned yesterday, I am working on creating a web comic. I posted one of the strips on here (just look at the post below for the strip) and I even set up an account and site for it here on Blogger. (don't bother looking, it's hidden)

I spent all day working on it, getting the strips to look decent and readable, finishing them up and uploading them, putting together yesterdays (which was a last minute one) and posting stuff. The last time I checked my Gmail account, which I set up just for the comic, there was nothing from Comic Genesis (this was around 10:30 PM)

At 11:01 I got an e-mail saying my site was ready.

So now I have to move everything over to there. At least I didn't have to do a bunch of site design stuff that might not transfer over, and I should have a better site over all to work with.

Just wish they had sent that at 11:01 AM, not PM.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Happy Birthday Transformers

Today is the 25th anniversary of the release of Transformers #1, the first peice of fiction (except for some commercials) for the franchise. Below is the strip I did for today for my web comic. No link to it now, since there are only 4 strips, but this is todays

Two big YAY!!!!moments I just saw.

First, apparently Linkin Park's next album, which according to Wikipedia will be called "Chester's Dead By Sunrise", will be a concept album! I've always liked Concept Albums, and Linkin Park should be able to make a great one, possibly even one to rival my favs, The Wall, Dark Side Of The Moon, AND Truthless Heroes (Which, by the way, is not listed on Wikipedia's list of concept albums. Might have to change that after I'm done posting this.

Second, they are doing a song for Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen and it's not "Leave Out All The Rest" like some rumors have said, but a new song called "New Divide"

And on a completely unrelated note, with Project's next album, "Picket Fence Cartel" comes out on Bastille Day (July 14) and "Chester's Dead By Sunrise" Is supposed to be out this fall. Wish they would both hurry up ad come out sooner, I wan to listen to them now.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Just saw an assignment on AC asking people for their top 20 Punk songs.

I love Punk, but do I consider myself enough of fan to have 20 favs? and do they have to be traditional punk or do off shoots like Celtic and Steam punk count?

Oh well. I have 7 days before it is due to decide.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

um I think LOL pretty much sums it up

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Saw this on the front page of the Startrib web site.

The Environmental Protection Agency says that corn ethanol — as made today — has a worse impact on climate than gasoline when land use changes are considered.

Aren't these the same idiots that said that Ethanol was better for the environment? you would think the EPA would have known about before saying that.

I do like how they cover their butts and say "as made today", meaning, I'm sure, that they are right about the ecological benefits of Ethanol, just not the way it's made right now.

Monday, May 04, 2009

I was a little concerned when I saw that no one had read the stuff I had posted on AC on Friday, but I just checked my stats again after not checking them all weekend, and They have! Even Alliances Formed Ch 6 got \read, and no one has read that since I posted it. Might have something to do with the fact that I started adding the chapter numbers, so people know that I'm not just posting the same story over and over again. Someone went there to read the most recent chapter and read the rest as well. Something like that.

Not only that, But Girl In The Attic has had 12 people read it. That is only half way to Dragon's Fury's 26, but I might have to keep an eye on those numbers to see what I post this Wednesday.